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A sign perhaps? (or perhaps not!)

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 10:48
by Nazareth
Like a few of us here i wrote away to The Reptile House regarding merchandise some time ago. I got nothing back from them until today, apparently they have been having an overhaul of their database.
Also 'A new and enlarged range of merchandise will be available in the near future'
If stuff is happening with their merchandise, this has to be a good sign surely?

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:00
by markfiend
:o One can always hope...

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:10
by hallucienate
I'm still waiting for the new album and DVD. :roll:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:47
by mh
Prolly just a new T-shirt:

"Utterly bastard still waiting"

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 14:16
by straylight
Any response is promising having heard of so many people getting none.

I wonder what constitutes the near future in Reptile House terms?

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 15:10
by Thrash Harry
mh wrote:Prolly just a new T-shirt:

"Utterly bastard still waiting"
"Stupid bastard still waiting" :wink:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 18:55
by James Blast
"Some Girls & Boys Wander Off In Search Of A Band That Actually Release Something"

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 20:46
by vicus
Red Sunsets wrote:"Some Girls & Boys Wander Off In Search Of A Band That Actually Release Something"
The only thing this band will release in the future is another badly designed t-shirt. :x

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 22:07
by Purple Light
U never know, we might be lucky & get a new version of the zippo. Wow.

I'm gonna write to them again tomorrow now. I want a reply!

Posted: 15 Jun 2004, 10:52
by Tuscan Chimaera
Purple Light wrote: I'm gonna write to them again tomorrow now. I want a reply!
Who do you think "them" is?

It's just l'il old AE taking a break from playing championship manager or looking up long words in the dictionary.

Posted: 16 Jun 2004, 19:27
by paint it black
Tuscan Chimaera wrote:
Purple Light wrote: I'm gonna write to them again tomorrow now. I want a reply!
Who do you think "them" is?

It's just l'il old AE taking a break from playing championship manager or looking up long words in the dictionary.
the THEM is terry pratchett and neil gaiman fodder, and the THEM are working on links ready to distribute the new DVD via the web :von:


Posted: 16 Jun 2004, 20:03
by Purple Light
I've just found out something...

The postcode now listed for The Reptile House Ltd is in Headingley (near Leeds for those of far away places) & just happens to have the same postcode as a certain studio owned by none other than...
Mr Adam Pearson.

Looks like Mr Whammy himself is doing the responding then!

(Ps. Has TRH postcode always stayed the same or has it changed in the last couple of years?)

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 09:35
by markfiend
Purple Light wrote:(Ps. Has TRH postcode always stayed the same or has it changed in the last couple of years?)
The PO Box HP whatever on the inside (or back) cover of Floodland (IIRC) was run from the Post Office just behind Hyde Park Corner, that much I know.

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 11:11
by Nazareth
The letter i got was signed by Mark Webber - no idea who that is!

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 12:43
by mh
Used to drive for Jaguar (I think) a coupla years back. British Racing Green, which also happens to be Von's favourite colour. Ooooh, it's all coming together

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 13:13
by markfiend
Didn't he have a drive for Sauber or Minardi or maybe Toyota a while ago too?

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 13:36
by mh
Yeh, Minardi. Still drives for Jaguar actually. I been outa touch since they changed the qualifying rules.

Posted: 17 Jun 2004, 18:06
by vicus
Nazareth wrote:The letter i got was signed by Mark Webber - no idea who that is!
Wasn't that name mentioned in UTR once?

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 11:40
by karin
Nazareth wrote:The letter i got was signed by Mark Webber - no idea who that is!
Using my amazing powers of intuition and deduction I'd guess Mark Webber is that scary bloke who sells the t.shirts at all the gigs.

Don't ask him for a discount, I witnessed a great Bill Baileyesque comedy moment when he bawled someone out and the tirade appeared (after a few pints) to created a force nine gale which blew the hapless fans his hair back

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 11:54
by Thrash Harry
Yeah. That sounds just like Webbo. :lol:

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 22:00
by Purple Light
Well he certainly doesn't work at Adam's studio so the merch guy he is then, probably.

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 22:09
by Thrash Harry
Purple Light wrote:Well he certainly doesn't work at Adam's studio so the merch guy he is then, probably.
Have you finished mixing that album yet?

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 22:35
by James Blast
Let's go down the pub Thrash, I hear there's a karaoke night on, yer Missus might be interested. If not we can get pished and level the locals with a version of 'Easy Livin'.

Posted: 18 Jun 2004, 22:38
by Purple Light
Thrash Harry wrote:
Purple Light wrote:Well he certainly doesn't work at Adam's studio so the merch guy he is then, probably.
Have you finished mixing that album yet?
U have a good memory Sir Thrash Of Harry. :notworthy:
I can be lazy (which has answered the question already...)
U remembering has renewed my enthusiasm to do it though so watch this space!

It'll be good, & I will do it. Promise.


Posted: 10 Aug 2004, 20:26
by DaveTheRave
Any update on the orginal post?