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Now what is vision thing supposed to mean?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 19:12
by Tidal
So I was wondering whilst listening to Detonation Boulevard. Great song if you ask me, but somehow this forum taught me to feel guilty about such a thought- because Mr. :von: made Vision Thing an album in which nothing is what it seems. And that actually liking any of them would ridicule me because I don't understand what the real meaning of the song is.

Well, I give up. I have heard Vision Thing about fifty times now ( or so I estimate, by how many times I hear each song individually in my PC playlists), and I haven't got a clue. What's cynical, what's bitter about looking good in ribbons? Or a black hole in a killing zone? Or being impressed until you hit the floor?

I heard vision thing was supposed to be a parody on "rawk". Well, it sounds damn like "rawk" to me, so what is in it that assures the real Sisters fan that it is not?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 19:23
by DTS
I think George Bush ( the father of the current one), said during a speech " Vision thing" .... and Von took it as the title of the album ( which is unquestionably not US friendly).

That's what I have heard....

Posted: 21 May 2007, 19:49
by Maisey
what's bitter about looking good in ribbons?
Along with "flowers on the razor wire" that phrase could be taken to mean "she looks good while she's self harming" (cutting herself to ribbons is a comman phrase).

I think "I was wrong" is looking at a break up where his love has left him for another man, but with some bitter humour "I can love my fellow man, but I'm damned if I'll love yours". Again, taking a comman phrase and making it a whole lot more sinister.

Something fast is packed to the brim with the sleazy end of sex and drugs. A red light implies a prositution district and I think its fair to say that a certain chemical could be descibed as "fast".

Eldritch once said that, although its quite a dark album, its actually rather funny. I think Vision thing should be listened too while smiling out of the corner of your mouth.

Sisters lyrics can be a pain to disypher, but don't get so het up This forum shouldn't teach you to feel guilty. I fond that most sisters fans (and dirty goffiks) tend to be quite bright, and most bright people tend to be opinionated, and will voice said opinions. Don't let that perturb you. State what you think, and don't be afraid to enter into discussion!

Know where the line is between how a song makes you feel and what a song is actually about. Those of us that like Vision thing will tell you that it rawks, and them that don't will probably tell you to bugger off and listen to some Motorhead. But nobody will try and tell you that something fast is about mushroom picking. Do you see where I'm coming from?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 19:50
by christophe
it was something like that yes.

I remember there was a site that explained the whole album but I have lost the link.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 20:28
by Dr. Moody

Posted: 21 May 2007, 20:28
by Badlander
DTS wrote:I think George Bush ( the father of the current one), said during a speech " Vision thing" .... and Von took it as the title of the album ( which is unquestionably not US friendly).
Most definitely. Wasn't it somehow related to his idea of New World Order ? Anyway, it has to do with US policy.

Posted: 21 May 2007, 20:52
by christophe
that was the one :D

Posted: 21 May 2007, 22:54
by EvilBastard
Keef really really likes Vision Thing - why not drop him a line? :lol:

Posted: 22 May 2007, 10:10
by markfiend
Maisey wrote:I think "I was wrong" is looking at a break up where his love has left him for another man, but with some bitter humour "I can love my fellow man, but I'm damned if I'll love yours". Again, taking a comman phrase and making it a whole lot more sinister.
I love that line. I was in a similar situation not long after VT came out. :lol: