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Me first gig... and happy as hell!!!

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 15:28
by Izzy HaveMercy
Well... I could've posted this in the other thread about me first gig... But according to my recent feelings and emotions it did not quite fit in there.

First of all: it was AWESOME.
The light show was over the top (love it!), the sound was perfect, the venue (capacity 100 peeps :-)) was brim-filled.
The whole week was nerve-wrecking, but yesterday I was very calm. I did not care anymore. The only thing I thought about was :"Well, this is what we've been working for the last coppola years, and this is our reward".
And it helped. When I went on stage, and I saw the crowd, it was just like in the 'old' days. Except these people actually had brains :-)
The whole set was perfect, our keyboardplayer missed one chord or so and that was the only mistake made.
We played eight songs. We thanked the crowd and went off-stage. People could not believe it. They wanted more. We could not believe it.
But we had a time schedule, so we started to remove our stuff offstage and replace it with the next bands' stuff.
After this we had the time to talk to people. And their comments were both very flattering and helpful.
The overall sentiment was: great, brilliant and a good live performance. Some musicians gave some good advice about my singing, the show overall and some small tidbits ('speak dutch in between the songs', 'ditch the sunglasses, you looked like Matrix Reloaded', 'kick the guitarist's ass a couple of times' etc...)
The other bands... well, everyone said we should've been headliners. The reason we did not do this is, that the other bands are more famous than we are. But, according to the crowd, we were the best band that evening.
People took pictures, there's a MiniDisc recording direct-PA, and there's video recording.
I'll try (in the next week) to do something with the stuff and put it on our temporary site .

Finally, I wanna say a BIG FECKING THANX to ALL PEEPS that, in one way or another, supported or helped us.
All helpers at the gig (entrance, bar personnel, backstage helpers, dj's, KORK sound and lighting, cleaning crew,...), all the people that came to see us, and of course all people HERE AT MYHEARTLAND that supported me and wished me good luck or gave me good advice.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: THANX !!!!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 16:31
by Black Planet
Wow!~! That's wonderful, and congratulations on a successful gig! Next time will be easier! :wink:

Oh and post your web addy, ok?

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 16:50
by Padstar
Fantasatic Iz !!!!!

well done!!!!!


Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 16:54
by Quiff Boy
Congrats :)

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 17:00
by Izzy HaveMercy
Additional note:
It is rumoured (but as good as confirmed) that we will be support act for CLAWFINGER here in Belgium.

I think I'm gonna faint :roll:

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 18:06
by hallucienate

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 20:20
by pikkrong

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 21:15
by Nancy_78
Congratulations! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 21:18
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 22:58
by Serendipityhaven
:D reading your post do get a strong sense of how energised you are from the whole experience. :D
made me smile coz you can kind of "hear"how hyper+happy you are with it all.
now...sort out your tshirts and let me know how much.mines XL :D

Posted: 08 Sep 2003, 10:08
by Izzy HaveMercy

BTW... I just registered our new (temporary) web directory (do not call it a website yet).
You can now check out for all details, mp3s, and in the very near future: pics and audio from our first gig. Pass it on! Pass it on! :-D
And for all The Avatar-related questions, you can mail me at:


Posted: 08 Sep 2003, 19:47
by Guest
Yay! We knew you could do it!

:D :notworthy: 8)

Posted: 08 Sep 2003, 20:06
by karin
Now there's lovely... :)

Posted: 08 Sep 2003, 20:35
by Izzy HaveMercy
To make you all even more bored, I'm gonna start a 'The Avatar'-thread, where I can keep all interested parties informed about the progress.
Hope you do not mind :-)

Posted: 09 Sep 2003, 17:46
by Izzy HaveMercy
Oh. Almost forgot the most important thing.
Right before the gig, Belgian alternative radio Studio Brussel played first This Corrosion, and a bit later Flood I. 'twas a Sign from the Gods, me tells ya!
For pray tell me, who EVER heard Flood I on national radio before? :-)

Posted: 09 Sep 2003, 19:29
by pikkrong
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: For pray tell me, who EVER heard Flood I on national radio before? :-)
only TOL Ofra Haza version.

Posted: 10 Sep 2003, 23:13
by Carrie
Glad it went well! :D