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Ask Andrew

Posted: 14 May 2009, 08:58
by Clownpants
Hi peeps,

Being that Heartland is a known entity, is it not possible for us to compose a list of good questions for Andrew that we could maybe get him to agree to answer if we then got in touch with the Reptile House etc? Has anyone tried this? Maybe the recent sunshine has left me feeling too optimistic, if so I shall go back to shutting myself in a darkened room and being a pessimist again :eek:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 09:01
by Moakahontas
...erm... :?

Posted: 14 May 2009, 09:08
by dinky daisy
Dear Andrew, will you still love me tomorrow?

Posted: 14 May 2009, 09:13
by Moakahontas
dinky daisy wrote:Dear Andrew, will you still love me tomorrow?

....ööööhm... <--- totally speechless.. :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 10:05
by Quiff Boy
we (the mod team and myself) have toyed with the idea of requesting a HL interview a few of times, but we usually decide not to bother

my own personal feeling is that

a) collating questions from various members would likely mean an incoherent interview

b) what could we ask that hasn't been asked a thousand times

c) what could he tell us that he hasn't said a thousand times

which is why we have pursued a policy of getting interviews with other band members.... especially the ones have usually been less vocal that andrew (ie: gary marx, tony james, andreas bruhn) - they tend to have far more interesting stories to tell 8)

Posted: 14 May 2009, 10:18
by xfloorshowx
This has been done in other forums, the Litany forum (Skinny Puppy) did such an interview with Ogre wich was really good, on the other hand he's a much more interactive person than Andrew...

Posted: 14 May 2009, 11:20
by _emma_
Quiff Boy wrote:a) collating questions from various members would likely mean an incoherent interview
Oh come on, it would be possible to group them and list them and put them in order... That is not the point, I suppose. :)
b) what could we ask that hasn't been asked a thousand times

c) what could he tell us that he hasn't said a thousand times
b) plenty of questions
c) he wouldn't answer, I presume, and that's the point.

Me, I've grown to like it that way. 8)

Posted: 14 May 2009, 11:46
by 17.auflage
no interview please. that just needs a lot of time. time he needs for the new album.

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:16
by Debi
17.auflage wrote:no interview please. that just needs a lot of time. time he needs for the new album.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :notworthy:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:19
by Debi
but then what could we ask that we would be really interested in hearing that he would actually answer :urff:

not a lot I suspect :roll:

me: andy - does my bum look big in this?

von: do i give a toss?

:innocent: ;D

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:24
by Quiff Boy
as i see it, there are two types of interview we could do:

1) a band one - about the sisters, their current & future activities etc

to be honest, all this has been said in a couple of dozen articles and videos on the recent tour (all hail chris catalyst :notworthy: )

2) personal one - about "andrew the man"

which as debi suggests, i doubt he'd actually answer.

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:46
by Moakahontas
Quiff Boy wrote:as i see it, there are two types of interview we could do:

1) a band one - about the sisters, their current & future activities etc

to be honest, all this has been said in a couple of dozen articles and videos on the recent tour (all hail chris catalyst :notworthy: )

2) personal one - about "andrew the man"

which as debi suggests, i doubt he'd actually answer.

I´ll take number 2.. :roll: :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:52
by LouLou
Moakahontas wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:as i see it, there are two types of interview we could do:

1) a band one - about the sisters, their current & future activities etc

to be honest, all this has been said in a couple of dozen articles and videos on the recent tour (all hail chris catalyst :notworthy: )

2) personal one - about "andrew the man"

which as debi suggests, i doubt he'd actually answer.

I´ll take number 2.. :roll: :lol:
i'd probably go for (1) - partly because we'd be more likely to get some decent answers from him with those kind of questions, and partly because i'm more interested in what the band is up to rather than what daytime television programmes :von: watches while stuffing his face with pot noodle :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:53
by Moakahontas
LouLou wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:as i see it, there are two types of interview we could do:

1) a band one - about the sisters, their current & future activities etc

to be honest, all this has been said in a couple of dozen articles and videos on the recent tour (all hail chris catalyst :notworthy: )

2) personal one - about "andrew the man"

which as debi suggests, i doubt he'd actually answer.

I´ll take number 2.. :roll: :lol:
i'd probably go for (1) - partly because we'd be more likely to get some decent answers from him with those kind of questions, and partly because i'm more interested in what the band is up to rather than what daytime television programmes :von: watches while stuffing his face with pot noodle :lol:

Yay!! We´ve got it! Let´s start! :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:57
by LouLou
Moakahontas wrote:
LouLou wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:
I´ll take number 2.. :roll: :lol:
i'd probably go for (1) - partly because we'd be more likely to get some decent answers from him with those kind of questions, and partly because i'm more interested in what the band is up to rather than what daytime television programmes :von: watches while stuffing his face with pot noodle :lol:

Yay!! We´ve got it! Let´s start! :lol:
oh, go on then!

ask him what flavour crisps he likes while you're at it ;D

Posted: 14 May 2009, 12:58
by Moakahontas
LouLou wrote:
Moakahontas wrote:
LouLou wrote: i'd probably go for (1) - partly because we'd be more likely to get some decent answers from him with those kind of questions, and partly because i'm more interested in what the band is up to rather than what daytime television programmes :von: watches while stuffing his face with pot noodle :lol:

Yay!! We´ve got it! Let´s start! :lol:
oh, go on then!

ask him what flavour crisps he likes while you're at it ;D

:notworthy: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 13:02
by Harvey Winston
Man, I'd love to know more about The Reptile House. Not really the lyrics, the whole atmosphere of the recording and from where it emanated.

Posted: 14 May 2009, 13:07
by Debi
Quiff Boy wrote:as i see it, there are two types of interview we could do:

1) a band one - about the sisters, their current & future activities etc

to be honest, all this has been said in a couple of dozen articles and videos on the recent tour (all hail chris catalyst :notworthy: )

2) personal one - about "andrew the man"

which as debi suggests, i doubt he'd actually answer.
hm. option 1) would mean going over the same old same old - we aint gonna get any new revelations now :roll: and the answer everyone wants is not going to be answered :urff: as lets face it :von: is semi retired :innocent:

and b) well - yup, Main Man - you hit the nail on the head - :von: 's a bloke. Which means he hogs the TV remote, has selective hearing and is either a bum or tits man. or both. which isn't very mysterious. at all. which is probably why he doesn't want to talk about himself and wanders off onto things like atom bombs or such like :urff:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:10
by Evan Von Himmel
I think that :von: would never answer to some extreme personal questions (like "are you still on amphetamine?" or "how many girls have you slept with in Berlin?" ;D or "could you still sing as loud as you did it in the past?" :twisted: ), and I agree that he couldn't tell us something that he hasn't said a thousand (or maybe a million) times before.

So let him think about the new album... :innocent:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:17
by Debi
Evan Von Himmel wrote: So let him think about the new album... :innocent:
how much thinking can a bloke do :urff:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:18
by Debi
in fact isn't that an oxymoron or sommit :lol: ;D

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:21
by Moakahontas
Evan Von Himmel wrote:I think that :von: would never answer to some extreme personal questions (like "are you still on amphetamine?" or "how many girls have you slept with in Berlin?" ;D or "could you still sing as loud as you did it in the past?" :twisted: ), and I agree that he couldn't tell us something that he hasn't said a thousand (or maybe a million) times before.

So let him think about the new album... :innocent:
:eek: ...who would ask something like that?? Na, not interesting at all..I would ask, if he had an photo of himself just got out of bed.. :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:22
by Debi
Moakahontas wrote:
Evan Von Himmel wrote:I think that :von: would never answer to some extreme personal questions (like "are you still on amphetamine?" or "how many girls have you slept with in Berlin?" ;D or "could you still sing as loud as you did it in the past?" :twisted: ), and I agree that he couldn't tell us something that he hasn't said a thousand (or maybe a million) times before.

So let him think about the new album... :innocent:
:eek: ...who would ask something like that?? Na, not interesting at all..I would ask, if he had an photo of himself just got out of bed.. :lol:
so maybe he'd like a photo of me just got outa bed :eek: :lol:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:24
by 7anthea7
Debi wrote:in fact isn't that an oxymoron or sommit :lol: ;D
Tch. Isn't one reason* we find him so, erm, interesting the fact that he does think, rather a lot?

*I was going to say the whole reason, but then I remembered who'd been posting... :wink:

Posted: 14 May 2009, 14:25
by Evan Von Himmel
Moakahontas wrote:
:eek: ...who would ask something like that??
No one, I hope. But he has been asked for every (really) interesting thing, so If you want to ask him something new you have to ask questions like these...

...or like this:
Moakahontas wrote: I would ask, if he had an photo of himself just got out of bed..
