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Leeds - Sunday 27th

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:29
by Padstar
This was more like it!!!!!! For me anyhow!

As ever, the meet-up was great, made a new friend who is going to favourably review the Smurphs gig he never went to... can you beat that!

There were a lot less people at the venue than last night, but this was a lot better for hanging at the back of the front stage chaos and have a good listen and dance. Started with Vision Thing.... stormer, and carried on from there. Marian was a godsend and sounded great pumped up with a strong synth bass thing going on... really worked. Dr Jeep, not too sure.... he seems hell bent on demoting signature guitar parts down into the mix.... is this just me because i play guitar in the tribute ???? Come Together was nice and bouncy, The Floods seemed better than last night, Anaconda was strong. Slept is a grower for sure and after all this Valentine... sounded awsome indeed and just shows how the older and more minimallist material can sound when give the 90s treatment. Long may that continue (yeah right!)

As for Adam and Chris.... they've inspired a "Snub Smurph".... it is likely to be quite a frenetic guitar widdle.... the guantlet is layed down ;)

Really enjoyed the gig... first for me for a Sisters gig so delighted indeed.

Great weekend,

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 01:50
by biggy
Great gig , good sound & good set .Better than the last time I saw em at Rock city . Could have done without the guy eating his girlfriends hair all night though :urff:

Saw a few peeps that I know - Gary from Manchester , Danny , Rich . T , & Rich .H from Salvation & a few others . Didn`t meet any of you lot though .
Took a few pics , they are ok considering the obvious handicap for photographers .
Thought Oceansize were crap !
I`m hoping to get hold of a recording of the gig in a few weeks , if anyone else gets a decent sounding copy I`d be very interested . I have some sisters & many other bands to trade (salvation,ghost dance, nephilim, Balaam etc etc )
Nice to hear Valentine live again :)

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 16:15
by Ed Rhombus
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

Mister Paddy!!!!!

Intimidating poor old Adam till he ran away and hid in the smoke, shame on you Pad!

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 09:38
by paint it black
Saturday seemed okay gig, good mosh pit going on. Jessie doing a grand job with the ol' video camera. Stupid amount of smoke. Someone obviously forgot where the off button was :P

met just about everyone in the world at some some stage on Saturday. Hi 8)

.......and did my bit marketing HL.

Sunday, storming gig,

Lucretia just hadn't quite worked on Sat and, if memory serves, there seems to have been a few dropped notes along the way. however, Sun was faultless and the moshing was even better ;D

Chatted to the boys for a while after the gig, not too surprisingly, pretty knackered and ready to go home. wouldn't commit to a Summer Festivals tour, or not too surprisingly, any gen on new product :von: :roll:

Again hi to all those people that got "stickered", you know who you are :wink:

......and yeah, maybe building a human pyramid in the middle of Leeds city centre wasn't that wise, but it seemed fun at the time.

Yowsa, top nite out indeed 8)

recording of saturday's gig...PLEASE?

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 10:19
by izzie wizzie
:notworthy: if anyone gets a decent copy of the Leeds gig-actually, Saturday OR sunday, I DEFINATELY would love a copy.Can a nyone oblige yet or is it too early. In fact, does anyone know if there'll be a video/dVD available?

Posted: 29 Apr 2003, 23:55
by Padstar
Hi there Izz.... when ive got mine ill let you know...

Welcome to Heartland btw :)


Posted: 30 Apr 2003, 10:32
by izzie wizzie
thanx Paddy- much appreciated!

leeds 27th

Posted: 02 May 2003, 14:56
by gramgrim
first time i've seen the sisters in years, thought it was excellent :twisted: was suprised to hear marian, do they ever play nine while nine? love that song.