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Real drums on 'Floorshow' EP

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 14:31
by Fodderstompf
Hi there, don't know if this has been discussed before. I had a listen to the 'Floorshow'-EP yesterday using headphones. During 'Floorshow' (the song) I noticed some real drums additionally being played over the drum machine part, specifically during:
0:10-0:33 min
0:44-1:08 min
1:25-1:40 min
1:48-2:30 min (this part the most obvious)
2:54 min till end.
Did you noticed this before? I was quite surprised I must say.

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 22:05
by iesus
:von: was a drummer Image ;D

Posted: 05 Sep 2015, 23:21
by stufarq
This was recorded in 1981, wasn't it, at a point when their only release so far had used live drums. They were still refining their sound, I guess.