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The Damed's Eloise single version

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 11:00
by Maisey
Why does my copy of the Eloise 12" have no lyrics until the last verse (after the quiet bit). I personally thought this was a damn shame considering the quality of the rest of the song. Is this normal or have I in fact got an uber rare misprint?

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 12:35
by Arch Deviant
Sounds like a damned joke to me :lol:

Buy the version by UFO, it's much better and has full lyrics :wink:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 18:26
by SomeKindOfStranger
Arch Deviant wrote:Sounds like a damned joke to me :lol:

Buy the version by UFO, it's much better and has full lyrics :wink:
but on the downside,, IT'S BY UFO!! :urff:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 19:08
by James Blast
I have absolutely no problem with UFO

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 20:40
by bushman*pm
UFO? is this ANOTHER poxy AOR/prog-rok bollox thing?
bah, im going back to my cave!
:von: :lol:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 21:48
by James Blast
Why don't U F Off, they were a Welsh Heavy Metal band from the 70s and they seriously kicked 'erse (with and without Schenker - a German).
No AOR from them.

now buy a Corsa, wimp ;D

Re: The Damed's Eloise single version

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:51
by wild bill buttock
Maisey wrote:Why does my copy of the Eloise 12" have no lyrics until the last verse (after the quiet bit). I personally thought this was a damn shame considering the quality of the rest of the song. Is this normal or have I in fact got an uber rare misprint?
You want to think yourself semi-lucky.If you were really lucky the single would contain no vocals or music at all :innocent:

I've said it before,The Damned-brilliant punk band but a f**king s**t goth band

'kin UFO?You're taking the p*ss surely Blast? [/b]

Re: The Damed's Eloise single version

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:20
by James Blast
wild bill buttock wrote:I've said it before, The Damned-brilliant punk band but a f**king s**t goth band
I agree
wild bill buttock wrote:'kin UFO?You're taking the p*ss surely Blast? [/size][/b]
I do not agree Fartypants, having seen them with Schenker and Chapman.
Damn fine Rawk band.
Revr'nd Image

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 01:08
by wild bill buttock
Sadly I have a limited knowledge of UFO.However I'm sure I once saw them on a TV show performing a live version of a tune called "Lights out in London" or something.When this staggeringly avarage piece of plop reached its climatic chorus,guess what?Yep the lights on stage went out.Never saw that coming :eek: .Then again it could well have been "Urinal Heep" and not UFO at all.
I have heard of Micheal Schenker.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was in "The Micheal Schenker group" at one time. :wink:

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 10:01
by Arch Deviant
[quote="wild bill buttock"]Sadly I have a limited knowledge of UFO.However I'm sure I once saw them on a TV show performing a live version of a tune called "Lights out in London" or something.When this staggeringly avarage piece of plop reached its climatic chorus,guess what?quote]

That would be akin to once seeing the Sisters on a TV show performing a live version of a tune called "I Want More" or something, and then making a gross mis-judgement on their entire repertoire. A sad case.