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Do any of you...

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:18
by Nazareth
Do any of you take note of people you see with sisters t-shirts on? Obviously they are a lot more rare nowadays! But recently in glasgow i have seen a guy with a leather jacket with the head star logo on the back, a woman with a sisters long sleeved top, and a guy yesterday with a sisters t-shirt. Never seen any in aberdeen or edinburgh yet....very disappointing!

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:27
by randdebiel²
o yes I take notice of them...

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:31
by Loki
Last one I saw was a woman on the tube a few months back. I invited her to join Heartland. I've not heard from her or seen her since ... :roll:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:43
by Thea
Then again, most people i see in Sheff wearing sisters tees are people i know already...

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:50
by Quiff Boy
JB wrote:Last one I saw was a woman on the tube a few months back. I invited her to join Heartland. I've not heard from her or seen her since ... :roll:
i usually try and persuade them to join up too :lol:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 14:54
by Gottdammerung
I do actually wear one occasionally when out at the old squat party/illegal rave shennanigans.. always draws a comment or two! :)

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 16:01
by boudicca
I've never seen a single one in Glasgow other than my own, though judging from the number of Weegies on this board I should have.

I once saw a car with a massive logo right over the back window. I just stood and gawped at it. It was in the car park next to Partick station, didn't belong to anyone here by any chance?

The car was black BTW! :wink:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 17:22
by christophe
I had a number of funny conversations starting with, Hey i like your T-shirt. sometimes it takes a while before guy's realise I'm talking about the image on it :wink:
they are very rare though :( and most of them don't know of my heartland
But I have seen a few car's driving around with the MR logo on the back, maybe you Izzy :innocent:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 21:07
by Big Si
boudicca wrote:I've never seen a single one in Glasgow other than my own, though judging from the number of Weegies on this board I should have.

I once saw a car with a massive logo right over the back window. I just stood and gawped at it. It was in the car park next to Partick station, didn't belong to anyone here by any chance?

The car was black BTW! :wink:
With "Goff" on the number plate? More of a very dark green colour, than black. I used to walk pass that every day on my way to work, when I lived in the West End. :roll:

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 22:20
by James Blast
was it a Volkswagon Goff GTI?

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 22:32
by Dark
I wear my old 1991 Sisters top, and I saw someone wearing one that looked in far better condition (black, not grey like mine) at The Damned's gig.

I could buy a short sleeved Merciful Release top here though, as one shop does have a couple in.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 22:34
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:was it a Volkswagon Goff GTI?

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 22:35
by lazarus corporation
I tend to stick to a small sisters badge on the lapel of my jacket (the symbol from the front of the Walk Away 12") as a discreet sign to the illuminati.

Posted: 16 Dec 2004, 23:19
by James Blast
I don't wear any outward signs anymore, my heart remains black

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 01:53
by boudicca
lazarus corporation wrote:I tend to stick to a small sisters badge on the lapel of my jacket (the symbol from the front of the Walk Away 12") as a discreet sign to the illuminati.
My bag, which I cart about with me wherever I'm going, come rain or shine, has a lovely little patch on it with the MR logo and "Sisters Of Mercy, 1985" around. And a little Cult iron cross badge. I'm ever so proud of it... 8)

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 06:48
by hallucienate
I'm probably the only person wearing sisters T-shirts around here for several thousands kilometers :roll:

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 12:25
by Nazareth
They are selling sisters t-shirts in Hellfire in glasgow, i just wonder how many people will buy them just for the cool logo and have no idea what the band are about!

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 12:32
by markfiend
Apparently this year's "must have" t-shirt is the Ramones. I saw a guy wearing one the other day, went over and said "hey, you like the Ramones? Gabba gabba hey!"

The guy gave me a withering look and said "it's a fashion thing. Get over yourself." :eek:

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 13:17
by Loki
markfiend wrote:Apparently this year's "must have" t-shirt is the Ramones. I saw a guy wearing one the other day, went over and said "hey, you like the Ramones? Gabba gabba hey!"

The guy gave me a withering look and said "it's a fashion thing. Get over yourself." :eek:
I've got one for Christmas! Supposedly. Must be way ahead of my time. 8) Or a fashion victim ... :|

But my current fashion tip is 'you can never have enough pointy-boots'. Thank you. :von:

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 13:52
by Quiff Boy
i'm with jb on the boot thing :von: :lol:

but yeah, i've had a ramones tee for a couple of years now.

i also have a rather fetching led zepp one - thus i predict them to be next years' big fashion tee :roll:

Re: Do any of you...

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 18:59
by Elektra_byron
Nazareth wrote:Do any of you take note of people you see with sisters t-shirts on? Obviously they are a lot more rare nowadays! But recently in glasgow i have seen a guy with a leather jacket with the head star logo on the back, a woman with a sisters long sleeved top, and a guy yesterday with a sisters t-shirt. Never seen any in aberdeen or edinburgh yet....very disappointing!
I used to wear my "F..k me and marry me youg" skinny Tee. It certainly got me noticed :D But I've lost it somewhere so now my fav is the girlie "People's republic" - which is much more subtle. Other people in TSOM T-Shirts? well... you do see them sometimes, but its a lot more rare - you were right! BTW - if anybody knows where to byu F..k me and merry me young T-Shirt, please let me know - I'm about to get divorced so it may be useful soon :?

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 19:14
by Scardwel

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 20:10
by Erudite
Used to wear Sisters' t-shirts frequently when I lived in Aberdeen.
I know I'm thin, but didn't think I'd quite achieved invisibility! :wink:

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 20:18
by Electrochrome
I've seen nary a soul with a Sisters T in the US of A of late. Apparently, the T shirt of Jay Z smoking a cigar and wearing a Knicks jersey is far more popular...

Posted: 17 Dec 2004, 20:50
by James Blast
Electrochrome wrote:I've seen nary a soul with a Sisters T in the US of A of late. Apparently, the T shirt of Jay Z smoking a cigar and wearing a Knicks jersey is far more popular...
there's no accounting for taste