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Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 08:55
by dawnrazer
Hello folks. Bit new here obviously. Fascinating place you have here. Just got the book 'Waiting for another War' and am totally fixated again. Will admit my usual poison has always been the Nephilim (don't all shout at me) but as a long time fan of most things goth (can we say that here?) SOM have always been around my life. Cutting to the chase, I'm a massive vinyl freak and you guessed it, the only thing missing from my SOM collection is a copy of DD. What does it usually go for these days? I remember it being a £300 record quite some time ago, but wondered what to expect these days, should I be able to find one? It's not a £1k record yet is it? Anyway, perhaps I should have put this bit in the other section of this place so apologies for that. Again, what a great place this is!


Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 09:03
by FireInReptileHouse
Welcome to HL!
There may be people here willing to part with it, but there's always ebay (if you're careful) and discogs.
Every time I see DD sell, its getting closer to 1000, I think having hit 850 semi-recently

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 09:09
by Pista
Hello @dawnrazer & welcome to :hl:
There's a thread in the trading board that keeps an eye on whenever DD appears for sale.

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 11:17
by Being645
Hi there and welcome ... :D ... 850? Well, then the prices have fallen remarkably. Some time ago they regularly went for more than 1,000, IIRC ...

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 12:06
by dawnrazer
Thanks folks. Good to know! I shall go and have a look for the thread you mentioned regarding DD and then post in the appropriate place. I didn't just want to jump in on the trades bit for fear of folk not thinking me genuine etc. Even so, £1k is a heck of a lot for one record. I used to collect the Red cover of Burning the Fields ep for trades. Had 5 at one point! Wonder if anyone does that with DD!? Right, thanks again - off to go look for that thread :) 8)

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 16:31
by markfiend
There's the persistent rumour that Eldritch himself has a big stack of copies and flogs one on whenever he needs the dough :lol:

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 25 Apr 2022, 17:53
by paint it black
dawnrazer wrote: 25 Apr 2022, 12:06 Thanks folks. Good to know! I shall go and have a look for the thread you mentioned regarding DD and then post in the appropriate place. I didn't just want to jump in on the trades bit for fear of folk not thinking me genuine etc. Even so, £1k is a heck of a lot for one record. I used to collect the Red cover of Burning the Fields ep for trades. Had 5 at one point! Wonder if anyone does that with DD!? Right, thanks again - off to go look for that thread :) 8)
I have three and no

I also have various burning the fields.

Best route to DD is luck. Never Ebay.

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 08:07
by dawnrazer
markfiend wrote: 25 Apr 2022, 16:31 There's the persistent rumour that Eldritch himself has a big stack of copies and flogs one on whenever he needs the dough :lol:
A certain Mr Rat Scabies was rumoured to have a box full of Damned Damned Damned Lps with the Hotrods cover on the back jammed under his bed. Apparently! :roll: :D

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 20:29
by SmileySister
Hello and welcome to HL. I'm a massive Nephs fan as well. There are a lot of us on here :)

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 20:41
by EmmaPeelWannaBe
Welcome and we can use the G-word

Re: Hello! And desperately seeking....

Posted: 28 Apr 2022, 08:20
by dawnrazer
SmileySister wrote: 26 Apr 2022, 20:29 Hello and welcome to HL. I'm a massive Nephs fan as well. There are a lot of us on here :)
This is good news! Never used to be a good idea talking Nephs around a load of Sisters fans back in the day. Well, not round our neck of the woods. Would always end up covered in snakebite and black! :D :D