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Matt Smith will no longer be The Doctor

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 01:08
by Husek ... Doctor-Who

Not sure if you guys like Matt Smith, but IMHO he was a weak Doctor, actually, my last favorite doctor of the 'new series', so, i'm a somehow happy for this, and also concerned about the next Doctor.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 09:48
by markfiend
Rumours abound about there being a black Doctor or a female Doctor next.

Nah. No way would they do something that interesting.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 10:42
by timsinister
I'd settle for someone with the actual maturity and gravity required of the role.

I saw one description for Smith's Doctor as "a teenage BFF on too much pro-plus"

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 11:56
by eastmidswhizzkid
markfiend wrote:Rumours abound about there being a black Doctor or a female Doctor next.

Nah. No way would they do something that interesting.
i'd like to think that the colour of the doctor's skin would be taken for granted as not being an issue these days, and of no consequence either way with regard to the character (race being irrelevant anyway as he's a different speciess). a female doctor would create all sorts of interesting story possibilities to explore; his marriage to River Song not being the least of them.

time-travelling lesbians anyone? :innocent:

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 12:00
by timsinister
Jenny and Madame Vastra certainly have that box ticked - so to speak :wink:

No, race shouldn't matter - but as a traditional British institution the Doctor has traditionally been a white male from the Thames estuary area. Notable exceptions, Sylvester McCoy and Chris Eccleston. We're not just tackling 'equality', we're tackling cultural inertia.

In canon it sort of makes sense - the Time Lords always struck me as a pretty transparent rip-off of the British Empire.


Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 12:14
by markfiend
timsinister wrote:We're not just tackling 'equality', we're tackling cultural inertia.
Indeed. :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 13:59
by Husek
And that's why i like to discuss Doctor Who here.
It's the only place where i found this delightful opinions.

(also Doctor Who isn't so popular around here, so, basically HL it's the only place, for me, where i can found British people)

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 18:23
by ribbons69
timsinister wrote:I'd settle for someone with the actual maturity and gravity required of the role.

I saw one description for Smith's Doctor as "a teenage BFF on too much pro-plus"
I'm a big fan of Matt Smith,but I think he has been badly let down by the quality of the writing. Some of the most recent series was very poor. And perhaps Moffat is discovering that tossing out a classic episode once a series was never going to be as easy as being showruner. I haven't been to Galifrey One (or whatever it's called) for a long time,but I imagine the vilification that was once heaped upon RTD is now being laid at Moffat's door.

Posted: 03 Jun 2013, 21:44
by Pista
I liked him too.
I was fully expecting to find him cr@p from the start, but really enjoyed his Doctor.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 08:57
by timsinister
ribbons69 wrote:...and perhaps Moffat is discovering that tossing out a classic episode once a series was never going to be as easy as being showruner.
That's a regular complaint I've lodged - that Moffat is a fine writer, and a dreadful script-editor/producer/grand high magistrate of Who. His series read like bad fan-fic accounts.
I haven't been to Galifrey One (or whatever it's called) for a long time,but I imagine the vilification that was once heaped upon RTD is now being laid at Moffat's door.
I've never been able to make sense out of Gallifrey Base. They're way beyond the pale. I do like their trading sections though, so I tend to hang out there. Not too dissimilar to Heartland, maybe? :wink:
Husek wrote:And that's why i like to discuss Doctor Who here.
It's the only place where i found this delightful opinions.
Flattery gets you everywhere :kiss:

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 11:53
by LyanvisAberrant
I've always thought that Bowie NEEDS to play the next doctor or I'll cry. :(

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 12:39
by Debaser
It needs an 'action transvestite'

Go Eddie Izzard!

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 12:56
by markfiend
Received wisdom seems to be that Matt Smith's Doctor has suffered the same problem as Sylvester McCoy's: great actor, cráp scripts.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 15:13
by timsinister
Wow - don't normally see people come out swinging for the Seventh Doctor! :notworthy:

He was my Doctor, in that I remember him first. Still adore the way he plays something of a clown, but more as a disguise for a really powerful Doctor.

The scripts were actually improving as the end approached; the Cartmel Masterplan appeared to be a much more subtle attempt to reintroduce some mystery into the character, than parachuting John Hurt into a crazy mishmash.

Crucially, the BBC was overt about its dislike of the show by the late-Eighties and so the show staggered to a halt. Now the opposite is the case, and the show has a ridiculous budget and skyrocketing fan-love.

Except for those of us who prefer the extra lengths scriptwriters went to eke out the lack of special effects.

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 19:23
by stufarq

Posted: 04 Jun 2013, 19:29
by Pista

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 11:04
by timsinister
Hear Hear! :lol:

Starting to realise that RTD, for all he was not great, was infinitely preferable.

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 18:10
by ribbons69
timsinister wrote:
I've never been able to make sense out of Gallifrey Base. They're way beyond the pale. I do like their trading sections though, so I tend to hang out there. Not too dissimilar to Heartland, maybe? :wink:
Against my better judgement I logged on last night,for the first time since June 2012 the site informed me,to find myself faced with page upon page about "The Hurt Doctor " and "Doctor 8.5" I battled through it for awhile,then made my excuses and left. It's still full of the same nutjobs that make the likes of us in here seem perfectly sane.

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 08:53
by markfiend
ribbons69 wrote:nutjobs that make the likes of us in here seem perfectly sane.



Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 10:38
by timsinister
Scary but true :lol:

Mind you, I wonder if we'd be that frothing if, you know, we had something contemporary to talk about.


Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 14:55
by bangles
I really enjoyed Matt Smith. Thought Tennant would be a hard act to follow but different times, different doctor. He seemed quite lightweight - not an insult - but was more than capable of summoning the gravitas & power when required, which to me anyway, made him far more of a threat. You dismiss him at your peril! My kids as well, really liked him & hey, isn't that what it's all about? Okay, not my kids specifically but y'know children? They don't give a f**k about plots or insane story arcs - they just want to be entertained & terrified in equal measure & I thought the current incarnation delivered that.

But for the next doctor...
LyanvisAberrant wrote:I've always thought that Bowie NEEDS to play the next doctor or I'll cry. :(
That. Would. Be. Too. Amazing. For. Words!


Posted: 08 Jun 2013, 01:34
by mh
For one scary moment I read that as "Doktor"... :urff:

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 12:22
by Pista
Just read that Rory Kinnear has been offered the role ... r-Who.html


Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:21
by markfiend
Christ, I misread that as Roy Kinnear! :lol:

Posted: 09 Jun 2013, 17:23
by Pista
markfiend wrote:Christ, I misread that as Roy Kinnear! :lol:
Well, that's the kiss of death :lol: