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My Sisters Collection

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 14:33
by Doctor Avalanche
My 12 inch Collection - Sorry about the terrible quality and my feeble attempt at joining photos


My CD and 7 inch Collection


I'm proud of my little beauties

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 14:41
by markfiend
My bootlegs:


I've not photographed my vinyl though.

Edit: Poo, I must have taken that photo down. Oh well; a photo of a CD flight case isn't very edifying anyway. :lol:

Edit again: Oh. It's there now. :?:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 15:10
by dinky daisy
i've got the albums. For all other bootlegs see this photograph:


I downloaded bootlegs... now THAT is meta-illegal! But is illegal downloading an illegal recording still very illegal?

Re: My Sisters Collection

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 16:03
by Rise&Reverberate
Doctor Avalanche wrote:I'm proud of my little beauties
...and so you should be Tony, nice collection there....but where does ur missus sleep :innocent:

Re: My Sisters Collection

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 16:43
by Doctor Avalanche
Rise&Reverberate wrote:....but where does ur missus sleep :innocent:

In the Shed of coarse :lol:

I can't be having her come between me and my Jap pressing of 1st & last & Always. Thats grounds for divorce my friend :lol:

She knows her place bless her.

By the way, please don't tell her I said this, not that I'm scared of her or anything :lol:
She usually sleeps in the spare room anyway cos apparently I snore like a fog horn.......can't see it myself though :lol:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 16:44
by Bartek
accept one "legal" bootleg and one "illegal" bootleg :twisted: i have got about 8 cd's with bootlegs on mp3 format und 4 singles (3vt era + UTG)

i'm such a poor boy :roll:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 19:00
by taylor
>I'm proud of my little beauties

Sure not victim of the sleeves condition :D

Re: My Sisters Collection

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 19:11
by mugabe
Doctor Avalanche wrote:My 12 inch Collection
Looks like someone threw up on your WYDSM-12". Can't blame him.

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 20:26
by allfear
Im selling all of my sisters vinyl bar 3 bootleg LPs

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 21:01
by Ramone
That's your Sister's record collection..I tell you what, she's got a lot of vinyl! I chose to actually buy my own discs back in the day.

But kudos to you spending all your paper round/ student grant / wages on them. I used to have a huge Sisters tour poster collection, but they slowly ebbed away ( stolen, ripped,got paint on etc..) over the years. Then it was tapes, and you never used to care how scratchy or boomy they sounded - it was da Sisters live, and no one else you knew had it!! So there!. And you used to spend ages rewinding and playing again the bits where Eldrtich mumbled something to see if it was coherent. Or if you could hear your voice in the crowd shouting for Body Electric!!! - thinking he may go 'alright, just for that annoying twit over there, here's Body Electric..1,2.3.4" - but it never happened, at least not during my waking hours!

Yo! Snootchie Bootchies.

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 22:18
by James Blast

which is why I can never find anything :oops:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 22:21
by mh
allfear wrote:Im selling all of my sisters vinyl bar 3 bootleg LPs
And how does your sister feel about this? :lol:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 22:28
by James Blast
Sisters' - pertaining to the popular beat combo
sister's -pertaining to a female sibling

No? :lol:

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 22:45
by aims
Reminds me of a very confused discussion with a friend's mum when I responded to a question about siblings with something to do with Amazon being particularly tardy in delivering :innocent: