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URGENT: very geeky help needed ASAP!

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 18:34
by emilystrange
right - emergency possibly situation. my web designer, who now has had 10 months to finish a site, is throwing a hissy fit because she's being asked what's going on. all along it's been a point that we'd launch within a few hours of the band's launch, and that now doesn't look like it will happen.

given the bad feeling that's going on in the group at the moment, it's possible that she might walk, leaving us with no site.

waaaaaahhh... can anyone possibly help if it comes to that? i couldn't do it, and neither could anyone else. not without it being a pigs ear.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 18:43
by Dark
I can make a very basic site, Ems (when I say basic, I mean basic). If you want Flash and proper website design, I'd recommend asking the geeks.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 18:50
by James Blast
beyond ma ken too Ems, I just do the 'bits' to look at

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 19:48
by mh
I can do HTML, ASP and .NET stuff, I can even code the entire site as DLLs written in C or C++, but I'm very very very limited when it comes to the open source tools.

Posted: 13 Nov 2007, 21:05
by markfiend
I can do you a php/MySql site, which can have a forum (much like this one) and various other dynamic content.

BUT as you might have guessed from my (lack of) posting recently, I'm a bit short on time at the moment...

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 13:13
by Quiff Boy
what do you need? and what do you have so far? :)

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:06
by emilystrange
i wish i knew...

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:43
by Karst
10 months?

You can try and run a compition on Sitepoint.

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 14:55
by emilystrange
k- current situation - webmistress put the site online, copyrighted to the project, and now refuses to let us have any access to it, act as mods, refuses to discuss it and hasn't been online or contactable since friday. this leaves us somewhat over a barrel.. we'll fight on that one.

she also holds the keys to another of my sites which i'm not happy about, and won't do any work for it or hand over responsibility for. therefore i want to have that site rebuilt and transferred out of her control. for this one she doesn't own the domain or the hosting, Sixsister do.

(someone is going to get the benefit of my temper soon. )

does anyone fancy having a look at having a heartland mass effort?

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 15:29
by Pista
Just had a look.
Is there anything we should be doing?

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 15:45
by emilystrange
building a new site?

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 18:20
by emilystrange
current situation - webmistress has issued a message from her fiance, telling us to put up and shut up, as HE owns the domain and hosts the site, and will turn it off. AND offering all sorts of advice to her about how to deal with us. he has nothing to do with our project...
ever felt sh*t on?
we've bought a new domain, and intend to host it away from his control if they continue to refuse to hand over any responsibility.

help? anyone? pm? mail? msn? :|

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 18:52
by James Blast
me and The Big Yin could pay them a visit...

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 18:57
by 6FeetOver
C'mon, folks, step up to the plate! Our dear Ems really needs help! If I knew anything about site design/creation/programming, I'd be on it in a flash (see what I did there? ;) :P)! Dagnabbit. :(

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 19:27
by EvilBastard
Sadly I don't know nuffin bout web design :( I can help with user-friendly navigation if that's any good to you?

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 20:30
by James Blast
I draw pictures and do coloring-in for a living

see what I did there? :lol:

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 20:30
by emilystrange
it will be, i'm sure... i don't know how these things work, who has to do what and how they fit together.
said bloke is now waffling on about how much time and money he's spent on it. whoopydo. not at OUR request, he didn't.

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 20:44
by James Blast
is he sleeping with their former bass player?

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 21:34
by timsinister
In all serious Ems, I think you need to think legally. I'm hazy on online law, but I'm sure this is a breach of contract of the severest level. Isn't there something about ownership of concept versus ownership of hosting, or something?

Mind you, if you could make a clean break, that could be good. I wish I could offer my services, but my tatty HTML wouldn't match up to what these - albeit duplicitous - characters have provided.


Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 12:12
by emilystrange
OK... webmistress has informed us that she'll be shutting the site down as from 1st jan. there's no point us keeping the site as it is, apparently it's a technical nightmare anyway. we're going to try and buy the existing domain, but we have one ready if not.


Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 15:02
by Quiff Boy
emilystrange wrote:help!
i still don't understand what you want... :?:

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 15:44
by emilystrange
i'm mailing you... x

Posted: 20 Dec 2007, 17:34
by emilystrange
well, the situation is that we have a new site, a lot of it is set up. it's all off the peg, whereas the other was custom built. what we need is suggestions, maybe. a bit of tech help. someone to help us do the
things we can't do, cos we're not geeks. there's a lot out there that we don;t even know what we can do.

or any pointers to what we could be doing as an alternative. all we want to do is be able to add content and mod our place, which we can't do at present, we've not been given any access at all. ultimately we can have the format rebuilt if this isn't how we want
it, which it won't be to start off!