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XP Office...

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 20:57
by Planet Dave
How much should one look to be paying for this? Our old and slightly knock-off copy no longer works thanks to those scumbags at microsoft insisting that people pay to use their software. Fckrs. Anyway, t'missus needs Office in its various guises for her degree course which starts up again next week, and it looks like we're gonna have to bite the bullet. So, before she gets ripped off by the bloke in the shop down the road, what's the going rate please? I'm sure one of you knowledgable types will know... :D

Many thanks in advance.... :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 21:02
by eotunun
There's Open Office for free, which handles similarly, has advantages at handling big files (According to what I heard, I don't have that much to say (elsewhere, that is) thus I can't speak out off my own eyperience). <= Looky here.. ;D

Editted thrice... :roll:

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 21:23
by Pat
If you or someone you know uses Office at work, Microsoft will sell you or them a copy of Office for about 10quid which includes p&p for use in the home.There should be a link on the Microsoft site somewhere,it's about 6 month since I was offered a copy.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 21:42
by Planet Dave
Cheers for the replies :D Am currently d/ling openoffice, so we'll see how that goes.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 21:48
by eotunun
They didn't reinvent the wheel, some buttons are just placed differently.
Some troubles at reading MS-Office files, some troubles at exporting to them. Nothing you couldn't solve by editting.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 22:04
by Obviousman
Wasn't impressed by OpenOffice myself TBH. For the other one, plenty of solutions.

Posted: 13 Sep 2007, 23:03
by psichonaut
I use my friend copy...and he uses his friend copy...and.... :| :) :D :lol: ;D :innocent:

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 07:04
by Pista
IIRC, you can download the full blown version from giganews.
Means registering & getting a reader, but it's quick.
The downside is that when you do actually install it etc. it takes you to the MS website where upon you have to register it & pay a license.
A heads up for those who want to take a copy home from work & pop it on your home pc.
They are usually encoded so as soon as another installation happens, the company who bought the disc will get a bill for another user license.
Sneaky baskets :roll:

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 11:56
by markfiend
Go for OpenOffice. What's the point of tying yourself to Micro$oft when you don't have to?

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 12:08
by streamline
markfiend wrote: What's the point of tying yourself to Micro$oft when you don't have to?
Does the demon's full name activate the swear filter now?? :eek: :lol:

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 12:35
by markfiend
:lol: no it's just me. Although we could ask QB to change the swear filter...

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 12:51
by Quiff Boy

tbh, i use office 2003 for mac because its the the only mac 'office' app at the moment that guarantees 100%(ish) compatibility with all the doc formats that float around our workplace

tried a few other flavours of mac office - openoffice etc and unfortnately none of them cut quite the mustard :(

for my personal stuff i use the apps that come with apple iLife'08 - 'pages' for word proc & 'numbers' for any basic spreadsheet stuff (unless i get an excel doc that i need to work with, which is rare), and keynotes for presentations

our company email is all done via an ms exchange server, so i'm probably the only person in the world hooking into it using ms entourage for mac - which is possibly the worst attempt at an outlook port for mac there has ever been :urff: no. strike that. its probably the worst mail client ever.

i cant use 'mail' or 'thunderbird' at work because we use shared folders a lot, and it causes no end of trouble with those 2 progams :roll:

enoutourage is utter cack :urff: :(

i also have to have a windows partition on my macbook pro, because i do a lot of java development and on a mac its just too slow and unstable to work with, plus our main choice of application server - bea weblogic - bombs out on my mac :roll:

when i've bootcamp'ed over into vista world i use ms office 2007 - its a slight improvement over the previous version of ms office for pc (2003?) but its still not as slick as it could be.