1959 and all that - gone forever?

Do you do a TSOM-related website? Do you know any cool TSOM websites? Sites listed here may be about anything to do with The Sisters: lyrics, tours, photos, biographies, interviews, etc. Post your URLs along with a short description of the website here.

Note: Please post links about trading Sisters memorabilia or your personal collection in the Trading section.
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... : :cry: : :cry: : :cry: : ...

... or did anybody give it a new home? ... :roll: ...
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Popweazle Piddlepoop
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Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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Ah ... millions of thanks ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

the link in the Wiki doesn't work any longer ... :cry: :cry: :cry:

*already underway to fix it ... * ... ;D ...

and done.
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Popweazle Piddlepoop
Posts: 3209
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Location: my own imagination

No, my bookmarked link stopped working some time last week but it turned up in a search.
Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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Wiki Wizard
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Location: reconstruction status: whatever the f**k

I've changed the link in the Wiki, however, and it works again ...

That's fine.
1959 And all That is a wonderful page with all the references and
links within the comments ...
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