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Banned Music

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 20:33
by James Blast
found this posted on another forum, it may be of interest

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 20:46
by lucretia
Ah yes, the sampling doth continueth....
I thought this was like "banned" as in like "banned" ya know? :lol:

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 00:19
by boudicca
DJ Dangermouse?

MC Penfold! :lol:

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 08:16
by sisxbeforedawn
the thing is I'd never pay for an MP3 song. the whole point of MP3 is file compression, it removes stuff from the overall sound, so you miss out on certain harmonics and the sound is never as good as CD quality.

I reckon MP3's are fine for promo purposes, but we should still go out and buy the CD's and the artists should get a much bigger cut of the prophets :D