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Isolation Tanks...

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 23:11
by nick the stripper
...Has anyone here tried one?

I recently read the book 'Altered States' by Paddy Chayefsky and this got me interested in the experiments of John C. Lilly and his creation - the Isolation Tank.

I read up on John C. Lilly and the Isolation Tank and it sounded like an interesting and fun experience.

I've looked around but there doesn't seem to be anywhere I can try this in my erea.

I was wondering if anywhere here has tried an Isolation Tank, what their experience was like and where they tried it.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 07:46
by The Green Lantern
I've tried it three times now in Stockholm, Sweden, and it's a wonderful experience. First time I was too stressed to take it in. I was mostly wondering what I was doing there. Second time was much better. It's very relaxing, soothing, strange. It's not quite like in Altered States, nor the trippy scene in 2001. It's more like a deep deep meditation. Every single muscle in your body relaxes, there's no sound, no sight, no smells, no warmth nor cold. And first you think a lot about what's going on, you try to listen, try to feel the water, try to catch a glimpse of light or something, but then after a while your mind just drifts and your body feels as if it's floating in midair. It's quite amazing actually. Try it, unless you're extremely claustrophobic. But I wouldn't worry about that.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 09:35
by ruffers
What The Green Lantern said.

I've been half a dozen times and love it. After an hour in there it's like you've had a whole night's sleep, absolute relaxation.

As he touched on I was a bit worried at first as when I went initially it was a very stressful time in my life (divorce, kids moving away etc) and I thought my mind with nothing else to focus on would just run over that. At first it was a bit weird but after a few minutes it's just a "drift". You end up aware of how slowly your heart's beating (because you can hear it, along with the sound of blinking!) and how slowly you're breathing and then lose all track of time. After a while I genuinely don't know if I've been in for ten minutes or 45 and the lights are about to come on.

Love it, and recommend it.

I don't know where you are (apart from "in my bedroom") but i always go to Floatworks near London Brdge station as they've always got offers on via ie buy two get one free.
btw - If you're having trouble finding one near you you might get more joy looking for "Floatation Tanks" as opposed to isolation.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 17:49
by Debaser
Me too......but they decided to pipe fukkng ENYA through to help me relax............................

In my calmed relaxed state I managed to convey that her whining was NOT required.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 17:52
by emilystrange
i'm sure you were able to make that clear with the minimum of fuss.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 21:26
by Debaser
emilystrange wrote:i'm sure you were able to make that clear with the minimum of fuss.

I did get a free session

Posted: 07 Jul 2005, 00:30
by Francis
I've got my very own.