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Nineteen Ninety Five And Nowhere : 2nd of december 2007

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 08:56
by captaino

Nineteen Ninety Five And Nowhere : 2nd of december 2007
Nearly 13 years after first coming into being Nineteen Ninety Five and Nowhere receives its first official release on the French independent label D-monic this Winter.
Recently completed and re-mastered the new 10 track album features songs originally written in 1995 by The Sisters of Mercy co-founder Gary Marx at the invitation of Sisters’ supremo Andrew Eldritch. The material was intended to represent the pair’s first collaboration since the landmark Sisters’ album ‘First and Last and Always’ of 1984, but the notoriously wilful singer pulled out of the project without uttering a single word.
The backing tracks went unheard until relatively recently when Marx, convinced of the material’s obvious strength, decided to finish the songs himself, writing lyrics and adding his own distinctive vocals. The response on hearing the results among the Sisters fan-base was immediate and the clamour for the tracks prompted him to make 7 of the songs available via the internet.
Despite continual pressure to make the songs more widely available Marx had refused to be drawn until the approach of the Paris based label. Now with all 10 songs included for the first time the album has been re-mastered and
re-packaged and is due for release on December 1st 2007.
Despite (or perhaps because of ) the twisted path the songs have had to walk these long years, the album works as much more than a mere taste of what might have been – it serves as ample reminder of Marx’s undoubted ability as a writer and guitarist and is essential listening for anyone who has followed his career to date or for newcomers looking for an introduction to his work.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:05
by Ania
This album is so... mediocre.
Personally, I have listened to it once and did not feel an urge to listen to it again...

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:15
by itnAklipse

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:26
by Mothra
Ania wrote:This album is so... mediocre.
Personally, I have listened to it once and did not feel an urge to listen to it again...

What use is that comment to anyone? Especially as the first reply to a post that a lot of people will be interested in. Kinda deflates the anticipation levels for those of us that have been looking forward to this release. I'll still be buying it. The majority of my favourite records took numerous listens before I started to realise how great they are.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:32
by smiscandlon
Mothra wrote:
Ania wrote:This album is so... mediocre.
Personally, I have listened to it once and did not feel an urge to listen to it again...

What use is that comment to anyone? Especially as the first reply to a post that a lot of people will be interested in. Kinda deflates the anticipation levels for those of us that have been looking forward to this release.
Maybe, but she's still entitled to express her opinion.

And any rabid Sisters fans who haven't heard this perhaps need to be warned not to expect FALAA part 2.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:39
by Mothra
Certainly, don't dispute that, its just the negativity so early on after someone posts what is essentially good news. I'm not expecting a lot, but good to (finally) hear something that was recorded with a long term view to release.

Apologies to Ania if I sniped to early :)

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:42
by stefan moermans
i'll go for it anyway ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:50
by mh
Me too! :D

I don't think we should pay attention to comments about it being mediocre, unless they are qualified by saying what's mediocre about it (and also bearing in mind the commenter's own musical tastes).

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 10:01
by Quiff Boy
some people are never happy :roll:

personally, i've heard the original 7 track version and think they're rather fab. the man has an ear for a tune and great pop song-writing sensibilities. always has, and it seems he always will.

can't wait.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 10:45
by more-sedatives-pls
about :urff: :urff: time I'd say :D

i'm going for it!

Now only waiting for the revamped sisters-song he was working on! ;D

Way to go Gary!! :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:18
by GC
mh wrote:Me too! :D

I don't think we should pay attention to comments about it being mediocre, unless they are qualified by saying what's mediocre about it (and also bearing in mind the commenter's own musical tastes).
Musical tastes are probably The Sisters of Mercy (this is Sisters forum).
I'm glad people are honest, better to have a bad review. If's it's any good it'll be nice surprise, if it's s**t then we were warned.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:32
by Quiff Boy
Gollum's Cock wrote:Musical tastes are probably The Sisters of Mercy (this is Sisters forum).
you'd be surprised :lol:

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:46
by Tidal
Are these songs in any way connected to the original Sisters? Like, was the music partially written by Andy? or is it just a full Marx production?

I think I'd prefer the instrumental version of the album, IF I'd go and hear it.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:48
by Planet Dave
Yeah, the 'uppity' reaction to people's opinions are becoming rather tedious on here. Freedom of speech and all that?

FALAA pt2? Christ I hope not, if anything sounded even vaguely like NTTC or Walk Away you'd just run a bloody mile!

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 11:49
by Quiff Boy
as far as i know: written and played by marx (for eldritch's use as sisters songs when von was having an especially lean period) and produced by choque hosein

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 13:22
by sultan2075
I've heard something like four of the original seven songs, and I quite liked them, actually. I'm eagerly awaiting this expanded edition. It's a damn sight better than anything I've ever heard from the m*****n, that's for sure....though I don't know how it stands up to the Broon album ;)

Of course, it's vastly superior to a new Sisters record because, well... it actually exists.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 14:38
by Syberberg
sultan2075 wrote: Of course, it's vastly superior to a new Sisters record because, well... it actually exists.
:lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Can't wait to get my hands on this. From what I've heard it looks like :von: potentially shot himself in the foot. Again. Maybe :von: really is doing his up most to get out of the trenches?
Planet Dave wrote:FALAA pt2? Christ I hope not, if anything sounded even vaguely like NTTC or Walk Away you'd just run a bloody mile!
How could it possibly be FALAA pt2 anyway? There's 3 writers missing for starters... Anyway, I agree with you Planet Dave, except for the bit about NTTC and Walk Away that is. Not the best songs on the album, but I likes 'em none-the-less.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 14:43
by Quiff Boy
not only, but also:
Gary Marx wrote: Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 14:45
by markfiend

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 14:46
by Syberberg
Quiff Boy wrote:not only, but also:
Gary Marx wrote: Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.
Top bloke, that Mr. Marx. :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 15:42
by radiojamaica
Syberberg wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:not only, but also:
Gary Marx wrote: Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.
Top bloke, that Mr. Marx. :notworthy: :notworthy:
Goodie! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 15:45
by stefan moermans
Quiff Boy wrote:not only, but also:
Gary Marx wrote: Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.
now it says on the site that the 7 song record is till available, but how the hell do u order it ? :eek:

or should I just wait for the reivsed one :urff:

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 15:47
by Quiff Boy
on the subject of production credits, just got this from the horses mouth itself:
Still the work of Leeds' finest (ed: choque), with the slightest touch of French mastering

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 15:49
by Quiff Boy
stefan moermans wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:not only, but also:
Gary Marx wrote: Look out for news of discounts on copies for anyone who purchased the original 7 track CDR via this site.
now it says on the site that the 7 song record is till available, but how the hell do u order it ? :eek:

or should I just wait for the reivsed one :urff:
if you mean this:

"The debut album is still available direct from this web site"

i'm pretty sure he means the 'pretty black dots' album - - not the 1995 one :)

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 16:00
by eastmidswhizzkid
great news! 8)
mr.marx very kindly sent me a copy of the 7-track version last christmas and i loved it. it'll be a pleasure to buy a completed edition and at the same time put some money in his pocket. i've said it before and i'll say it again: gary marx is a very nice man. :von: