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Les frogies

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 13:33
by Clucking Belle
Why are there so few French sisters fans?

Or have I got that wrong?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:18
by Loki
Haven't historically the french only supported french speaking artists? The old french is the universal language of the world and we don't understand english bollox. Bastards.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:28
by Clucking Belle
yes, but they did go all doolally (sp?) over the cure

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:38
by Quiff Boy
Clucking Belle wrote:yes, but they did go all doolally (sp?) over the cure
always suspected something was not right with them... ;)


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:39
by Loki
May they thought fat Bob's barnet was the black equivalent of a french aristo bouffant?

Re: Les frogies

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:52
by zigeunerweisen
Clucking Belle wrote:Why are there so few French sisters fans?

Or have I got that wrong?
Well, i'm not french but i love France and the french and i like the Sisters, does that count?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:54
by Clucking Belle

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 14:59
by zigeunerweisen
Johnny Boy wrote:Haven't historically the french only supported french speaking artists? The old french is the universal language of the world and we don't understand english bollox. Bastards.
You make it sound as supporting your national artists is a bad thing. In a world that's becoming the palyground of english speaking nations i support anyone who wants to maintain their cultural identity.

Apart from that, there are so many english speaking artists (american, english, or any other who happens to sing in english) which are famous in France that i'm not even going to mention them, you don't actually believe they only listen to french artists do you? France is so much more open to foreign artists than Britain is, so i don't understand your commentary.

When was the last time you listened to a portuguese, or spanish, or brasilian, or argentianian, or dutch or polish or even, gasp, a french artist? Actually when was the last time you listened to anyone singing in some other language other than english?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:00
by zigeunerweisen
Quiff Boy wrote:
Clucking Belle wrote:yes, but they did go all doolally (sp?) over the cure
always suspected something was not right with them... ;)

yeah, maybe, but the Cure are brit, not french, so ultimately...

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:19
by Loki
zigeunerweisen wrote:so i don't understand your commentary.
It's called english humour. Never did travel well. :wink:
zigeunerweisen wrote:When was the last time you listened to a portuguese, or spanish, or brasilian, or argentianian, or dutch or polish or even, gasp, a french artist? Actually when was the last time you listened to anyone singing in some other language other than english?
Never. I do envy you that you have the distinct advantage of living on the mainland where different cultures, identities and languages are embraced and welcomed. I unfortunately live on a little island that still thinks it is a major player in world affairs and refuses to immerse itself into a european culture for fear of losing its national identity (and Americas support), whilst still wistfully dreaming of the days when the majority of the world map was coloured pink. :|

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:22
by andymackem
zigeunerweisen wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:Haven't historically the french only supported french speaking artists? The old french is the universal language of the world and we don't understand english bollox. Bastards.
You make it sound as supporting your national artists is a bad thing. In a world that's becoming the palyground of english speaking nations i support anyone who wants to maintain their cultural identity.

Apart from that, there are so many english speaking artists (american, english, or any other who happens to sing in english) which are famous in France that i'm not even going to mention them, you don't actually believe they only listen to french artists do you? France is so much more open to foreign artists than Britain is, so i don't understand your commentary.

When was the last time you listened to a portuguese, or spanish, or brasilian, or argentianian, or dutch or polish or even, gasp, a french artist? Actually when was the last time you listened to anyone singing in some other language other than english?
Would yesterday, in Russian, Icelandic and Latin count (seperate artists, naturally). :P

The problem with the French approach was the introduction of legislation insisting that a set percentage of songs had to be performed in French on TV and radio. On the one hand it makes sense, but it knocks out a load of good music because it happens to be UK / US-produced (especially, though I'm sure the rest of Europe suffers to) and keeps a load of utter bilge on the air because it's in the appropriate tongue.

It's also apparently inspired some French acts to start recording songs with verses in English and French, which presumably meets some sort of dubious quota but results in lyrics like "When I was young, I was a Jedi". No idea how that translates (Quand j'etais petit, j'etais Jedi?) but I suspect it's bollocks in either language. (anecdotal observation based on a particularly irritating song I heard repeatedly on the radio last time I was in France).

As for becoming the playground of English-speaking nations, isn't that simply an inevitable extention of the last 200 years of history? From the dawn of the industrial revolution we have seen countries with a manufacturing surplus. That means other countries need to communicate with them in order to trade. The industrial revolution started in English-speaking Britain and we remained in the vanguard for a century or so until the English-speaking Americans outstripped us. Which language did it then become most useful for the rest of the world to learn?

It may not be "right" or even desirable, but it's a fact of life. I'm happy for anyone to maintain a cultural identity, but not an exclusive one.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:24
by The Green Lantern
zigeunerweisen wrote:When was the last time you listened to a portuguese, or spanish, or brasilian, or argentianian, or dutch or polish or even, gasp, a french artist?
Does Serge Gainsbourg count? If so, quite recently.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:27
by Loki
Anybody else noticed the way CB lights the blue touch paper and stands well back?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:37
by andymackem
Johnny Boy wrote:Anybody else noticed the way CB lights the blue touch paper and stands well back?
Sorry, I'm new. Did I take someone's bait? :oops:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:44
by Loki
andymackem wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:Anybody else noticed the way CB lights the blue touch paper and stands well back?
Sorry, I'm new. Did I take someone's bait? :oops:
No, no. Some people like to have a serious debate and your response to Ziggy was interesting and well thought out. :) Some people like to take cheap shots and would run a mile at the thought of a serious debate :innocent: CB's posts always tend to have a slighty provocative twist in their tail. :twisted:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 15:53
by Dave R
Could the whole "where are the french som fans" have something to do with Von's shall we say "dislike" of the french ??

I seem to recall a hotel escapade where he was hiding from the french National Rugby Team...

jaded memory comes with age.....

either way, we 'island Monkeys' (thank you heidi) are quite big on the whole Jonny Foriegner thing, we have never been that good at "crossing borders", whilst I listen to Einstuzende, Die haut etc etc I do not know whether our euro friends are listening to Head of David, PWEI, His Last Parade etc etc...

curious thing being English...... :urff:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:24
by CorpPunk
Johnny Boy wrote:Anybody else noticed the way CB lights the blue touch paper and stands well back?
Hit fast, run faster. It's a valid strategy. :twisted:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:27
by MrChris
[quote="doktor wolf"]Could the whole "where are the french som fans" have something to do with Von's shall we say "dislike" of the french ??

I think if no-one Von has ever professed a dislike for bought his records, he wouldn't sold very many at all. :wink: :wink:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:41
by Clucking Belle
Keh? All I did was ask why there are so few froggy gothy types who like les sisters.

I support all of my views except the indefensible ones. Which I refuse to comment on on the basis that they are clearly right.

Does that make sense?

But while we're on the topic of the lily livered garlic munching duplicitous self important crapauds francais, they had their day about 30 years before some daft filly suggested they eat some cake, and have been on a downhill slide since.

This is only compensated for by the fact that bits of the country are really quite pretty, and the chicks have...well... such fine comportement to use a froggy word.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:46
by Quiff Boy
Clucking Belle wrote:Keh? All I did was ask why there are so few froggy gothy types who like les sisters.

I support all of my views except the indefensible ones. Which I refuse to comment on on the basis that they are clearly right.

Does that make sense?

But while we're on the topic of the lily livered garlic munching duplicitous self important crapauds francais, they had their day about 30 years before some daft filly suggested they eat some cake, and have been on a downhill slide since.

This is only compensated for by the fact that bits of the country are really quite pretty, and the chicks have...well... such fine comportement to use a froggy word.

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phew! :roll: :innocent:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:52
by Clucking Belle
Hey! That *** word was "cra-paud" (w/out the hyphon), which is french for toad. QB, can I get it re-instated? Otherwise this baord is discriminating against the language of lurve and smelly cheese.

Otherwise, QB, can't disagree with any of yr post.

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 17:16
by CellThree
Quiff Boy wrote:
Clucking Belle wrote:Keh? All I did was ask why there are so few froggy gothy types who like les sisters.

I support all of my views except the indefensible ones. Which I refuse to comment on on the basis that they are clearly right.

Does that make sense?

But while we're on the topic of the lily livered garlic munching duplicitous self important **** francais, they had their day about 30 years before some daft filly suggested they eat some cake, and have been on a downhill slide since.

This is only compensated for by the fact that bits of the country are really quite pretty, and the chicks have...well... such fine comportement to use a froggy word.

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phew! :roll: :innocent:
Heartland IS responsible for many wasted hours of my time when I really could be doing something better. Not that I'm a lazy c**t or anything! :D

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 18:50
by Izzy HaveMercy
Johnny Boy wrote:Never. I do envy you that you have the distinct advantage of living on the mainland where different cultures, identities and languages are embraced and welcomed. I unfortunately live on a little island that still thinks it is a major player in world affairs and refuses to immerse itself into a european culture for fear of losing its national identity (and Americas support), whilst still wistfully dreaming of the days when the majority of the world map was coloured pink. :|

You're from the Isle of Man? :innocent:


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 21:09
by James Blast
What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?

It's OK, I didn't take my coat off...

Posted: 20 Dec 2003, 21:38
by Silver_Owl
Just to answer the previous comment regarding Eldritch hating the French. I can confirm he does indeed.

During a Janice Long (remember her? :eek: ) interview I remember her saying something along the lines of......

JL: You nearly became a diplomat didn't you?
AE: Yes, It did seem like the natural thing to do.
JL: Are you glad you didn't?
AE: Yeah, the French would have been in trouble if I had I can tell you.
JL: (embarassed laugh)

There ya go.