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Friendly Heartlander Needed: German Translation Help!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010, 22:29
by Maisey
Would dearly like this review of our debut CD translated into English...

Link to original text: ... =5&lang=en

Full Review:
Static Magazine wrote:
Leeds, liegt im Norden Englands und ist eine der wirtschaftsstärksten Städte des Landes. Ungefähr 761.000 Leute leben hier, und drei davon will ich euch vorstellen. Maisey (Gesang), Natya (Gitarre) und Shelly ( Keyboard ) in England auch des längeren schon bekannt als Legion. Sie standen schon mit Bands wie Vendemmian, The Last Dance und The Eden House auf der Bühne, obwohl und das ist wohl das Bemerkenswerteste, die Band erst seit 2008 live spielt.

Übersichtliche 5 Songs präsentieren sie uns auf Ihre ersten EP "Hereafter" die seit 2010 erhältlich ist, und die ich Euch nun mal im Detail vorstellen will, was bei 5 Songs nicht wirklich schwierig ist. Schon an den Namen der Lieder erkennt man, dass es sich hier um Texte handelt, bei denen man sich was gedacht hat, und nicht nur massentaugliche Melancholie verbreiten wollte.

Der Opener "Spectre" ist ein reines Instrumental Stück, das uns einen fast 2 minütigen Vorgeschmack gibt auf das was folgen wird, und zwar düsterer eindringlicher Gitarrensound mit einer Mischung aus Melancholie und einer brillanten Lead Stimme.

"Premotion" zeigt uns dann gleich mal wo sich Legion einordnen: dunkler Gothic Rock der stark an Mephisto Walz, The Cure und Bauhaus erinnert, gepaart mit Texten, die zum Nachdenken anregen und einen einladen, in eine dunkle und unbekannte Welt, zu der wir aber unser Tanzbein ordentlich schwingen können.
"Queen of Hearts" dagegen klingt einen Hauch dunkler und dramatischer, was sich schon am Text ablesen lässt und wenn man Maisey so zuhört, möchte man lieber nicht wissen, wer ihm solchen Herzschmerz zugefügt hat. Begleitet wird das gesamte Lied von einem durchgehend harten Drum, der wiederum von der Drummachine kommt, was der Sache allerdings keinen Abbruch tut. Bei den ersten Klängen von "Lust" ist schon klar, das es sich hier um einen neuen Tanzflächen Magnet handelt. Das besondere hier dran ist wohl die stellenweise Begleitung des Gesang von Natya, der dem ganzen Lied was Altertümliches verleiht.

Doch das absolute Goldstück dieser EP ist der gleichnamige Song "Hereafter". Für mich war nach dem ersten Anhören klar, dass es sich hier um eins meiner neuen Top 5 Lieder handelt. Düster schmettert das Drum seinen Rhythmus, Natya an der Gitarre zeigt, dass sie so einige männliche Kollegen, locker in die Taschen stecken kann, und Charles Begleitung am Keyboard verleiht dem Lied etwas so Außergewöhnliches, das ich schon lange nicht mehr gehört habe. Gerade diese Faktoren machen Legion wohl auch so einzigartig und erklärt, warum Sie schon so oft auf der Bühne standen.
Glaubt mir, wenn Ihr euch auf der Tanzfläche befindet und dieses Lied läuft, wünscht Ihr es würde niemals enden, denn Ihr werdet Euch völlig verlieren in einer Welt aus Sehnsucht, Dramatik aber auch Erkenntnis.

Eins ist einfach klar, England ist zurzeit die Brutstätte für neue Bands, die definitiv einen neuen Weg pflastern, auf dem sich Fans von Goth Rock zuhause fühlen werden, also macht Euch auf den Weg und besorgt Euch die "Hereafter" EP von LEGION.
Anyone willing to help?


Posted: 25 Apr 2010, 23:30
by EvilBastard
By the Power of Greyskull!


Well, Google Translator actually - you might want to clean it up a bit but...

Leeds is located in the north of England and is one of the most productive cities in the country. Approximately 761 000 people live here, and three of them, let me introduce you. Maisey (vocals), Natya (guitar) and Shelly (keyboard) in England too long already known as the Legion. They were already with bands like Vendemmian, The Last Dance and The Eden House on the stage, though, and this is probably the most remarkable, the band played live only since 2008.

Clear 5 songs they present us to your first EP "Hereafter," which is available since 2010, and which I now you even want to imagine in detail what is on five songs do not really difficult. Even the name of the song shows that we are dealing with texts in which one is what has meant, and wanted to spread not only mass-melancholy.

The opener "Spectre" is an instrumental piece that gives us an almost two minute taster of what will follow, and dark penetrating guitar sound with a mixture of melancholy and a brilliant lead voice.

"Premotion" shows us once then immediately place where Legion: dark gothic rock reminiscent of Mephisto Walz, The Cure and Bauhaus, coupled with lyrics that encourage reflection and an invite into a dark and unknown world to which we But we can swing dance properly.
"Queen of Hearts", however, sounds a touch darker and more dramatic, what can already read the text and if you Maisey Sun is listening, you'd rather not know who caused him such heartache. The whole song is accompanied by a consistently hard drum, which in turn comes from the drum machine, what the cause, however, does not detract. At the first sounds of "lust" is already clear that it is a question of a new dance floor magnet. The special is probably tuned in places accompanied by the singing of Natya, which gives the whole song was Ancient.

But the absolute gold piece of this EP of the same song "Hereafter" is. For me, after first hearing it clear that this is one of my new top 5 songs. Gloomy smashes the drum rhythm, Natya shows on guitar, that she can put so few male colleagues, at ease in his pockets, and Charles accompanied on keyboards gives the song something so extraordinary that I have not heard for a long time. It is these factors make it unique and Legion probably explains why you were so often on stage.
Believe me, if you find yourself on the dance floor and runs this song you wish would never end, for you will lose you completely in a world of yearning, dramatic but also knowledge.

One is simply clear, England is currently the hotbed for new bands that definitely pave a new path on which fans of Goth rock will feel at home, makes you so on the way and you care of the "Hereafter" EP of LEGION.

Posted: 26 Apr 2010, 13:56
by Sita
Congratulations Maisey! :D
Here's my go at it. I've underlined the wacky parts...
EvilBastard wrote:By the Power of Greyskull!
Well, Google Translator actually - you might want to clean it up a bit but...

Leeds is located in the north of England and is one of the most productive cities in the country. Approximately 761 000 people live here, and three of them, let me introduce you. Maisey (vocals), Natya (guitar) and Shelly (keyboard) in England too long already known as the Legion that would translate literally "since a longer period known as Legion", but what they are trying to say is that the band are no newbies but already have left a mark/been visible to the public/... something like that. They were already with bands like Vendemmian, The Last Dance and The Eden House on the stage, They already have played with/shared stage with/.. though, and this is probably the most remarkable, the band played live only since 2008.

Clear 5 songs they present us to your first EP "Hereafter," which is available since 2010, and which I now you even want to imagine in detail what is on five songs do not really difficult. Even the name of the song shows that we are dealing with texts in which one is what has meant, and wanted to spread not only mass-melancholy.
"They present us five neat songs on their first EP "Hereafter", available since 2010. I want to introduce them to you in detail, which is not that difficult with five songs. Already the titles of the songs show that someone has spent thoughts on the lyrics and didn't just want to evoke mainstream melancholy"

The opener "Spectre" is an instrumental piece that gives us an almost two minute taster of what will follow, and which is dark penetrating guitar sound with a mixture blend, composition... of melancholy and a brilliant lead voice.
Now my coffee break is over! I'll have to stop here! Sorry!
I think you might want to go over it and really don't stick to the literal translations of the single words too much.

Congratulations again! :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 18:49
by Maisey
Thanks! A few edits have been made on our news page