comments to the Bruhn interview

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I reposted the Heartland interview with Andreas Bruhn. It is now here. Like the first time posting it, here are some points used in the interview. If I think of anything else, I can add them later. Feel free to leave comments.

Above all, here is a link to Eardrum in case anyone wants to see what Adreas is currently doing professionally. Who knows? Maybe Heartland will send him a customer.

Here is Andreas' photo at the Eardrum site. (NOTE: It since has been changed.)

Some of the questions obvious came from this thread. I more or less asked all the questions in one form or another. Thanks all who contributed. :notworthy:

The cover to the Alternative Press issue mentioned in the interview is here. The fact that Andreas does not comment on Andrew’s pants leads to the conclusion that no codpiece story was intended. No Spinal Tap anecdote here.

The Bruhn interview from UTR (seen here, here, and here) was used as well. (Obviously the first part, mainly.)

The Sisters website (in particular this page) came in handy.

1993 tour = Overbombing Tour
Gaswerk (G1) = 1998 tour

Here is a link to the story about the underwear.

Thanks goes to vicus for pointing out the Eardrum link. :notworthy:

Obviously I thank Andreas for agreeing to spend some time to give us an interview. :notworthy:
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