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Geek help needed!

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 18:03
by Silver_Owl

I've just tried to power up my laptop and been given the error message about Windows was shut down unexpectedly or whatever it says. It give you the options;
Safe mode
Safe mode with command prompt
Safe mode with networking
Last known good config (or something similar)
Normal start up.
None of them get anywhere other than returning me to the above screen.

My music library and writing are on it. :( :eek:

What are my options?

Thanks! :kiss:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 18:15
by James Blast
get a Dick! ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 18:31
by Holly_DelRey
Steve, do you have a Windows boot disk?

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 19:22
by Sita
Hello Aleister - I mean Hom ;D

Is this the first time or did anything like that happen before?

My PC hates all automatic updates, automatic tendering and things that Windows likes to do in the background (including weekly backups, Firefox backups, and stuff) and used to respond with amnesia next time I started it :urff:

If it's something simple like that, a boot disk like Hollylicious said might be all needed!

Re: Geek help needed!

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 19:38
by EvilBastard
Hom_Corleone wrote:Help!

I've just tried to power up my laptop and been given the error message about Windows was shut down unexpectedly or whatever it says. It give you the options;
Safe mode
Safe mode with command prompt
Safe mode with networking
Last known good config (or something similar)
Normal start up.
None of them get anywhere other than returning me to the above screen.

My music library and writing are on it. :( :eek:

What are my options?

Thanks! :kiss:
I'd be inclined to take the hard drive out, set the jumpers to "slave", and pop it in an external HD enclosure. Then buy a brand new shiny hard drive, do a nice clean install of Windurz on it, then use that to access whatever data is on the "slave" drive. When you've got everything you need off it (music, piks, docs), take a sledgehammer to it and recycle the bits so you don't accidentally use a dodgy drive again.

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:05
by James Blast
... or get a Mac ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:10
by Quiff Boy
If you've changed or updated anything I'd go for safe mode.

It may have run a windows update in the background, which might have f**ked something.

Your options are safe mode, if that doesn't work try a rescue disk, and if that doesn't work EB's suggestion of plugging it in as slave to a diff pc is prob last resort.

Good luck :o

Re: Geek help needed!

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:27
by Andie
Hom_Corleone wrote:Help!

I've just tried to power up my laptop and been given the error message about Windows was shut down unexpectedly or whatever it says. It give you the options;
Safe mode
Safe mode with command prompt
Safe mode with networking
Last known good config (or something similar)
Normal start up.
None of them get anywhere other than returning me to the above screen.

My music library and writing are on it. :( :eek:

What are my options?

Thanks! :kiss:
How old Dell XP laptop did exactly the same thing last week...every time I tried something different, it returned to that blue screen...I don't have an XP start up disc as the laptop was second hand and I'm not confident enough to remove the Hard Drive...

I get the distinct feeling that I'm going to have to take it to a man that can...and then invest in a shiny new one :?

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:32
by James Blast
that's one of the reasons I don't do regular software updates on my Mac, even Appleâ„¢ break things, I wait a week or two then do it once all the custard has been cleared ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:33
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:... or get a Mac ;D
Yes, or get a Mac. Then take it down to your local Apple store, wait in line for 17 days behind emo kids with skate-boards, all identically-dressed to prove their individuality, to see some spotty git at the Genius Bar, who's half your age, with bad hair, that he's never seen anything this old before, that "you've fratzled the quirkyzoop - nothing we can do, we'll have to replace the whole thing. Nope, sorry, you've lost all the data and there's no way to get it back. Tough shizz, daddy-o. I'm surprised that someone your age even understands how to turn a Mac on - should have stuck with a PC, granddad."

Yeah, get a Mac. :roll:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:41
by James Blast
you have issues, don't take them out on me dickless! :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 20:53
by Sita
Hom and Andie, have you checked your laptops for unwanted guests? Last year my PC caught a Rootkit which made it behave funny.

If you do the slave disk thing, you might want to check the disk for guests?

@ Evil Bastard - I feel you :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:01
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:you have issues, don't take them out on me dickless! :lol:
What's the matter there, Cap'n Blaaaaaahst? No issues here at Bastard Meadows - we just like to be able to fix and tweak the things we own. Then again, we still have opposable thumbs and aren't easily impressed by shiny white things, at least not since encountering arse-ripping primary-school toilet paper. Thus the hulking hand-built beasts that run the estate are gleaming piano-black with softly-glowing multi-hued LEDs, that ooze menace and eat kittens that are unwary enough to venture into their domain. They stand ready to do my bidding.

:von: doesn't use a Mac - neither should you :lol: :P

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:06
by James Blast
him, baldy with the shades and Space Trudge t-shirt is a cock and treats us like shite, I'll stick with product from 'designer stubble/black turtle neck/PADman' until he foists more pish on us like iTunes :evil: ... apple.html :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:08
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:him, baldy with the shades and Space Trudge t-shirt is a cock and treats us like shite
Ah, the Mission fan is finally out of the closet - nice of you to join us. :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:10
by Izzy HaveMercy
EvilBastard wrote:
James Blast wrote:you have issues, don't take them out on me dickless! :lol:
What's the matter there, Cap'n Blaaaaaahst? No issues here at Bastard Meadows - we just like to be able to fix and tweak the things we own. Then again, we still have opposable thumbs and aren't easily impressed by shiny white things, at least not since encountering arse-ripping primary-school toilet paper. Thus the hulking hand-built beasts that run the estate are gleaming piano-black with softly-glowing multi-hued LEDs, that ooze menace and eat kittens that are unwary enough to venture into their domain. They stand ready to do my bidding.

:von: doesn't use a Mac - neither should you :lol: :P
Mine's aluminium and it's the best computer I owed since the invention of toilet paper.

(obviously, apart from my C64 :D)


Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:16
by James Blast
Preach Sister, Preach! Image

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:27
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:Preach Sister, Preach! Image
It is, and I would say so if it weren't as well :)

It works, tout court, installed Cubase onnit, my new shiny MIDI controller, new audiocard, works a treat, no issues, no driver install no fuss.

Maybe the only thing a Mac is difficult at in the beginning is tweaking, but then again, it does not need tweaking.


Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:31
by James Blast
FACT! pt.2

I switched this iMac on and was 'scurfing the merb' within 2mins - I shit you not
the graffix program installations took their time but they were coming off CDs

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:35
by EvilBastard
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Maybe the only thing a Mac is difficult at in the beginning is tweaking, but then again, it does not need tweaking.

Of course it needs tweaking! You can never buy what you want off the shelf unless you're paying someone else to customize it. How else are you going to hook up a fog machine to your computer and configure it to fire up whenever you play a Sisters track?

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:40
by James Blast
who is Sisters pls?

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:41
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:who is Sisters pls?

as well you know.

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:44
by James Blast
just says "Image" here, oh I forgot I'm on a dumb Mac ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:47
by EvilBastard
James Blast wrote:just says "Image" here, oh I forgot I'm on a dumb Mac ;D
It's probably NSFW if you're on a Mac - 's pictures of guuuurls...

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 21:48
by James Blast
peecee guuuurls?

I pass, nae tits mahn :evil: