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Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 18:57
by rian
If someone gave you 100.000, what would you do with it?

Get all sisters stuff on ebay?

Buy a new Porche?

Buy a lot of drugs?


Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 18:58
by 6FeetOver
I'd pay off my !@#$% student loans! :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:07
by Almiche V
I'd buy a place abroad in the sun. Definitely. Especially now that winter's here.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:09
by rian
snubnoseuk wrote:I'd buy a place abroad in the sun. Definitely. Especially now that winter's here.
You don't have wife and kids, thatäs for sure :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:16
by Almiche V
rian wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:I'd buy a place abroad in the sun. Definitely. Especially now that winter's here.
You don't have wife and kids, thatäs for sure :wink:

Gee, can I buy those too? :D

I'm sorry, but :lol: is the worst Laugh Out Loud emoticon I've seen.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:19
by James Blast
A place in the sun and a ticket for Syria...

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:22
by Black Planet
I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:26
by rian
Black Planet wrote:I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.
Spain? What's so good with Spain.? I love Portugal or Madeira ;D

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:29
by Almiche V
rian wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.
Spain? What's so good with Spain.? I love Portugal or Madeira ;D
I think I can guess why. :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:31
by rian
snubnoseuk wrote:
rian wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I'd wait til the next Sisters tour, take leave from my job and follow Andrew all around Europe and the UK.


With what's left I'd buy a place in Spain, near Cordoba.
Spain? What's so good with Spain.? I love Portugal or Madeira ;D
I think I can guess why. :wink:
Oh. Love? :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 19:53
by Black Planet
Why Spain? Corboba, also known as Corduba was the capitol of the Roman province called Baetica. It was and still is known for its wine and olive oil production. It's just a place I have read a lot of about in a historical context and I think it would be nice to have a holiday home there as it is very pretty.

And no, there isn't anyone I love there. He's somewhere else. But obviously, not in a recording studio. :evil: :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:30
by Angelchild
Black Planet wrote:Why Spain? Corboba, also known as Corduba was the capitol of the Roman province called Baetica. It was and still is known for its wine and olive oil production. It's just a place I have read a lot of about in a historical context and I think it would be nice to have a holiday home there as it is very pretty.

And no, there isn't anyone I love there. He's somewhere else. But obviously, not in a recording studio. :evil: :wink:
LOL :lol:
Pay off what I owe to the nice people at the bank, have a some retail therapy and a holiday...go to all the places I've always wanted to go.
I'm game for your idea of doing a whole Sisters tour around Europe and the UK. I'd be there too, in the background being overawed :wink: just like being on a visit to your Bar & Grill :)

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:37
by emilystrange
give up work so i don't have to do this f**** job app which is driving me nuts. %*@**

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:47
by rian
emilystrange wrote:give up work so i don't have to do this f**** job app which is driving me nuts. %*@**
Hmm, but I love my job!

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:52
by emilystrange
i want to do the job but not the app.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 22:07
by Thea
i'd buy happiness and look damn smug about it.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 22:09
by Black Shuck
I'd pay e99,950 to hire the Sisters to play in my back garden

and pay the other e50 to Ben Gunn, Craig Adams and Gary Marx to turn up. hopefully, everything would just click into place...

I bet you're all thinking "Yeah, great. your own private Sisters reunion gig. so what? you've just blown e100k."
but you'd be wrong.
All you other Heartlanders would be so desperate to see it, I could charge you all e10,000 each to watch it.

i reckon I'd end up about e200,000 up...
mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:04
by Nancy_78
I'd buy myself a time machine(if someone would invent it) to be able to travel all the way back to February the 16th,1981(the day when Sisters held their very first performance ever at York's University being the support act for the Thompson Twins) and follow my beloved band constantly ever since all around the world. 8)

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:18
by Thrash Harry
Invest it wisely and retire to Venice. Or Sienna. Or Bridlington if the interest rate wasn't too good.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:29
by Thrash Harry
Black Shuck wrote:I'd pay e99,950 to hire the Sisters to play in my back garden

and pay the other e50 to Ben Gunn, Craig Adams and Gary Marx to turn up. hopefully, everything would just click into place...

I bet you're all thinking "Yeah, great. your own private Sisters reunion gig. so what? you've just blown e100k."
but you'd be wrong.
All you other Heartlanders would be so desperate to see it, I could charge you all e10,000 each to watch it.

i reckon I'd end up about e200,000 up...
mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha
Now that sounds like a very good retirement plan!

While we're on the subject, I've never really understood why anyone would want their own private Sisters show. There wouldn't be much atmosphere would there, and you'd be the only target for his insults. I don't think you could bank on him being civil and signing all your Sisters stuff just cos you're paying his wages.

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:37
by James Blast
Like Mr. E would do it in the first place, sheesh!

oh look.... pigs on the wing

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:41
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:Like Mr. E would do it in the first place, sheesh!

oh look.... pigs on the wing
He did it twice for the Fanclub back in 1992/93, and he loved it! :von:

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:51
by James Blast
<---suitably chastised

BTW nae'b'dy likes a show aff!

Get thay covers yet, BawSac?

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:55
by Big Si
Red Sunsets wrote:<---suitably chastised

BTW nae'b'dy likes a show aff!

Get thay covers yet, BawSac?
:wink: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2003, 00:45
by Black Planet
Nancy_78 wrote:I'd buy myself a time machine(if someone would invent it) to be able to travel all the way back to February the 16th,1981(the day when Sisters held their very first performance ever at York's University being the support act for the Thompson Twins) and follow my beloved band constantly ever since all around the world. 8)
Can I go with you? Please please please? I actually remember 1981....LOL it was a really good year. And I was in love in Billy Idol. I am not kidding!

EBG..strikes again! And believe me..I'd kick that SOB boyfriend I had um sorry I'll behave now. :wink: