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Geetar Gods

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 00:41
by Thrash Harry
I just happen to be sat with my elbow on Issue #120 of Total Guitar magazine featuring Zakk Wylde - one of Junior's heroes, along with some geezer called Stevie Ray Vaughn (of Bowie's Let's Dance album fame, so I've since discovered). As I'm a firm believer in a catholic education, which other string twiddlers do you suggest he studies? Hendrix and Page are taken as read.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 01:21
by James Blast
John McLaughlin - jazz speed
Robert Fripp - technque
David Gilmour of The Pink Floyd - genius
Peter Townsend of The Who - power chords
Scott Ian of the Anthrax - thrash metal rhythm geetar to the max
Will Sargent of EATB - style and verve
Bernard Butler - another genius
Steve Hackett of the Genesis - tenderness with power
John Squire of The Stone Roses (only) - genius

I'll stop now.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 01:31
by Purple Light
Kirk Hammet from Metallica. The guy is THEE supreme axeman IMO.
I actually respect a lot of guitarists in Death/Black Metal bands, the speed they play some of their solo's defy's belief sometimes. I guess they're classed as being in too diverse a genre to get any kind of recognition though. Shame.

Stick with Kirk & your onto a winner Thrashman.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 01:55
by James Blast
I really can't agree with you pl
I heard and saw Kurt Hamster do thee worst guitar solo, ever!, at the SECC, Snakepit#1 tour.
It was so bad, even I (a bass player) could have done a better job.

To this day, I still can't believe they booted Jason Newkid and kept the Hamster.
Ach! well, Voivod are back on track

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 09:51
by Silver_Owl
This man is 'the' geetar god.......


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 09:58
by Almiche V
Geordie Walker
The Edge
Bill Duffy


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:14
by Padstar
LMAO..... (generally)


Re: Geetar Gods

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:24
by Brideoffrankenstein
Thrash Harry wrote: Zakk Wylde
:oops: :wink:

um but seriously......pretty much any black metal guitarist like Samoth or Isahn from Emperor!

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:28
by Thrash Harry
Thankyou good people for your suggestions. I'll pass them on.

@Sunsets: He took a bit of convincing about Mr Gilmour, but TG magazine helped. He appreciated John Squire fairly quickly. He's definitely mentioned Townsend and I think I've heard the word Anthrax in a non-terrorist context.

@Purple Light: He's already a big Metallica fan. I agree with you on the speed metal thing. I always hated metal until Junior started playing and I began to appreciate the skill factor. All that two hand tapping stuff can be quite amazing. I'm still more of a lyric man, myself, though.

@Steve: He's definitely familiar with some of Joe Satriani's work. I think TG did a 'Variations on Parisien Walkway' by him and a couple of others I can't rememebr now. Is that a tabbed songbook you're suggesting? His birthday's coming up soon.

@Snub: I'm pretty sure he's heard of The Edge and I regularly subject him to the Love album in the car. Google tells me Geordie Walker's from Killing Joke. Doubt he's heard of him, but I'll suggest it.

Once again. Thankyou all for taking the time.


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:34
by Silver_Owl
@Harry - Yes mate.
Available here (along with a few other tab books)..... ... 24-1958061

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:47
by Almiche V
Thrash Harry wrote:@Snub: I'm pretty sure he's heard of The Edge and I regularly subject him to the Love album in the car. Google tells me Geordie Walker's from Killing Joke. Doubt he's heard of him, but I'll suggest it.
GW doesn't do solos, but is king of the power chords IMO.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:49
by Thrash Harry
Cheers Steve. Just checked and it's only a fiver (plus p&p of course). Any others you recommend, I can't get away with spending that little on him! Amazon are suggesting Guitar World Presents Private Lessons. Any idea what that's like? Steve Vai, Eddie Van Halen and Kirk Hammett are all guitarists I know he likes.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:56
by Silver_Owl
Nae problem Harry.

Despite what our esteemed friend Mr Blast thinks, I believe Kirk is technically superb and he just happened to see him on a bad day.

What about Randy Rhodes - don't know if there are any tab books?

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 11:03
by vicus

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 11:25
by Andie
snubnoseuk wrote:Geordie Walker
The Edge
Bill Duffy


The Edge.. :notworthy:

Billy Duffy... :roll: cannot be i'm a big Cult fan...and a Billy fan...yeah babe...but as a geetar way in this life or the next...he is average god is prolly a better description... :twisted:

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 11:35
by Mrs. Snowey
Red Sunsets wrote:Will Sargent of EATB - style and verve
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Not to mention cool as a very cool thing indeed :D

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 11:44
by Silver_Owl
Burn wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:Geordie Walker
The Edge
Bill Duffy


The Edge.. :notworthy:

Billy Duffy... :roll: cannot be i'm a big Cult fan...and a Billy fan...yeah babe...but as a geetar way in this life or the next...he is average god is prolly a better description... :twisted:
He's a reet short arse - that Duffy. He's no sex god or geetar god. Bless him.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 13:12
by Almiche V
Well I think BD is a really, jolly super guitar player. I shall defend him with my life.


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 16:58
by Thrash Harry
Padstar wrote:LMAO..... (generally)
You're not tempted to join in then?

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 18:35
by James Blast
Mrs. Snowey wrote:Not to mention cool as a very cool thing indeed :D
Indeed Mrs. Snowey he is one of my all time favourites, Broke My Neck (long version) still sends shivers.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 18:56
by Thrash Harry
Thrash Harry wrote:I think TG did a 'Variations on Parisien Walkway' by him and a couple of others I can't rememebr now.
Junior wrote:No, Dad, it was Guitar Techniques magazine with Setzer, Satriani and Carlton playing Sleepwalk. And Satriani taught Steve Vai.
Sorry Son. I'll go and make your tea now.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 19:04
by Padstar
Thrash Harry wrote:
Padstar wrote:LMAO..... (generally)
You're not tempted to join in then?
To be honest, if i got started ide never stop!!!

Maybe ill meet junior one day and we can chat guitarists!!! more than happy to do that !!!!

For me there are just soooooo many guitarists i like....

My advise is just learn what you like to start with, get in a band as soon as poss, and take guitar lessons AFTER you have deveoped some bad habits.... it will open doors but not force uniformity into your playing style.


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 19:05
by Padstar
Gary ??? Jim ??? Ian Smurph ??? Keys ??? Moonknight???

Anything to add you guys ???


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 22:47
by Thrash Harry
Padstar wrote:Maybe ill meet junior one day
You're already first in thh Thankyou list on his first album.
Padstar wrote:get in a band as soon as poss
I know he wants to but he's a bit shy and not sure how to go about it. And I thought learning guitar would make losing his virginity easier.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:01
by James Blast
Thrash Harry wrote:And I thought learning guitar would make losing his virginity easier.
Just get in the van.