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Surreal thoughts for the day ...

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 12:39
by Loki
Post 'em here.

Today I'm pondering ...

What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about ..? :eek: :? :roll: :urff:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 13:11
by Gary
This morning i pondered existance.. and thought.. about different dimensions, and perhaps for every near death accident type thing ive had.. maybe i actually died in another one of those dimensions..

or something like that, im sure someone else could bu what im saying far more elequantly.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 13:44
by paint it black
if the bicycle gets a flat tyre, how f**ked is the fish

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 13:46
by Quiff Boy
paint it black wrote:if the bicycle gets a flat tyre, how f**ked is the fish
not at all, i'd guess. as it doens't need a bike in the first place.

incidentally, my dog has got no nose but smells very nice indeed.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 13:52
by paint it black
Quiff Boy wrote:
paint it black wrote:if the bicycle gets a flat tyre, how f**ked is the fish
not at all, i'd guess. as it doens't need a bike in the first place.
'course it does, otherwise it couldn't get to meet the chicken

btw - my dog is a smoothhound :wink:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 14:43
by rapture_radio
would a man with D size breast implants be arrested for indecent exposure if he walked around topless?


If you cut off my head, do I say me and my head or me and my body?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 14:48
by hallucienate
rapture_radio wrote:would a man with D size breast implants be arrested for indecent exposure if he walked around topless?
I saw one of those on Saturday :urff: , no arrests were made.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 14:55
by Quiff Boy
that happens all the time up in newcastle. you should take a look at the crowd when 'toon play ;)

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 14:59
by Planet Dave
What would you rather be or a wasp?

Latest score from the Nou Camp...Barcelona- 1 Surreal Madrid- fish.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 15:04
by Loki
FFS Dave wrote:What would you rather be or a wasp?

Latest score from the Nou Camp...Barcelona- 1 Surreal Madrid- fish.
Gosh Dave, I'm surprised you've posted on this thread. Normally when you're having surreal thoughts inside someone else's head in Wastedland, you just PM me ... :innocent: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 15:16
by Shadow_Smile
If some one is soooooooooooo UGLY and his life is in a circle, would this ugly-nes be endless ?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 15:58
by zaltys7
rapture_radio wrote:would a man with D size breast implants be arrested for indecent exposure if he walked around topless?


If you cut off my head, do I say me and my head or me and my body?
So, are you beheaded, or bebodied ?


Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 17:07
by Mrs. Snowey
zaltys7 wrote:
rapture_radio wrote:would a man with D size breast implants be arrested for indecent exposure if he walked around topless?


If you cut off my head, do I say me and my head or me and my body?
So, are you beheaded, or bebodied ?

Or is this the one case where you would really be beside yourself :?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 17:15
by emilystrange
if a tomato isn't invisible, is it still red?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 17:52
by christophe
emilystrange wrote:if a tomato isn't invisible, is it still red?
could be green or brown, but I wouldn't eat it anyhow.

no it isn't. red is a color we made up, if we can't see it it isn't red.
same as the tree in the forrest. it doesn't make a sound when it falls down......

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:12
by emilystrange
trees can hear, you know

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:16
by christophe
but they can't go on the internet so what does it matter?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:19
by emilystrange
you should never underestimate an Ent. as saruman found out, to his cost.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:20
by Loki
christophe wrote:but they can't go on the internet so what does it matter?
I beg to differ ... www.chatwithtrees/larch/

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:20
by christophe
emilystrange wrote:you should never underestimate an Ent. as saruman found out, to his cost.
you never read any of the books did you :wink:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:22
by christophe
JB wrote:I beg to differ ... www.chatwithtrees/larch/
the link isn't working, or is that part of the joke? you never know these days you know....

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 18:22
by Loki
emilystrange wrote:Ent.
Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon. Agreed.

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 19:32
by James Blast
does the Queen s**t in the woods?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004, 22:30
by Planet Dave
i smile because i have no idea what's going on

Posted: 15 Dec 2004, 01:25
by Dark Angel
who is who and what is what and where is where and why is why and when is when