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Recommend me some early Genesis

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 20:38
by mh
OK, I'll bite.

Lotsa mention of how great they were before the Artful Dodger took over, so where's the best place to start if a bloke was interested in getting some stuff?

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 20:45
by Obviousman
Well, herr Blast did an amazing job recommending me stuff (listening to Trespass right now, really good :notworthy:), I'll leave the real work to him, but he told me to start with Live. Which was very very very good indeed :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 20:49
by weebleswobble
Peter Gabriel's conceptual lyricism reached its apex on thedouble-length LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY. An epic undertaking even for a band used to 10- and 20-minute songs, LAMB weaves over 20 songs into one long suite ostensibly about the tribulations of its urban protagonist, Rael. The group achieves an unprecedented level of focus and force here. No matterhow complex the guitar and keyboard themes get, they're driven home with enough force and conviction to make them instantly memorable.
The panoramic scale of Gabriel's lyrics is easily equal to the grandeur of the music, making this at once Genesis's most hard-edged and most complicated album. From the lush sweep of the opening title track to the almost Beatles-esque Britpop of "Counting Out Time", Genesis is at the top of its compositional game throughout LAMB. Having thoroughly topped himself with this release, Gabriel subsequently quit the group, leaving Phil Collins to take over as vocalist for the next phase of the Genesis story.

that was fae Amazon not me :wink: But it is a good album

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 21:56
by Badlander
To put it simply : from my experience, all the albums from the second (the first one, From Genesis to Revelation, being quite primitive IIRC) to LAMB are worth a listen, with LAMB being a classic among classics. The first one after PG's departure (A Trick of the Tail) is quite decent too, even if that's Phil Collins singing. TBH I could hardly tell the difference.

All the rest is sh!t but you already knew that. ;D

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 22:25
by Pat
I always thought Misplaced Childhood was there best album but Brave has a couple of good tracks despite the new singer. :innocent:

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 22:27
by bushman*pm
surely people can tell when they're havin their p*ss*r pulled??!!
suggest you take some vit c, lotsa alcohol and then awake from this abominable nightmare and crank up to 11 canon in d or the trumpet voluntary!

btw, my range rover is better than yours so there!

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:04
by weebleswobble
bushman*pm whatever it is you are on can you please send some up to Glasgow for the weekend

:eek: :lol: :wink:

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:16
by James Blast
Blast Products 2006â„¢ are only a PM away Michael, in fact... let's just say, product will be en route by Friday ;D

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:20
by mh

and I may have something to reciprocate with shortly...


Anyway, I'm beginning to get interested in this Land Rover.

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:28
by James Blast
mh wrote:Anyway, I'm beginning to get interested in this Land Rover.
I feel so cheap now :cry:

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:36
by bushman*pm
i married my witch girlfriend last year at rosslyn chapel,
had the canon in d played on the organ whilst lounging around awaiting my bride to be and her procession down the isle to me was the trumpet voluntary
and i was almost sobbing at this vision of loveliness in her cream and turquoise god-sent creation
so 'scuse me while i get mushed-up but it still bring a lump to my throat when i hear them!
btw, listen to 'haste ye' by clan an drumma, perhaps not what you would expect from someone on this site but its worth a listen to
bbtw, try 'herbal highs with red bull! done my head in soooo much i got us lost on the way to bauhaus @ the forum, i thought it was in kilburn!

stay cool people

Posted: 23 Aug 2006, 23:54
by mh
James Blast wrote:
mh wrote:Anyway, I'm beginning to get interested in this Land Rover.
I feel so cheap now :cry:
Sssssh. What was the name of that band with someone who used to be able to clear out phlegm and fart at the same time? :wink:

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 00:06
by weebleswobble

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 00:19
by Hexenstübchen
The Musical Box. :von:

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 23:02
by steamhammerdave
Foxtrot is the only Genesis album I listen to nowadays

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 23:12
by James Blast
steamhammerdave wrote:Foxtrot is the only Genesis album I listen to nowadays
Erse! Live and Trespass are the classics.
Ok Selling England to.

mh, product burned, in the post thi morra

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 07:51
by wild bill buttock
Gotta agree with Trespass.The only vinyl Genesis album I've bothered to replace with CD(Wore the vinyl out)."Stagnation" is possibly one of the greatest pieces of music ever.
My elder Sister was a mad Genesis fan in the early 70's and used to drag me along to their gigs when I was in my early teens.I remember seeing them as a support band when Gabriel used to sit on the edge of the stage telling stories in between songs dressed as a flower.'Kin Hippies!

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 12:36
by Petseri
My nod goes to Selling England by the Pound. The pieces seem to fit best there.

Although muddying the waters a bit, I suggest giving their frst album From Genersis to Revelation a listen. Much ifferent than their concept albums, but for historical purposes worth listening.

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 13:03
by culprit
I agree, Selling England By The Pound is my favourite, followed by Lamb, Then back thru Live, Foxtrot & Nursery Crime.
I find I can only listen to Lamb all the way through, and Foxtrot & Nursery Crime have a bit of filler.

With regard to the era when Gabriel left, the first two albums, especially Wind & Wurthering, are still musically excellent.

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 13:24
by bushman*pm
im begining to get a bit worried regarding some of those lurking on this forum!
im off to elastic band vs shoelace collector forum!

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 14:22
by James Blast
The Prog will out! :evil:

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 14:33
by bushman*pm
ah daft question corner?
WTF is the prog?
ive bin cave dwelling 4 2 long!

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 14:51
by markfiend
Prog Rock.


Wiki is your friend.

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 15:15
by bushman*pm
murky buckets but not my bag,
i prefer something slightly less pretentious than some twit dressed up as a wizard playing with his organ on a cliff top!
huh huh huh huh huh!!!!!
how about that girly geezer twiddling his cane in a woolen/weaving mill/factory and then running for the train??!!
stroppy looking tart as well!

Posted: 25 Aug 2006, 15:54
by wild bill buttock
Quote from Wiki on Prog rock;

"Progressive rock is difficult to define conclusively and to everyone's satisfaction, as the bands bear little resemblance to one another in their respective sounds and fan bases. Outspoken King Crimson leader Robert Fripp has voiced his disdain for the term. Indeed, in some cases the bands themselves or well-known critics would question whether one or another of the above bands fit the term “progressive rock� as it is now defined by the music industry, as well as many fans"

Sustitute "Prog rock" for er...something else and Frippy for Von and what are they describing then? :innocent: