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bloody goths

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 20:59
by Quiff Boy
oh my.

i have stumbled upon a photograph of a chap at a recent "whitby goth weekend" who has hair VERY very similar to how i used to have mine circa 92-93!! :eek: :urff: ;D

how many people's eyes did i nearly "have out" at the banshee!?!? :innocent:


it's so nice now not to have to check the shipping forecast before going out... one strong westerly gust of wind and my neck could have snapped! :lol:

thank god we all grow wiser with age :lol: :roll: :innocent:

full article here:

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:08
by hallucienate
holy crap

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:40
by DerekR
Here's one of me from 1986 :)


(bet this doesn't work, if not cut n' paste the url)

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:45
by Quiff Boy
DerekR wrote:Here's one of me from 1986 :)


(bet this doesn't work, if not cut n' paste the url)
nope, can't see it even if i paste it in :(

i think it might be the spaces i the filename... :?:

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:46
by DerekR
try again, should have put a capital 'P' in purple :oops:


Edited to show pic for completeness sake

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:49
by Quiff Boy

cooo! big hair!! :D

very 1986!! makes me think of the alarm, with a hint of the cult's original bass player (whose name i forget) :)


Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 21:52
by DerekR
Dyed, crimped, backcombed and sprayed to within an inch of it's life. I always wanted hair like Dave Tregunna from the Lords of the New Church. I very nearly got there :)

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 23:02
by pikkrong
in '86 i was 15 years old guy who has just discovered Judas Priest and turned to a heavy metal fan :)
anyway, talking about 80s makes me still nostalgic :roll:

Re: bloody goths

Posted: 18 Apr 2003, 00:00
by Lars Svensson
Quiff Boy wrote: thank god we all grow wiser with age :lol: :roll: :innocent:
Sez who?

I fear that I for one am unfortunately growing stchoopider with age...
Sadly, it ain't much fun :| :wink: :oops: :urff:

Posted: 18 Apr 2003, 08:15
by CellThree
I never made it to Whitby. I think this is probably for the best all in all :)

A few of my friends used to go, they said it was always a blast, and my friends band played in 97 (Robed In Desire). Not very many people went to see them :/
Strangely they were pretty good.

Posted: 19 Apr 2003, 19:25
by X
Hey we all had hair like that in the 80s
Sadly ... I had hair like that in the 70s and 90s too...

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 20:10
by Dan
While were on the subject of dodgy pictures here's one of me circa 1987

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 18:01
by Izzy HaveMercy
Nuff said... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 18:08
by hallucienate

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 10:10
by Master Margarita
This thread is timely. On Saturday, I saw the sisters in London. The first sisters conert I've been to since around about 1990.

The thing which depressed me more than anything else is the fact that everyone appers to take the whole dressing in black thing so seriously. Pointy shoes, ridiculous hair, face paint, leather jackets etc etc. As if it mattered- apparently, according to one chap who I asked about it, the sisters are a way of life, not a band. Oh boy.

That kind of dressing up is ok when you are 16 or 17, but not're in your 30s. I'm all in favour of nostalgia (or at leat in favout of the tomorrow, remember yesterday type) and even escapism but there are limits. Why can't fans just wear a normal pair of jeans and a T shirt?

Other than that, I thought the concert ok. Andy is better at hiding the fact he can't sing, the new-ish (I don't buy bootlegs, so alot of it is new to me) songs sound as if they might carry a tune, and there was enough dry ice to ensure that if he wanted Andy could take the second half of the concert off and no one would notice.

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 11:47
by Ed Rhombus
You sure that's not a comedy wig Dan?

(Says the man in the comedy hat)

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 13:10
by Thea
**dances smugly**
i'm young and wreckless! anything i do now i can blame on my age later.
neon pink legwarmers anyone?

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 18:37
by nearmethexperience
thankfully, as far as i am aware, no photographic evidence of my 'former life' is around today, or is carefully hidden and guarded i'm quite safe today ;)

from the age of about 15/16 i spent my entire life as a stand-in for von from the lucretia video (and believe me, wearing a leather jacket and no shirt in newcastle in mid jan is something i'd rather not live through again thank you very very much).

then when the sisters stopped doing anything, i was strangely seduced by the pop kids dancing in warehouses and taking funny happy pills. so i ended up with rather short, spikey hair, which was dyed a different colour every month (bleach white, yellow, blue, green, and red, mostly) and wearing combats and a poppies t-shirt (which i still have, brixton 91 i think - the purple one with the alien with the bubbles coming out of his mouth on the front) i thought i was the bee's fawkin knees, (and according to the way kids dress today, i probably was :P).

anyway, yeah, now that's all behind me and i'm screaming towards 30 like an italian motorway driver in the fog, i tend to find jeans and a t-shirt covers most events.

i think i'd feel rather silly these days all skin and leather, but hey, that's just me, kudos to those that still can pull it off... :D

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 21:11
by X
That kind of dressing up is ok when you are 16 or 17, but not're in your 30s. I'm all in favour of nostalgia (or at leat in favout of the tomorrow, remember yesterday type) and even escapism but there are limits. Why can't fans just wear a normal pair of jeans and a T shirt?

Sh*t ! ... I'm fast approaching 40 and still dress like ...THAT... I still have long hair, I still Dye it silly colours.
Whats that all about?
OK .... So you dont like it? Its not like I'm doing it for you.
I am fortunate that I still havent started losing my hair..Lol... That really would look stupid !
Although I'm not so far up my own ass that I think its a life style thing... I have and will continue to look the way I choose to look for as long as I see fit!
I am lucky enough to work in an enviroment that tolerates my dress and hair colour, So that has never affected my ( and I use the term loosely ) Image.
Ive looked this way, or something like this .... all my life and aint gonna change just coz someone says so.
If that was the case I would have changed when I was 15 when all my teachers told me to ... Do something with that hair boy!!!
I have had to deal with ppl that take the p*ss. I have had ppl wanna give me a kicking in the street just coz I looked different from them.
What I really dont need is someone coming here, where there is a hugely diverse array of ppl, telling me what to, and what not to wear.

I havent got a problem with what you wear... Even tho I expect it is very un imaginative, Are you just gonna get old into your cardigan, pipe and slippers? coz that aint me.

Like I said ... I aint got a problem with you, you voiced yours, I voiced mine.... So in conclusion ..........................If ya dont like it , dont do it.
If you dont like me ...... Fu*k off ... I dont care ....Lol
Now come to the Leeds gig and buy me a beer.... Ya tight ass.

Posted: 22 Apr 2003, 21:18
by Thea
X wrote:That kind of dressing up is ok when you are 16 or 17, but not're in your 30s. I'm all in favour of nostalgia (or at leat in favout of the tomorrow, remember yesterday type) and even escapism but there are limits. Why can't fans just wear a normal pair of jeans and a T shirt?

Sh*t ! ... I'm fast approaching 40 and still dress like ...THAT... I still have long hair, I still Dye it silly colours.
Whats that all about?
OK .... So you dont like it? Its not like I'm doing it for you.
I am fortunate that I still havent started losing my hair..Lol... That really would look stupid !
Although I'm not so far up my own ass that I think its a life style thing... I have and will continue to look the way I choose to look for as long as I see fit!
I am lucky enough to work in an enviroment that tolerates my dress and hair colour, So that has never affected my ( and I use the term loosely ) Image.
Ive looked this way, or something like this .... all my life and aint gonna change just coz someone says so.
If that was the case I would have changed when I was 15 when all my teachers told me to ... Do something with that hair boy!!!
I have had to deal with ppl that take the p*ss. I have had ppl wanna give me a kicking in the street just coz I looked different from them.
What I really dont need is someone coming here, where there is a hugely diverse array of ppl, telling me what to, and what not to wear.

I havent got a problem with what you wear... Even tho I expect it is very un imaginative, Are you just gonna get old into your cardigan, pipe and slippers? coz that aint me.

Like I said ... I aint got a problem with you, you voiced yours, I voiced mine.... So in conclusion ..........................If ya dont like it , dont do it.
If you dont like me ...... Fu*k off ... I dont care ....Lol
Now come to the Leeds gig and buy me a beer.... Ya tight ass.
rawk on!
when i grow up i wanna be you! :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 14:13
by rian
Dan wrote:While were on the subject of dodgy pictures here's one of me circa 1987
:eek: ;D :urff:

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 18:39
by DerekR
It's only fair I post another. Same bloke, different hair :)
...and really enthusiastic about having my photo taken!


Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 18:55
by Dimehart
I'm with X on this issue. Totally! I did look like a light-weight version of Robert Smith in my late teens and I still think it's funny. Nowadays I look like a mix of a hippie/rocker/fascist (imagine that people :eek: ) and it's just as funny today as it will be tomorrow. As many of you I'm right above 30 years old an think there's a lack of image among us at that age!

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 19:53
by pikkrong
DerekR wrote:It's only fair I post another. Same bloke, different hair :)
...and really enthusiastic about having my photo taken!

is there a photo?
-- i can't see more than a red cross :(

Posted: 24 Apr 2003, 01:06
by Thea