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Fall starts...

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 21:37
by moonchild
... with 35 degrees in almost all cities of Portugal. :notworthy: :notworthy:

I am melting here cause is so damn hot.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 22:08
by ThomasS
6 degrees here *shiver*, that´s almost winter :cry:

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 23:07
by moonchild
ThomasS wrote:6 degrees here *shiver*, that´s almost winter :cry:
brrrrrrrrr..... :urff:

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 23:17
by CtrlAltDelete
75 degreea here and I'm freezing my butt off. I lived in Las Vegas for 23 years, where the temp gets to about 120 this time of year. I about died last winter when it snowed here. It was very much like the scene in Nightmare Before Christmas when Jack goes to Christmas land. Except I wasn't quite as thrilled with it. Now I understand why everyone here is overweight. Maybe I should jump onboard and get myself a nice protective layer of fat also. Maybe not.

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 23:19
by CtrlAltDelete
ThomasS wrote:6 degrees here *shiver*, that´s almost winter :cry:
:eek: Almost???

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 23:19
by moonchild
CtrlAltDelete wrote: Now I understand why everyone here is overweight.
;D ;D

Posted: 23 Sep 2004, 23:24
by moonchild
Is not very normal to have such high temperatures at this time. When i was a lil girl i remembered to go to the beach in Algarve in September but was at the 1st 15 days. This hot weather is like this since last week. People continue to go to the beach on weekend. 8)

Damn.. i wanted to try my new fall/winter clothes and this hot weather is destroying my wish. :twisted:

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 00:04
by James Blast
dunno what it is in Glasgow, but I stuck the central heating on tonight :(

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 00:53
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:dunno what it is in Glasgow, but I stuck the central heating on tonight :(
Hurrah, a fellow Glaswegian! Let me buy you a Buckfast! :P

Actually, I'm beginning to get a strange itch all over my body, as this is one subject that I get ridiculously and embarrassingly annoyed about. Can't... control it... much longer.... :evil:
The equinox is the middle of Autumn, dammit - I don't care what the cretins at the Met Office say. Longest day = middle of summer, not the beginning, shortest day = middle of winter, for f**k's sake! I mean, seriously, just 'cos it's warm, people. And only in f**king Bournemouth! At the beginning of June here, it only gets completely dark for about an hour or two, and that's not summer, apparently, according to 'The Man'. Yet last week it was summer, with me having to put the lights on about 7 o'clock. f**k off! Daffodils are coming out, pigeons are building their little nests in winter? Are you telling me pigeons are stupid? Well I was talking to a pigeon just the other day and he was taking the p*ss out of all the stupid people who go their summer holidays in September!

:urff: That feels so much better. Don't know what came over me there. :oops:

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 07:44
by moonchild
boudicca wrote: Well I was talking to a pigeon just the other day and he was taking the p*ss out of all the stupid people who go their summer holidays in September!
Stupidity is to go on holidays in August. It's more expensive, the weather is not so good, much more confusion... no way.
Holidays on September :notworthy: :notworthy: And i go... to the beach. :twisted:

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 08:15
by Padstar
Bloody freezing under my "supposed" air-con unit....


Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 10:05
by ThomasS
CtrlAltDelete wrote:
ThomasS wrote:6 degrees here *shiver*, that´s almost winter :cry:
:eek: Almost???
real winter "starts" at about -5°C around here :urff:

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 10:06
by Quiff Boy

Leeds - Today's forecast
min 9°C
max 14°C

:urff: :(

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 13:05
by boudicca
moonchild wrote:
boudicca wrote: Well I was talking to a pigeon just the other day and he was taking the p*ss out of all the stupid people who go their summer holidays in September!
Stupidity is to go on holidays in August. It's more expensive, the weather is not so good, much more confusion... no way.
Holidays on September :notworthy: :notworthy: And i go... to the beach. :twisted:
I agree August is stupid. I take my holidays in the first two weeks of July. 8)

Posted: 24 Sep 2004, 13:15
by andymackem
May or June is my holiday time. After the football, before the rugrats are let out of school.

It also means southern Europe isn't too oppressively hot for my delicate North Sea constitution.

And who cares if it rains? I'm English, ffs! I'm used to rain.