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british sea power... new brit indie/goth showing promise

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 03:53
by unbeliever
just thought i'd give a shout out to anyone who has given this band the time of day and not just passed them off as another indie band.

the spirit of st. louis is as good a reason as any to check them out - and they do deserve your time and attention. the media hasnt picked up on them fully yet, but then again, what do they know about talent?

go - download and buy. who-else would give the crowd free bucks fizz at the gig?

stay happy/gnihgual eid

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 09:18
by CellThree
Got a copy of Carrion with last months X-Ray magazine CD. Rather good I thought.

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 10:52
by reverberater
Heard a lot about em but no tracks as yet. Gonna have to give em a whirl methinks now, cheers :wink:

Re: british sea power... new brit indie/goth showing promise

Posted: 24 Aug 2003, 18:19
by Debaser
unbeliever wrote:
go - download and buy. who-else would give the crowd free bucks fizz at the gig?
The same band that gave awaY THEIR OWN BRAND cake at Leeds or chocolate bars (apparently)

It's nice when a band tries....