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Man bites off girlfriend's nose but keeps her love

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 18:59
by Big Si
Man bites off girlfriend's nose but keeps her love

BERLIN (Reuters) - A woman in Germany says she still loves her boyfriend even though he bit her nose right off.

Judge Beatrix Homann said on Thursday her court in the western city of Hanover had sentenced the 26-year-old man to 18 months in jail for the assault, but that his partner, 50, had forgiven him.

"I still love this man," the judge quoted the woman, who has had six operations to build a synthetic nose, as saying at the hearing on Tuesday.

"He was just drunk," Homann told Reuters.
I guess he's an intellectual love god :roll:

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 19:40
by Jim
Ladies and gentlemen. The dictionary definition of "smooth".

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 20:24
by Black Planet
Intellectual love god? No no no!! :eek: :eek:

Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:

Poor girl needs some meds and a psychiatrist!

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 20:37
by Jim
I don't mean to be funny, but with the nose and the age gap and all, it sounds like a pretty weird situation from the getgo.

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 20:48
by Black Planet
Agreed! Very strange...I mean how do you bite someone's nose off???

God if a man disfifgured me like that I'd be doing a Lorena Bobbitt on him!

For those that don't know...she chopped his penis off in a fit of rage at his affair. Yes she did and it happened right next door to where I live.

Dont work too hard Jim!

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 21:29
by Serendipityhaven
whose paying?
for the reconstructive surgery,false nose etc?
what better way than to foot the bill for the permanent disfiguring of your soul mate which you yourself inflicted upon her,and the extensive med costs for the clean up operations eh?
some say it with original and give your woman something she can really brag about to her friends,and say it with nasal surgery.

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 22:21
by Big Si
Black Planet wrote:Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:
Because "chicks dig Jerks" :roll: ... _chick.mp3

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 22:46
by JansenClone
Big Si wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:
Because "chicks dig Jerks" :roll:
But mostly because people will treat you as badly as you let them. Relationships need to be balanced. Sorry, thus endeth the sermon...

Posted: 15 Aug 2003, 11:12
by Black Dahlia
Big Si wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:
Because "chicks dig Jerks" :roll: ... _chick.mp3


Posted: 15 Aug 2003, 12:22
by Big Si
Black Dahlia wrote:
Big Si wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:
Because "chicks dig Jerks" :roll: ... _chick.mp3

But most of you do! :evil:

Posted: 15 Aug 2003, 13:22
by Black Planet
Big Si wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Why are those kind of smooth talking I love you always and forever bastards even allowed to keep breathing? :evil: :evil:
Because "chicks dig Jerks" :roll: ... _chick.mp3
Most men at one time or another in their lives ...have moments when they are Jerks!! Don't even try to deny it.

Posted: 15 Aug 2003, 13:38
by Jim
Hey! I know as many female jerks as male jerks.

Worlds full of jerks , s'not gender specific.