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General Rant Place

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 12:27
by Purple Light
I have a broken finger and 4 hours in a rehearsal studio today. That on top of a new guitar that I've only plugged in once and didn't like.

I'm drinking a bottle of wine to get me physically through it.

Rant over. For now.

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 12:50
by lazarus corporation
There is something deeply wrong about colds that strike on a Friday evening on the way home from work, and melt away on a Sunday, in time for you to go back to work on a Monday morning, having lost your entire weekend.

I suspect such germs are genetically engineered by capitalist bosses just "for the lulz".

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 12:56
by emilystrange
i am fed up with the amount of housework that needs doing around here. my life isn't meant to be spent cleaning, tidying and putting away. gah.

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 13:10
by markfiend
lazarus corporation wrote:There is something deeply wrong about colds that strike on a Friday evening on the way home from work, and melt away on a Sunday, in time for you to go back to work on a Monday morning, having lost your entire weekend.

I suspect such germs are genetically engineered by capitalist bosses just "for the lulz".
Take Monday and Tuesday off sick to get your revenge.

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 13:30
by iesus
markfiend wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:There is something deeply wrong about colds that strike on a Friday evening on the way home from work, and melt away on a Sunday, in time for you to go back to work on a Monday morning, having lost your entire weekend.

I suspect such germs are genetically engineered by capitalist bosses just "for the lulz".
Take Monday and Tuesday off sick to get your revenge.
++1 as mark says

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 14:03
by Being645
iesus wrote:
markfiend wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:There is something deeply wrong about colds that strike on a Friday evening on the way home from work, and melt away on a Sunday, in time for you to go back to work on a Monday morning, having lost your entire weekend.

I suspect such germs are genetically engineered by capitalist bosses just "for the lulz".
Take Monday and Tuesday off sick to get your revenge.
++1 as mark says
Thirded ... it's surely been your boss who (all out of greed) programmed your subconscious accordingly already during your job interview ... :twisted: ...

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 16:27
by blackandgold65
emilystrange wrote:i am fed up with the amount of housework that needs doing around here. my life isn't meant to be spent cleaning, tidying and putting away. gah.
second really is never never ending. I don't have a dishwasher, I AM the dishwasher, seemingly permanently up to my elbows in water...I'm sure I'm developing tide marks.....grrrr

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 16:45
by emilystrange
i did some. nothing looks any different. pah.

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 05:49
by AshenLight
Just discovered Yellowstone Park is still closed for the winter :x First time I've made it out this way in almost 20 years (and last time I was a teenager instead of a full grown scientist). Will have to entertain myself tomorrow in this little town instead.

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 20:34
by EvilBastard
AshenLight wrote:Just discovered Yellowstone Park is still closed for the winter :x First time I've made it out this way in almost 20 years (and last time I was a teenager instead of a full grown scientist). Will have to entertain myself tomorrow in this little town instead.
Eh? How do you close Jellystone?! I mean, isn't it a big wide open space? Do migrating herds of buffalo stop at the gate and say, "Well, guys, guess we'd better sit here and wait for Spring"? Do they turn off Old Faithful? I think you should stop worrying about being a full-grown scientist, clamber over the fence, and frolic. Go on - you know you want to :D

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 22:02
by LyanvisAberrant
Got through 4 packs of cigarettes yesterday...
I'm sure that's not healthy.
At all.
I'd buy another if it wasn't for the money... :lol: :)

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 22:38
by Pista


Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 22:44
by EvilBastard
Pista wrote:4?

Hell, when I smoked I went through two lighters a day 8)

Posted: 08 Apr 2013, 23:03
by LyanvisAberrant
EvilBastard wrote:
Pista wrote:4?

Hell, when I smoked I went through two lighters a day 8)
Both of you shhhh
It's not normal for me.
Or legal.
And in a non smoking flat. :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 00:27
by Purple Light
Separate thread maybe but I as the originator of this thread I'm going to up the ante...

So, a plane BLATANTLY did not hit The Pentagon on 9/11 so what did?!

Ps. I'm not a "no planes hit the twin towers" nut. I just have serious questions that can't be answered and this is one of them. Science books need to be re-written if what apparently hit actually did.

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 09:45
by iesus
Purple Light wrote:Separate thread maybe but I as the originator of this thread I'm going to up the ante...

So, a plane BLATANTLY did not hit The Pentagon on 9/11 so what did?!

Ps. I'm not a "no planes hit the twin towers" nut. I just have serious questions that can't be answered and this is one of them. Science books need to be re-written if what apparently hit actually did.
According to new material leaked it was UFOs ... enter.html

Posted: 09 Apr 2013, 10:18
by markfiend
let's take the 9-11 stuff to the other thread

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 04:30
by AshenLight
EvilBastard wrote:
AshenLight wrote:Just discovered Yellowstone Park is still closed for the winter :x First time I've made it out this way in almost 20 years (and last time I was a teenager instead of a full grown scientist). Will have to entertain myself tomorrow in this little town instead.
Eh? How do you close Jellystone?! I mean, isn't it a big wide open space? Do migrating herds of buffalo stop at the gate and say, "Well, guys, guess we'd better sit here and wait for Spring"? Do they turn off Old Faithful? I think you should stop worrying about being a full-grown scientist, clamber over the fence, and frolic. Go on - you know you want to :D

Well, okay, the whole park isn't sealed at the borders or anything. But it is closed to vehicle traffic, unless you happen to have a snowmobile (I don't). And I decided against walking 20+ miles in blizzard conditions. Apparently I'm not as hardcore as I used to be 8)

I did get to see wolves, and bears, and a few yearling bison anyway, at least. But I still want to see Great Fountain Geyser erupt again someday.

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 04:37
by Pista
AshenLight wrote: But I still want to see Great Fountain Geyser erupt again someday.
& Yogi Bear?


Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 04:55
by EvilBastard
Pista wrote:& Yogi Bear?

Didn't he used to play for the Yankees?

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 05:00
by Pista
EvilBastard wrote:
Pista wrote:& Yogi Bear?

Didn't he used to play for the Yankees?
Not sure.
Haven't followed rounders for ages