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TSOM Tours: The End

Posted: 01 Feb 2005, 20:03
by Electrochrome
Check out the new home page of the excellent Sisters of Mercy Tours Site:

All in the past tense now, and yes, nearly two years since the last shows were played, over two since they were announced.

Note the mention about 'can't get a gig' as opposed to 'won't'.

Pretty much says it all, hm?

I say we take bets on whether or not the Official site has an update this year...last one...December 2001 to complain about Starling's latest release (apparently it's a crime to release an album or to be inspired on Eldritch Boulevard past age 40). Youch!

Re: TSOM Tours: The End

Posted: 01 Feb 2005, 21:37
by James Blast
Electrochrome wrote:Note the mention about 'can't get a gig' as opposed to 'won't'.
I think it means "can get a gig, but not at that outrageous price and not without some new product".

Posted: 02 Feb 2005, 01:16
by Correl
At first glance I almost had a heart attack. I took the title to mean one last sisters tour : / (fat chance)

Posted: 04 Feb 2005, 13:17
by bloodmoney
...I guess he still could get a gig, that's not the problem...also the price is negotiable. I guess there is no gig because nobody agrees to put the sisters as headliner of their festival anymore, which is non-negotiable for eldo.

and honestly, would you actually like to see the sisters and then HIM or something alike playing headline...nay...not really...