The m****n - Live Newcastle 22/05/02

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Quiff Boy
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found this on "another" forum. reproduced with permission of original poster :smile:

figured maybe some of you would find it interesting...
The m****n ..Live Newcastle 22/05/02!!!

warning long post!

...well as a casual m****n fan i thought i'd buy myself a ticket for this little shindig at my local rock bar in Newcastle, despite no f**ker wanting to go with me.;..i was worried last week asmy ticket no. was 21 and i was fully aware that the band now holds at best 'cult '' status..that it would be a total damp squib.

Anyway, i got there about 8.30 to fortunately find the place heaving with mostly 30 something goths who i've never seen b4 in my life down there (where do they go!?) and my fears were immediately allayed. Heading for the bar for my 2/3 Blue WK's i was tapped on the shoulder by a mate i hadn't seen for about 5 years who was kind enough to buy me yet more Wkd's...nice...he was already onto his 5th Newky Brown (p*ss)...we waited until 9.40 for the band (later became a moot point!) but were enetertained with some DJ classics, namely, Blue Monday, The Cutter, Personal Jesus, Deliverrance (!"), Cars, Ich Will,Devil Goes Down, Adore, Nancy Boy etc which got the crowd rockin...eventually..

...Hussey and Co (Adams left again) saunter on stage and he announces themself as ''Wasteland''.. A m****n tribute act!!..nice touch of irony...the band is playing it safe and reels off ''Beyond the Pale'' and metal versions of ''Hands Across the Ocean'' and ''Like a Child Again'' to rapturous acclaim...Wayne throws a mini rock star tantrum about the PA which is actaully very good1...''slave to lust '' follows and the moshpit is weell and truly working...especially cool are the girls swinging their hair about which is nice to see as for once i'm not getting my arse kicked for doing the same!

''Severina'' comes next to take things higher again and then''Butterfly ona Wheel'' and Wayne is conducting both sides of the venue ina war against each other to see who wins ala Iron Maiden doing Running Free on Live After Death!... dead cheesy but great fun!!

The band throws in acouple of newies (sound exactly like the oldies!) b4 Wayne teases us again with guess the chord...(it's the 1st line of Wasteland!) and again things go s**t...nice!!..ythe band is now full steam ahead and do ''Tower of Strength'' for which Wayne picks on the only sad f**k down the front who is just standing like a pompous twit and refuses to sing into the mic although Wayne is dangling it down his throat ...nice one! ...the band are throwing some ace rock shapes too and lo and behold a blast fromthe past...3 guys perform the''human pyramid'' despite the roof being only 2 people high at best!!

Time is pressing and Deliverance nail;s this time strange women are getting a bit close with the ''brother/sister'' bonding thing which is very nice actually and Wayne doesn't actually need to sing a word as the audience is doing nicely themselves...a barnstorming finish...
...the band leaves and the crowd is baying for more and the lights come on....the bass player evetually returns to advise us they want to play on but the owner won't let them as it's past the11 pm curfew...not very rockn roll and the crowd gives said promoter a load of abuse!!..Wayne comes back on with acoustic guitar only to be waveds off and more lights coming on...he's pissed off!!...great stuff..

Anyway i said goodbye to my old buddy and his mates who promise to come clubbing in a weeks time which is nice as i presently have to go on my own , so that was nice...

...and i nicked the setlist. short atop night out and although the band may not have much of a long term future i'm pleased to have seen them....good songs, good crowd, great night out...

s**t, forgot to mention they did a rippin version of Depeche Mode's ''Never let me Down Again''!!
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The gig was actually a bit pants (yes I was there) but the funniest bit was when Wayne said "...I heard the Sisters Of f**king Murphy played here the other week and I thought to myself God I've f**king arrived...!" :razz: ;D
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Quiff Boy
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;D ;D ;D
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On May 24, 2002 10:29am, Quiff Boy wrote:
...Hussey and Co (Adams left again) saunter on stage and he announces themself as ''Wasteland''.. A m****n tribute act!!..nice touch of irony...
do you reckon he's obsessing coz the sisters have at least one very very good one, and they don't?¿?¿?

(another fiver please pads :wink:)
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"...but the funniest bit was when Wayne said "...I heard the Sisters Of f**king Murphy played here the other week and I thought to myself God I've f**king arrived...!"

WOW!!! :grin: })

Keep up the good work, Pads n' crew!! :smile:
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LMAO...... cool !

Heh... when we played there, in a particurly thick bout of on stage smoke, i nicked one of their posters...its on the back of my door now !

What can i say, im actually a gig m****n fan so its kinda cool that we even got some Lip service..... albeit sarcasm !!!!

LOL... dear oh dear...

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Osacar Wilde or was it Max Clifford?
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Well, listening to the tape from the gig (which I recently patched up for BP) the Mish were in bloodhound form that night. Can't help it if the promotor messes up.
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