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New Member: LUMANO

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:32
by lumano
Hello mates.

I am Luis, from Mexico, and I would like to introduce myself as a new member of this group.

(Note: If somehow you feel I am hurting your feelings, sorry, I am not, it must be just because I made some translation mistakes and I apologize in advance).

Why am I here? Well, it is a long story. I heard TSOM in 1987 (less or so), and since then I have been grabbed by their music. I found some strong energy that compels me to want to hear more from them.

Unfortunately, I come from a very small city in Mexico, and if it is hard to have access to good music in this country, you can imagine what it is like in a small city of this nation.

The only means available to get interesting music (because most of the music we receive comes from USA, and we have to stick to it), is by asking to a friend who would be traveling to UK or Europe to go to a music store and buy something for us. Please, I am not saying USA doesn’t have good music; it is just perhaps I haven’t found it yet (in my own particular taste of music, and that gives us plenty to talk about in other chats).

This form of buying music has many disadvantages: first, in a country as close to US as ours, many people would rather go, or can only afford to go, to Disneyland than to go to London; second, if you are a lucky man, and you know someone that would be traveling to UK, please pray to God that he isn’t a “Michael Jackson fan� or a “Spears buddy�; third, if your friend is not that committed to music as yourself, save your time and money, he would bring you anything he finds, and probably would buy you the same LP that you already have (Murphy’s law).

In 1989 I started my career and forgot about music because I went away and lost touch with many of my friends with whom I used to share music.

But, now, with a master degree, married with almost 2 children, a sedentary business man, TSOM comes to my life with the 2006 gig in an underground bar at Monterrey City. There is when I met three very interesting guys: Andrew from Scotland, Eva from Sweden and Scott, which I think he’s from England, and inform me that there is life after Floodland, Some Girls Wander by Mistake, and the most known TSOM LP’s.

And here I am, trying to catch up with 10+ years of being away, and trying to get in touch with my gothic inside and with people that share similar taste of music or philosophy. Like a lovely aunt of mine said after loosing her memory for a whole year (RIP): “(laughing): Well, you can take away that year from my age, I am really 1 year younger that what my born certificate says!!!�

If you have any questions, I would kindly answer all of them.

Thank you, nice to meet you.


Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:43
by DarkAngel

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:49
by weebleswobble
Welcome LUMANO, enjoy the ride, Fuds are located to the left, right and rear of the forum. :wink:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:50
by spot778
:notworthy: Forbidden Zone :notworthy:

Hola Luis

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:07
by scotty
That's what I like, short sharp posts, Hello.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:09
by Dark
Hiza. ;D

Re: New Member: LUMANO

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:11
by canon docre
lumano wrote: There is when I met three very interesting guys: Andrew from Scotland, Eva from Sweden and Scott, which I think he’s from England, and inform me that there is life after Floodland, Some Girls Wander by Mistake, and the most known TSOM LP’s.
Good to hear that HL 's very own proselytizers are busy around the globe to collect some poor souls.
Eva is from Switzerland if I recall correctly, but it maybe isnt that important. It's both beginning with an 's'.

However, feel warm and cozy inside here and have a tea.

P.S. We don't like music from the US of A either. :wink:

Re: New Member: LUMANO

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:17
by scotty
lumano wrote:

If you have any questions, I would kindly answer all of them.
Who thought bringing in Scrappy would add anything to the Scooby Doo team?..............who was it?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:17
by Zuma
Welcome on board!

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:38
by Obviousman
From Mexico? :eek: Now that certainly is something else then Belgium :lol:

Welgekomen 8)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:48
by Badlander
Hello and welcome to HL. Image

It is a strange but nonetheless lovely place. 8)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 17:54
by bushman*pm
Guten Tag
nice to see a Mexican element in the mix

Re: New Member: LUMANO

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 18:00
by 9while9
scotty wrote:
lumano wrote:

If you have any questions, I would kindly answer all of them.
Who thought bringing in Scrappy would add anything to the Scooby Doo team?..............who was it?
You have a damn good point here....and I'm not refering to the one at the top of your head. :D

Oh, an welcome Lumano. 8)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 18:06
by libby
Badlander wrote:Hello and welcome to HL. Image

It is a strange but nonetheless lovely place. 8)
It certainly is :D
Hello and welcome from over here too :!:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:04
by James Blast
Lovely first post Lumano welcome Image

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:04
by mh
Buenos dias Ghenerale!

Always nice to see a new face.

Thank you friends

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:27
by lumano
Sweden, Switzerland..?? They start with "SW" and both are really far away from me!!. The most important matter in that quote is the presence of a beautiful person that likes the same music as I do.

Once, I fell in love immediately with a girl just because one of her favorite songs was "What she said" (The Smiths, also from UK); which both of them were pretty rare at that time (the song, and a girl with such taste in music). That is how important is music to me.

If you don't like US music, then, I found my place!!! I'm home!!, Please take me home!!

Thanks mates.

I'll try to stick to the rules.



Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:33
by Obviousman
Rules? What's that? ;D

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:34
by Pat
The Smiths :eek: You were doing so well up to then.

Ah well, welcome aboard.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:35
by EvilBastard
weebleswobble wrote:Welcome LUMANO, enjoy the ride, Fuds are located to the left, right and rear of the forum. :wink:
While those at the front's view is blocked by the World's Tallest Living Woman, namely Eva :lol:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:35
by lumano
That is what we received in Mexico back then.

And now.javascript:emoticon(':(')

Re: Thank you friends

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:38
by James Blast
lumano wrote:Once, I fell in love immediately with a girl just because one of her favorite songs was "What she said"
but did she fall in love with you, we need to know :wink:
Pat wrote: The Smiths :eek: You were doing so well up to then.
Amen! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:41
by aims

Morrisey 4 ev0r :von:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:41
by lumano
I could swear that she did... but didn't tell me either.

Re: Thank you friends

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 19:41
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:
lumano wrote:Once, I fell in love immediately with a girl just because one of her favorite songs was "What she said"
but did she fall in love with you, we need to know :wink:
Pat wrote: The Smiths :eek: You were doing so well up to then.
Amen! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ... 40,00.html
- Mexican-American Morrissey/Smiths Fans 8) :D