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Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 00:20
by Purple Light
Being the Star Wars nut that I am, I can't wait for the new film.

The new 2nd trailer is possibly the best trailer I have EVER seen for a movie. (maybe the fact that Vader pops up at the end to say hello has an influence...)

Anoyone else counting the days to 19/05/2005?!?

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 00:23
by Planet Dave
Why, is that when the next LOTR film comes out? :wink:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 00:30
by Purple Light
Yeah yeah, U joke!
Wait for that tingle down your spine when the Emporor says "Lord Vader", & he responds, "Yes, my master". I defy anyone who doesn't get 'that' feeling!!!

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 00:34
by Planet Dave
May I recommend some of the darker corners of Amsterdam's RLD, Purple? You'd bloody love it. :D :twisted: :eek:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 00:44
by Purple Light
Did that last weekend (seriously!). Football mate who's 42 smoked some stuff, passed out & got an early flight home. Lightweight.

Star Wars beats Amsterdam.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 01:01
by Planet Dave
No it doesn't. But more to the point, Star Wars Meets Amsterdam is where it's at! :lol:

Yeah, your mates a lightweight, but in fairness passing out is an occupational hazard in The Magnet. :urff:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 02:48
by nodubmanshouts
The new 2nd trailer is possibly the best trailer I have EVER seen for a movie
Pretty damn good trailer, agreed! The first EpI trailer was amazing too.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 08:56
by Norman Hunter
Ay up PL!

I'm in on this one, seen the trailer, too. Check out the buns on Natalie Portman!

Fancy baby-sitting the night it comes out for me..? :wink:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 09:44
by canon docre
FFS Dave wrote:Why, is that when the next LOTR film comes out? :wink:
Yessir, LOTR is nowadays, what Star Wars (...and I am not talking about "episodes" here) used to be in the 70ties.
The "episodes" are most of the time as interesting as a UN plenary meeting. (Sorry PL, for being a fundamentalist on this one :) )

....still got a lascivious shiver, hearing the familiar roooaaahhhh of my teenage posterboy Chewie....

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 09:48
by nodubmanshouts
Ep1 - Good
Ep2 - s**t
Ep3 - eager anticipation

But LOTR is on my DVD player more often, I must admit :lol:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 10:04
by canon docre
Ep1 - Good
That you can not mean in earnest! (Or have you been one of the seedy californians who worked on this silly Jar Jar Binks figure?)

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 10:13
by nodubmanshouts
Seriously! I could have done without Jar Jar stepping in doodoo (et al), but aside from that, it ranks above Return Of The Jedi if you ask me :)

(and I'm British, not Californian! I just live here!)

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 10:37
by Mrs RicheyJames
Well I'm no Sci-Fi geek, but I for one actually am very much looking forward to this.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 18:14
by James Blast
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:Well I'm no Sci-Fi geek, but I for one actually am very much looking forward to this.

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 18:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
LOL. Would you care to explain how this makes me a hippy oh ancient one??!!!

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 18:23
by James Blast
ok, Goth! then

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 18:29
by Mrs RicheyJames
That would make Padds a goff too then. He's looking forward to Star Wars too y'know??

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 19:13
by James Blast
nah, he's a Cyber Sci-Fi Geek :lol:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 19:50
by christophe
I have wet dreams about his for weaks now :oops:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 20:18
by James Blast
christophe wrote:I have wet dreams about his for weaks now :oops:
you'll be kissing posters of Mr. E next :innocent:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 20:27
by Loki
You're all weirdos. Fact. :von:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 20:43
by James Blast
it takes one, John...

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 21:31
by Andie
may i add

Cyber Si-Fi Goth Freaks From Hell

:innocent: :wink: :lol:

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 21:37
by James Blast
you forgot With Their Chainsaws and Sex

Posted: 24 Mar 2005, 21:45
by Andie
and you ommitted the words Dwarf and Marc Almond from the end of your addition James :innocent: