12/12/2017 - Christmas Decorations

NEW RULES: One thread per day only. If there's a thread for today already started, post on that. And if there isn't? Then you get to start one. Aren't you the lucky one?
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Christmas are close and the municipality of Civitanova Marche in Italy decide to do something about it...
As editor said Sigmund Freud approves...
Last pic is last years decorations in Heraklion Crete ;D :notworthy:

Edit- This is close to the first TSOM gig abroad place :eek: :lol:
'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
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Lovely. It's nice to see that some municipalities feel free to do what that feel they want to do ... ;D ...

Anyway, thanks for hinting at the sisters fan blog ... there are some new entries and as I can't follow all these Sisters pages all the time I had missed them ...
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At least you don't need an Advent Calendar to see that Christmas is coming!
Well you must know something
'Cos we're dying of admiration here
Mastering obscure alternatives
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