September 24th: Fzw / Freizeitzentrum West, Dortmund Germany

Gig news, reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on The Sisters live in 2017
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Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
Crash & Burn
No Time To Cry
Walk Away
Body & Soul
Dominion / Mother Russia
First & Last & Always
Flood II

Something Fast
That's When I Reach For My Revolver
Lucretia, My Reflection
Temple Of Love
This Corrosion
Last edited by Pista on 27 Sep 2017, 11:14, edited 4 times in total.
Just like the old days

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Nice ... they never played Dortmund before ... ;D ;D ;D ...

*only I gotta work too long on that day ... :wink: ... bad luck, just like Amsterdam and Hamburg in 2014 ... :( ...
but there will surely be at least one suitable day to to see them ... still plenty space in the September schedule ... ;D ...
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I have tickets for Nick Cave in Bournemouth already!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Marge xxx
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godgirl wrote:I have tickets for Nick Cave in Bournemouth already!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Marge xxx
Flog 'em! :innocent:
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So many places you can purchase tickets. Do they all charge the same price? Been such a long time until recently I purchased a ticket to see The m*****n, but went directly to 02 academy online.
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Andrew S wrote:
godgirl wrote:I have tickets for Nick Cave in Bournemouth already!

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Marge xxx
Flog 'em! :innocent:
Nooooooooooooooooo! Hjotel booked and pals recruited for top seaside shennanigans!

8) 8) 8)

Marge xxx
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised God doesn't work that way, so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness"
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Tickets safe.
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Amphetamine Filth
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Got the ticket! :D
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I'm going to this gig after I said I would only see The Sisters in the UK. Meeting Jan and friends.
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elamanamou wrote:I'm going to this gig after I said I would only see The Sisters in the UK. Meeting Jan and friends.
:notworthy: :lol: :von:
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PIB you coming? :)
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Does anyone know the nearest hotel to venue?
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elamanamou wrote:PIB you coming? :)
Nah, not into gimp masks
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Apparently, the gig in Dortmund has already SOLD OUT ... :eek: ... ... anguage=en
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I found some for sale here:

No e-ticket option. Sigh.
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I am in :-)
Please to meet you :-)
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Only 2 more days to go :D Anybody seen the venue before?
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Have a flippin' jolly good evening everyone :D
Just like the old days

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Credit: Elke Bredenbruch

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Really enjoyed the evening. Walk Away and FALAA were the highlights imo. Nice small venue, but not overcrowded. Some sound problems during Arms and briefly during one or two other songs, but nothing dramatic. Hope the next tour is coming soon!
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Road trip! This was the first show to which I hadn’t taken a solo plane, train, or bus and was therefore more social than…90% of my life. The drive over was pleasant, the countryside was often beautiful and I got to wander the streets of (f**k, where were we again?) DORTMUND in good company. We parked near the venue, confirmed by spying Martin Kelly in the parking lot (suppressed the Pavlovian urge to applaud and give it up for the drummer) and got lunch. It occurs to me only now that the town had a ghostly feel primarily because it was Sunday. There was a shop called Idiot Records, a sign I couldn’t read that featured the word “schmuck� and a large tower sporting a capitol U and interesting window projections of giant men photographing each other interspersed with fish and birds.

The downtown looked like most other downtowns with cash machines and Dominos and Subways and trendy Bio shops with overpriced legume salads that call to me still. The venue was near the town center. The outside was non-descript and boxy and featured an adjacent caged courtyard where visitors can observe the musicians in their natural habitat during drinking hours. (Apparently you’re not supposed to look, though; etiquette signs were likely in German so I’m guessing here.)

One of our crew joined the three loud older teen girls already in line while two of us joined some other regulars in a pub that promised Sisters music. We headed to the venue about an hour early and a large crowd was gathering along with the regulars whom it was good to see. The unscientific sampling of people around me revealed the crowd to be heavy on the older nostalgia set. That fit the feel in the venue. Folks who had heard good things about the current tour, seen the Sisters once or twice in the last few decades, and were unremarkable, if nice enough.

Got a spot up front. The stage was large, but shallow. The mirrors were close and, after they were uncovered, we could see the audience (though not ourselves unless I’m now so bad with faces that I don’t even know my own) in the two nearest. Yes, I was contemplating the alternate views and how we had a glimpse of an esoteric vantage point, and those other reflective things, but what really struck me was that it is unnerving to be beneath massive sheets of suspended breakable material.

The show! There was a bit of sound tweaking in the beginning and throughout, but nothing truly disruptive. There was again more smoke in the pre-show. Almost felt like the build-up of prior years when the hissing of the smoke machine was the first introductory song. More and Ribbons were again powerful though the crowd seemed subdued. Maybe that whole Sunday thing again? Detonation came through very well. Before launching into No Time To Cry: “Things are about to get very gloomy so the traditionalists should� …I forgot what the traditionalists should do, but it was appropriate. Traded spaces with a fan for his favorite and enjoyed it. After Alice we were on to: “Now that that’s over, it’s time to rock!� (I probably f**ked up both quotes; listen to the bootlegs.)

Arms was exceptional as was FALAA. I’m not sure if anyone really knows if Something Fast is now an encore or not so stop asking. It was good, at any rate. Revolver was most welcome to me, if angst inducing as indeed the only comment necessary, particularly after an incredibly frustrating few days of political discussions abroad. (Google “Nov 4th it begins� and then imagine Venezuela organized by gently violent, quazi-angry legume salad-hording hipsters and heckled by confederates who have never read a book.) Lucretia was a good antidote. ToL rocked, oh and so did Flood. (There was some disruption in the crowd (and aggressive security throughout) but it wasn’t noteworthy or creative.)

Also, The Membranes! Again, lots of appreciation for their set and discussion and interest in the crowd. The lightshow is ever evolving. I was thrilled to see Triforce projected during Dark Energy. It’s a secret to everybody. Except (optimistically) the three people who will get that reference. There is an interesting shadow effect in parts, with huge spotlights projected onto the upper stage and a bit of an eclipse effect as they overlap.

(Arrived in Amsterdam very late, still a bit too sore to sleep on my torso and my levitation isn’t up to par so please excuse the tired rambling.)
Last edited by Chaotican on 25 Sep 2017, 12:09, edited 2 times in total.
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Thanks for another cracking write up Sarah.
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credit: LifeArt Mag.

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I'm uploading my stuff. First, an experiment:
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Jan wrote:I'm uploading my stuff. First, an experiment:
Thats fantastic! Watching it with my vr :)