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Friends Reunited

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 23:25
by karin
This is my entry in the'profile' section of in Friends Reunited -
In 1980 I ended up in Pontypridd after a particularly heavy drinking session with a long distance lorry driver( from Halifax) and I've stayed ever since. I'm an ex lap dancer who now works in Sainsbury's (on the check-out no less ). I'm divorced (twice ) I have 6 lovely kids aged 2 to 17, the eldest Taffy is in Strangeways but it was a set up.

What's yours ? :D

Posted: 28 Sep 2003, 23:59
by Andy TG
Having seen the recent "Friends Reunited" documentry on Channel Five - I would suggest "Friends Reunited - Best Avoided" ;-)

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 00:04
by karin
I agree ( geez ! this thread is going to die a death.....)

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 00:16
by Andy TG
karin wrote:I agree ( geez ! this thread is going to die a death.....)
@ Karin - Early days yet Kiddo - Early days! :-)

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 06:44
by Padstar

Missed that documentary...

Do Tell!!!


Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 14:28
by Serendipityhaven
surely you should just take the hint and dont bother looking to reunite yourself with your absent friends?

if theyre that hard to get in touch with,maybe theres a reason for that?

or maybe thats just me :wink:

besides which-that organisation is cursed-that tv documentary said so and that means its all true.
join and be damned :twisted:

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 14:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
'Still slightly strange'

With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 17:16
by Jim
They chucked me off for lying on my one. I think I was a bit abusive as well - as if I'd want to talk to any of the sh*ts I was at school with. If I liked them I'd still speak to them - you don't just "lose touch" by accident.

And I certainly don't want to "revisit the past" - suddenly going "oh, weren't we childish - look how much we've grown up, we can be friends now". I'll hate every f*cker who ever crossed me till the day I die. In fact, the only thing it's got going for it is it might help me track the f*ckers down that bit faster.

Only reason people use that piece of sh*te is to either try and pull someone or boast a bit, or both. Sad attention seeking w*nkers - that's the audience for a site like that.

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 17:17
by Jim
Sexygoth wrote:'Still slightly strange'

With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!
Sorry SG, you posted while I was typing.

It's not a "personal attack" just a general feeling of distaste.

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 18:13
by CorpPunk
Jim wrote:They chucked me off for lying on my one. I think I was a bit abusive as well - as if I'd want to talk to any of the sh*ts I was at school with. If I liked them I'd still speak to them - you don't just "lose touch" by accident.

And I certainly don't want to "revisit the past" - suddenly going "oh, weren't we childish - look how much we've grown up, we can be friends now". I'll hate every f*cker who ever crossed me till the day I die. In fact, the only thing it's got going for it is it might help me track the f*ckers down that bit faster.

Only reason people use that piece of sh*te is to either try and pull someone or boast a bit, or both. Sad attention seeking w*nkers - that's the audience for a site like that.
Damn--you took the words right out of my mouth.

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 18:26
by Black Planet
Jim wrote:as if I'd want to talk to any of the sh*ts I was at school with. If I liked them I'd still speak to them - you don't just "lose touch" by accident.

And I certainly don't want to "revisit the past" - suddenly going "oh, weren't we childish - look how much we've grown up, we can be friends now". I'll hate every f*cker who ever crossed me till the day I die. In fact, the only thing it's got going for it is it might help me track the f*ckers down that bit faster.

Only reason people use that piece of sh*te is to either try and pull someone or boast a bit, or both. Sad attention seeking w*nkers - that's the audience for a site like that.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I suppose for some it's nice, but I'd be with Jim on this one.

People on my list worth finding are the ones you need to hire a detective to find. :wink: :innocent: :von:

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 18:27
by Black Planet
Poor Corpy.....your road kill again!

What happened????

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 18:49
by hallucienate
I've got a 10 year reunion coming up in December I'm half wandering wether to go or not. I hated school (all boys, uniforms AND straw hats). I wouldn't go, but my friend is flying back from Oz a week before for a holiday and he wants to go...

I went to the 5 year reunion and was completely trashed before I got there, the guy I went with last time now lives in Norwich, and he ain't going this time.

Ho-hum, do I really want to see those sad wankers? At what price friendship?

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 19:45
by CorpPunk
Black Planet wrote:Poor Corpy.....your road kill again!

What happened????
I have no idea--my account got erased, as well as all my posts, if you've noticed. Paddy's on the case :notworthy: . I almost had a heart attack cos I thought I'd got kicked off. But then I remembered I'm too nice. :D

So if anyone had PM'ed anything important, please resend as it's all gone. :cry:

Back to watching Big Si eat lobster in the front. :roll:

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 20:51
by Mrs RicheyJames
Jim wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:'Still slightly strange'

With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!
Sorry SG, you posted while I was typing.

It's not a "personal attack" just a general feeling of distaste.
S'ok, I'm not offended in the slightest :D

Sme like it, some don't, it's as simple as that!!

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 23:07
by Serendipityhaven
come to think of it,last night i found it very tricky posting in the currently listening to...tyhread.sometimes was refused access alltogether,sometimes got as far as trying to leave a reply then was told no further posts were accepted on this topic-like it was locked or some such...
took few attempts to leave a post on it.
no other probs like it with other threads tho

Posted: 29 Sep 2003, 23:43
by Big Si
CorpPunk wrote:Back to watching Big Si eat lobster in the front. :roll:

Never tried it! You'll find me eating Haggis


And shouldn't your name be CorpPunkette? :wink: :D

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 00:50
by CorpPunk
Big Si wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:Back to watching Big Si eat lobster in the front. :roll:

Never tried it! You'll find me eating Haggis


Big Si wrote:And shouldn't your name be CorpPunkette? :wink: :D
No, cos I'm way too hard to be an 'ette'. :twisted:

Bring it on!

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 02:14
by Andy TG
Jim wrote:They chucked me off for lying on my one. I think I was a bit abusive as well - as if I'd want to talk to any of the sh*ts I was at school with. If I liked them I'd still speak to them - you don't just "lose touch" by accident.

And I certainly don't want to "revisit the past" - suddenly going "oh, weren't we childish - look how much we've grown up, we can be friends now". I'll hate every f*cker who ever crossed me till the day I die. In fact, the only thing it's got going for it is it might help me track the f*ckers down that bit faster.

Only reason people use that piece of sh*te is to either try and pull someone or boast a bit, or both. Sad attention seeking w*nkers - that's the audience for a site like that.
I have to say that I agree with "Jim" and on others on this one!

Besides this site, and others like it, charge members £5.00 to join - 2 Million+ members in the UK - Who knows how many members in other countries being charged a nominal membership fee - You do the maths!!!!

Somebody is making a hell of a lot money!

I propose that we start a "Sisters Fans Reunited" site - charge just £2.00 and RAKE IT IN! ;-)

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 02:16
by Andy TG
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Jim wrote:They chucked me off for lying on my one. I think I was a bit abusive as well - as if I'd want to talk to any of the sh*ts I was at school with. If I liked them I'd still speak to them - you don't just "lose touch" by accident.

And I certainly don't want to "revisit the past" - suddenly going "oh, weren't we childish - look how much we've grown up, we can be friends now". I'll hate every f*cker who ever crossed me till the day I die. In fact, the only thing it's got going for it is it might help me track the f*ckers down that bit faster.

Only reason people use that piece of sh*te is to either try and pull someone or boast a bit, or both. Sad attention seeking w*nkers - that's the audience for a site like that.
I have to say that I agree with "Jim" and on others on this one!

Besides this site, and others like it, charge members £5.00 to join - 2 Million+ members in the UK - Who knows how many members in other countries being charged a nominal membership fee - You do the maths!!!!

Somebody is making a hell of a lot money!

I propose that we start a "Sisters Fans Reunited" site - charge just £2.00 and RAKE IT IN! ;-)
BTW - I am Joking! (Or am I?)

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 07:32
by cyn
Friendz...have found them talked, caught up how many kids, etc. Send Christmas cards once a year then you drift apart again...
Of course when your in a 12 step program one of your step is to find people and make amends... :?

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 08:53
by Loki
Sexygoth wrote:With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!
I tend to agree with SG that being a forces brat made it difficult to keep in touch. Having said that, the upside is that I manged to track down my 77-79 gang from germany (the ones I've bothered looking for) and we get together twice a year to get trashed.

On the downside, I managed to attract the attentions of someone who I vaguely remembered. Unfortunately she turned out to be the psycho bitch stalker from hell. But after 12 months of harrassment, resulting in us changing all our phone numbers, having our mail vetted and taking out an injunction she dissapeared.

I suppose the moral is be careful, as there's some weird, twisted fcukers out there, who have no life and can't wait to get their claws into yours ...

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 11:38
by Jim
Johnny Boy wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!
I tend to agree with SG that being a forces brat made it difficult to keep in touch. Having said that, the upside is that I manged to track down my 77-79 gang from germany (the ones I've bothered looking for) and we get together twice a year to get trashed.

On the downside, I managed to attract the attentions of someone who I vaguely remembered. Unfortunately she turned out to be the psycho bitch stalker from hell. But after 12 months of harrassment, resulting in us changing all our phone numbers, having our mail vetted and taking out an injunction she dissapeared.

I suppose the moral is be careful, as there's some weird, twisted fcukers out there, who have no life and can't wait to get their claws into yours ...
I always thought being stalked must be quite flattering. Is it?

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 12:11
by Loki
Jim wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:With my dad being in the Army, we did tend to move around alot, tis a very good way of getting back in touch, have now started to talk to quite a few peeps thanks to it!!!
I tend to agree with SG that being a forces brat made it difficult to keep in touch. Having said that, the upside is that I manged to track down my 77-79 gang from germany (the ones I've bothered looking for) and we get together twice a year to get trashed.

On the downside, I managed to attract the attentions of someone who I vaguely remembered. Unfortunately she turned out to be the psycho bitch stalker from hell. But after 12 months of harrassment, resulting in us changing all our phone numbers, having our mail vetted and taking out an injunction she dissapeared.

I suppose the moral is be careful, as there's some weird, twisted fcukers out there, who have no life and can't wait to get their claws into yours ...
I always thought being stalked must be quite flattering. Is it?
No. Not when their intention is to destroy you and everything you have or ever held dear.

Posted: 30 Sep 2003, 13:28
by Black Planet
Johnny Boy wrote: I suppose the moral is be careful, as there's some weird, twisted fcukers out there, who have no life and can't wait to get their claws into yours ...
I know the feeling well, JB. :urff:

But there's nothing like Escape, and Papa Doc Duvalier voodoo! :wink: :wink: