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Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 21:19
by pikkrong
I'm sorry, mates, maybe I shouldn't talk about it but actually I'm not in the best mood today. A friend of mine - one of the jolliest persons I have ever seen, a tricky poet and a good prose writer called Andres Vanapa (it's a pseudonym - Vanapagan means Old Nick) is in a hospital with cancer. He's 80 years old, people who know him ain't optimistic at all. I'll go to see him in the hospital tomorrow. Sorry but I can't stop thinking about it.


Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 21:42
by James Blast
Sorry to hear that Indrek, I lost a 2nd cousin, 27 and full of life, 5 weeks ago. She fell off her bike, on holiday in Spain with her boyfriend. She lingered for a week, then had a massive seizure (extreme head trauma). Her folks are not getting over it. Terrible to see good people suffering.
Cancer is an awful disease, your friend, he lived to at least 80.

If I'm out of turn, I apologise.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 21:47
by pikkrong
James Blast wrote:Sorry to hear that Indrek, I lost a 2nd cousin, 27 and full of life, 5 weeks ago. She fell off her bike, on holiday in Spain with her boyfriend. She lingered for a week, then had a massive seizure (extreme head trauma). Her folks are not getting over it. Terrible to see good people suffering.
Sorry to hear about it.

Well, another friend of mine - who is younger than me - had also cancer but now he seems well. But he isn't even 30. If a man has been a good friend of all kind of drinks maybe 60 years, it's not so easy.
Sorry again for this sad topic.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 21:49
by moonchild
No need to say sorry. I know is hard to stop thinking about this kind of things. You just have to think that he had a great life, that he was a great man and very important person to poetry and prose and that his work and the man himself will be remain forever on everyone's mind.

I'm the one to say sorry but i dunno what to say in this difficult moments. I think all the words are not enough to calm down the pain.

Just hope that you be strong to support this and not to get so sad.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 22:01
by pikkrong
Yes, his life has been very interesting. And he hasn't given up. I heard another friend of him had visited him yesterday and smuggled booze into the hospital. Well, I know, it wasn't probably a right deed, at least I will not do the same tomorrow, but I just wanted to say that old man is not a surrender.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 22:15
by CtrlAltDelete
I'm very sorry to hear about this. He looks like an interesting man, and I bet he's a lot of fun to be around. I wish both of you all the best.

Posted: 04 Oct 2004, 22:25
by moonchild
pikkrong wrote:but I just wanted to say that old man is not a surrender.
In this photo he looks like he is not a surrender.He must have a very strong personality.
All the best to him

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:22
by rian
Very sad news, I hope that he get better.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:23
by rian
rian wrote:Very sad news, I hope that he gets better.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 15:43
by lucretia
Yes, he does look like an interesting person - sorry to hear about your friend.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 16:38
by christophe
Sorry to hear this pikkrong
It truly is an awful disease. I still have the memory of seeing a friend of the family who died of cancer when I was only a little boy.
I wish you, his close ones and especially him a lot of strength.


Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 17:36
by boudicca
My father has cancer at the moment and I can guarantee you that it is not the certain death sentence it is often made out to be. Because almost everyone knows someone who has died from it, they automatically assume everyone who gets it will, but that is simply not true.
I don't know what kind of cancer your friend has, or how advanced it is, but I would urge you to stay hopeful. I hope he stays positive too.

Posted: 05 Oct 2004, 19:06
by sisxbeforedawn
sorry about the bad news and wish him the best of luck

Re: sorry...

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 21:28
by pikkrong
pikkrong wrote:

Andres Vanapa (Viktor Mellov)
2. 04. 1924 - 25. 10. 2004
R. I. P.

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 22:00
by moonchild
I'm very sad to know that he is no longer in this world. :( :(

With his age would be very difficult to resist to such desease. :(

Dunno what to tell you.
many kisses

Posted: 02 Nov 2004, 22:08
by pikkrong