its nice that the us army are taking the war seriously

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US prints 'Top Trump' cards of most wanted Iraqis

The US military has printed a 'deck of cards' with the pictures of the 55 most wanted former leaders in Saddam Hussein's regime.


They have been given to US troops working in Iraq as reference cards to help them track down the regime leaders.

Everyone on the list is to be pursued, captured or killed.

US Brigadier General Vincent Brooks did not identify figures on the list but said they included Saddam and his minister of information, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, recently dubbed 'Comical Ali'.

Brooks said: "There are jokers in this deck, there is no doubt about that."

He said the whereabouts of some of the most wanted figures were unknown, while others might well be dead.

He said:"The key list has 55 individuals who may be pursued, killed or captured, and the list does not exclude leaders who may have already been killed or captured."
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iraqi regime top trumps! cool! where can i get a set???
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Utterly Bastard Smurph
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Heh.... How about this.. :

The British speech : (Lt.Col Tim Collins)

"If you are ferocious in battle, remember to be magnanimous in victory, we
go to liberate, not to conquer. We are entering Iraq to free a people, and
the only flag that will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Don't
treat them as refugees, for they are in their own country. If there are
casualties of war, then remember, when they woke up and got dressed in the
morning they did not plan to die this day. Allow them dignity in death.
Bury them properly and mark their graves. You will be shunned unless your
conduct is of the highest, for your deeds will follow you down history.
Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the
Great Flood and the birth of Abraham. Tread lightly there."

The US speech : (Vice Admiral Timothy Keating aboard USS Constellation)

"When the president says 'Go', look out - it's hammer time" (followed by We
Will Rock You played at high volume).

oh dear....

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an instant collectors item. I wonder what they'll fetch on E-Bay?
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55 cards in a deck?
I'm puzzled. Wasn't it 52 cards, like the 52 daughters of the revolution? (Dominion's lyrics couldn't be more up to date).
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Amphetamine Filth
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It's propably an updated version to the so called 'Death cards' from the war in vietnam...
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