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Favourite Fab Three

Posted: 31 May 2008, 23:52
by Francis
A Passionate Friend gets my vote.

Posted: 31 May 2008, 23:57
by mh
Tut tut tut Francis, we all know who the fabbest "3" of all are...



Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 00:04
by Francis
Must have been otherwise occupied when they hit the headlines. Sorry.

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 00:27
by DerekR
2 votes for Mac so far, and one of them's mine ;D

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 00:39
by Francis
You're so predictable. :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 00:53
by Francis
Quality, not quantity. Your top Mac tune is?

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 04:44
by DerekR
Francis wrote:Quality, not quantity. Your top Mac tune is?
Hmm well if he's in crooner mode then it's probably "What Are You Going To Do With Your Life", or "Rust"

But if we're in full on Bunnymen mode then it's gotta be Over The Wall or Back Of Love

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 09:05
by Silver_Owl
Well, the ArchDrude gets his first vote.
How can he not? Just look at him.... 8)

He's done the pop idol thing. He's moved into the realm of pseudo-Kraut rock and not been afraid to experiment with Doom Metal. He constantly re-invents himself and is one of Britains (if not Europes) leading experts on Antiquarian sites. :notworthy:

Favourite Mac tune; Over The Wall. :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 10:12
by paint it black

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:41
by Debaser
You need to ask?


and in the interest of fairness


Never seen Mr Wylie when I've had a camera so he'll have to miss out

The Crucial Three.... how did they all managed to fit in the same bedroom at one time?

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:43
by Silver_Owl
Beautiful stuff (The Copey pics that is). :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:44
by Debaser
One has to wonder which way the Drude would vote....

"Okay, there ends this month’s reviews section and now, after having written so positively about all the great contemporary crop of rock’n’roll artists, I’m sorry to have to turn negative at the final furlong. However, as an Odinist warrior poet motherfucker, I ain’t never claimed to be any of that la-di-da peace/love/dove Zen s**t, so I gots to tell y’all that when I heard the other day that the Bunnymen’s Ian McCulloch is writing his autobiography, I nearly shat my undies laughing so hard (good job I don’t wear any!); Ian Mac write a book? A man for whom completing a single song on his own is a struggle of Everest the Hard Way proportions is hardly going to write a book. Ian, I’m speechless at your continued arrogance in the face of no evidence whatsoever. In my opinion, you’ve been a dried-up shell of a husk of a man since just after OCEAN RAIN, so don’t embarrass us all with your ludicrous claims that you’re gonna write an autobiography. Two words… No Way. Writing a book involves discipline and hard work, two things you never nailed in the past and never will. As I heard it, you even said in the press that your book will be better than the Bible. Well, in two ways it may well be like the Bible: 1) it’ll be full of half-truths and outright lies, and 2) it’ll have been written by umpteen uncredited writers and you’ll name yourself solely as its author. There you go, dumkopf, I just handed you the map: don’t even bother buying yourself a pen, son; just do what you’ve always done throughout your career; get someone else to do most of the work then claim all the credit yourself. I even have a title already: MAC USER. And with that, I shall sweep off into the Beltane sunset. Yowzah!

Oh yeah, and see y’all at Brum Town Hall on May 26th,

Love on ya,

JULIAN (Lord Yatesbury AKA Archdrude of Wessex) "

Take from his Head Heritage site :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:46
by Debaser
Hom_Corleone wrote:Beautiful stuff (The Copey pics that is). :notworthy:
Sadly, on the demise of the last poot, we lost some real stunners. It fair broke my heart

the first person to mention 'backing up' will feel my 'back up' when next we meet.....

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:47
by Silver_Owl
They love each other really. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 13:53
by Debaser
I really should, think, contemplate, redraft, edit THEN hit send :D :D :D

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 20:55
by scotty
OK folks, the argument's over :wink:



Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 21:34
by mh
Fab six even, Keith? :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 21:43
by boudicca
Debaser wrote:One has to wonder which way the Drude would vote....

"Okay, there ends this month’s reviews section and now, after having written so positively about all the great contemporary crop of rock’n’roll artists, I’m sorry to have to turn negative at the final furlong. However, as an Odinist warrior poet motherfucker, I ain’t never claimed to be any of that la-di-da peace/love/dove Zen s**t, so I gots to tell y’all that when I heard the other day that the Bunnymen’s Ian McCulloch is writing his autobiography, I nearly shat my undies laughing so hard (good job I don’t wear any!); Ian Mac write a book? A man for whom completing a single song on his own is a struggle of Everest the Hard Way proportions is hardly going to write a book. Ian, I’m speechless at your continued arrogance in the face of no evidence whatsoever. In my opinion, you’ve been a dried-up shell of a husk of a man since just after OCEAN RAIN, so don’t embarrass us all with your ludicrous claims that you’re gonna write an autobiography. Two words… No Way. Writing a book involves discipline and hard work, two things you never nailed in the past and never will. As I heard it, you even said in the press that your book will be better than the Bible. Well, in two ways it may well be like the Bible: 1) it’ll be full of half-truths and outright lies, and 2) it’ll have been written by umpteen uncredited writers and you’ll name yourself solely as its author. There you go, dumkopf, I just handed you the map: don’t even bother buying yourself a pen, son; just do what you’ve always done throughout your career; get someone else to do most of the work then claim all the credit yourself. I even have a title already: MAC USER. And with that, I shall sweep off into the Beltane sunset. Yowzah!

Oh yeah, and see y’all at Brum Town Hall on May 26th,

Love on ya,

JULIAN (Lord Yatesbury AKA Archdrude of Wessex) "

Take from his Head Heritage site :lol: :lol:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 13:04
by darkparticle
tear me

JC got my vote, even though I got kicked out of the last gig I went to :| ...

What's wrong with Harranguing Mark Lamaar a little :roll:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 13:04
by darkparticle
:wink: and he is very little

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 17:29
by Timmac
Mac for me even though he called me a "twit" from the stage in '94. Electrofixion gig so maybe he had a point. Best song? Today it's "Show Of Strength".

Never got to into Cope although his books are great and he's written some ace stuff about Van Halen and Montrose on the Head Heritage site.

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 00:58
by Andy TG
Bugger - There is NO "none of the above" option ;-)

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 20:59
by markfiend
Poor Pete Wylie, can I change my vote from Copey (just because I feel sorry for Pete) now? :lol:

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 23:21
by Harvey Winston
surely husker du, galaxie 500 or indeed spacemen 3.

poll renamed to favourite cruicial 3!

but yeah, copey.

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 23:43
by Francis
I quite like the Bunnymen's first two albums, but it went downhill with The Cutter. And I've always thought McCulloch was an affectatious poser. Actually, the cover of Crocodiles is probably their highpoint for me.

And who is the Pete Wylie you speak of? :innocent: