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Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 03 Oct 2003, 19:43
by Nancy_78
I've found one,for us,very interesting thread on an another message board and they discussed obscure 80s goth bands/songs amongst which our beloved Sisters as well.Worth checking?Definately!Just click on this link below! ... 1053704515

Posted: 03 Oct 2003, 20:38
by Black Planet
Nice Catch Nancy! A good read, and I can't beleive Fear Cult garnered a mention.. (I really like them!)

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 03 Oct 2003, 22:40
by RicheyJames
Nancy_78 wrote:Worth checking?Definately!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 02:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
Least I'm not the only one!
Richey, you a bloody teacher or something, Or just the spelling police?

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 09:50
by RicheyJames
me? a teacher? with my reputation?

no, the word you are looking for is pedant. and proud of it.

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 09:56
by khepri II
RicheyJames wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:Worth checking?Definately!

how's your Croatian :?:

bloody pedantic knob jockey :evil:

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:00
by RicheyJames
khepri II wrote:how's your Croatian :?:
bloody pedantic knob jockey :evil:
oh dear. do we have to resort to personal abuse?

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:02
by khepri II
RicheyJames wrote:
khepri II wrote:how's your Croatian :?:
bloody pedantic knob jockey :evil:
oh dear. do we have to resort to personal abuse?

That was written :P

personal would be a smack around the chops :wink:

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:07
by RicheyJames
i think you are confusing "personal" with "physical"
1 relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization
physical (BODY)
1 connected with the body:

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:19
by khepri II
RicheyJames wrote:i think you are confusing "personal" with "physical"
1 relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization
physical (BODY)
1 connected with the body:
that's your definition in your context. Welldone, at least this time by including "think", you allowed room for manoeuvre. Rare in your posts.

Anyway, I'm bored of this now. Thanks for filling out another five minutes of my life :wink:

All I meant was it was easy to be a smart arse, when not taking into account that English isn't another's first language. IMHO, anybody who is brave enough to post in a non-native language deserves praise not to be ridiculed. That's all, now let's get over it and move on. :?

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:37
by dead stars
khepri II wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:i think you are confusing "personal" with "physical"
1 relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a group or an organization
physical (BODY)
1 connected with the body:
that's your definition in your context. Welldone, at least this time by including "think", you allowed room for manoeuvre. Rare in your posts.

Anyway, I'm bored of this now. Thanks for filling out another five minutes of my life :wink:

All I meant was it was easy to be a smart arse, when not taking into account that English isn't another's first language. IMHO, anybody who is brave enough to post in a non-native language deserves praise not to be ridiculed. That's all, now let's get over it and move on. :?

Hmmmm... Let's assume Richey didn't know Nancy wasn't a native.
If he knew he wouldn't have said that, had he?

*by the way, i'm not a native either so leave me alone*

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:50
by Nancy_78
RicheyJames wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:Worth checking?Definately!
Yes it should be Definitely indeed.It wasn't my intention at all.Honest!I was pretty tired at that time yesterday and I just typed the wrong letter.It happens.
But see this now:Even some native British and American make the same mistake writing Definately instead of Definitely.I've noticed that on some other message boards I've been on so far.

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:55
by RicheyJames
khepri II wrote:that's your definition in your context.
actually it's the cambridge dictionary definition but let's not quibble
Well done, at least this time by including "think", you allowed room for manoeuvre. Rare in your posts.

Anyway, I'm bored of this now. Thanks for filling out another five minutes of my life :wink:
always happy to help
All I meant was it was easy to be a smart arse, when not taking into account that English isn't another's first language. IMHO, anybody who is brave enough to post in a non-native language deserves praise not to be ridiculed.
and at what point did i ridicule anybody? i merely corrected a spelling mistake. it's what i do. as i said above, i'm a pedant. that does not make me a bad person.
That's all, now let's get over it and move on. :?
i think most of us had moved on before you starting slinging abuse around. sexygoth had a light-hearted dig at my pedantry to which i replied in kind. you, on the other hand, turned immediately to insults for no apparent reason...

Re: Hey Folks,Look What I've Found!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 10:59
by RicheyJames
Nancy_78 wrote:Yes it should be Definitely indeed.It wasn't my intention at all.Honest!I was pretty tired at that time yesterday and I just typed the wrong letter.It happens.
there really is no need to apologise!
But see this now:Even some native British and American make the same mistake writing Definately instead of Definitely.I've noticed that on some other message boards I've been on so far.
you're quite correct in your observation. that particular mis-spelling is becoming far too prevalent. it will be stamped out!

Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 14:01
by Black Planet
Good God!! Stop bickering you two!!! It's unbecoming. And Richey, don't bother to correct my ignorance, as you know, ignorance is bliss and I want to keep it that way!


Posted: 04 Oct 2003, 18:49
by khepri II
actually it's the cambridge dictionary definition but let's not quibble

Oxford - done made etc in person :roll:

the big book of being rude

Knob jockey 90's US slang - wanker

Oxford - wanker - contemptible :P

bring it on :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 05 Oct 2003, 20:56
by Big Si