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Ipods - argh!

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:07
by Brideoffrankenstein
Can a fellow Ipod owner help me?

I have been putting music onto my Ipod with no problems so far......BUT when the music that I have downloaded from actual CD plays there is an annoying clicking in the background (like the crackling on old vinyl which isn't irritating at all but I hope you see what I mean :? ).

Music I have downloaded off the internet plays absolutely crystal clear in my Ipod.

Could it be my CD's have a bit of dirt on them/are a bit scratched? If so - argh!!!

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:28
by Obviousman
I don't know what you use for ripping (nor for OS), but personally I wouldn't rip my music with iTunes or something likewise, try to use a program like poikosoft's Easy CD-DA, it's really fabulous (at least I like it :lol: ), very handy and it does all you want...

Another thing could be the records copy protection, I guess there's little you can do about that except having a proper cd-drive :D
I got the noise ripping a couple of cds too using my old lg-cd drive, but when ripping from my Plextor-writer, I never had the problem...

First time I had it was on an ancient Bob Marley cd, so really strange, but it didn't occur anymore using the Plextor...

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:30
by aims
It could be that you've just ripped/played it at too high a volume. I get that problem when listening to "Some Girls" on my cheap headphones at high volume.

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:33
by Brideoffrankenstein
Obviousman wrote:I don't know what you use for ripping (nor for OS), but personally I wouldn't rip my music with iTunes or something likewise, try to use a program like poikosoft's Easy CD-DA, it's really fabulous (at least I like it :lol: ), very handy and it does all you want...
I am using MusicMatch which is the software for PC that came with the Ipod. The only other music ripping programme is Windows Media Player :oops: Where can I get Easy CD-DA from?
Obviousman wrote:Another thing could be the records copy protection, I guess there's little you can do about that accept having a proper cd-drive :D
I thought a CD drive was CD drive! :lol: Mine is grey :wink: :oops:

Thanks! :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:34
by Brideoffrankenstein
Motz wrote:It could be that you've just ripped/played it at too high a volume.
Okay, how would I go about changing that? 8)

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:36
by aims
That depends upon the software that you're using. For me, I just turned down the volume control on my walkman :P

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:37
by Brideoffrankenstein
Motz wrote:That depends upon the software that you're using. For me, I just turned down the volume control on my walkman :P
:lol: I meant whilst ripping :wink:

I'm using MusicMatch that came with the Ipod - I assumed that that's what would do the job properly

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:39
by Obviousman
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Obviousman wrote:I don't know what you use for ripping (nor for OS), but personally I wouldn't rip my music with iTunes or something likewise, try to use a program like poikosoft's Easy CD-DA, it's really fabulous (at least I like it :lol: ), very handy and it does all you want...
I am using MusicMatch which is the software for PC that came with the Ipod. The only other music ripping programme is Windows Media Player :oops: Where can I get Easy CD-DA from?
Obviousman wrote:Another thing could be the records copy protection, I guess there's little you can do about that accept having a proper cd-drive :D
I thought a CD drive was CD drive! :lol: Mine is grey :wink: :oops:

Thanks! :notworthy:
Err, try here, thing is it's only a trial version which means you'll have to buy or rather crack it...

You could change the volume by giving the volume button on it a spin, if that's not on it, you can't :lol:
Doesn't the front of the drive have a brand name on it :eek: ?

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:42
by Brideoffrankenstein
Obviousman wrote:You could change the volume by giving the volume button on it a spin, if that's not on it, you can't :lol:
Doesn't the front of the drive have a brand name on it :eek: ?
Ahaaa - no the volume wasn't turned up very high at all :?
All it says on the front of my drive is 52Xmax and Compact Disc :oops:

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:52
by Brideoffrankenstein
OK have downloaded Easy CD-DA and I will let you know how I get on!
Thanks Obviousman and Motz :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Aug 2005, 21:53
by Obviousman
No es un problemo :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 22:09
by Brideoffrankenstein
She's back....... :lol: (what a surprise)
Okay, once I had heeded Obviousman's advice I needed to re-rip(?) the cd albums I had put on my ipod so I didn't have the electronic clicky noise on those albums - so I did that.

BUT, once I tried to synchronise the ipod with the library on my PC I found there are still a few tracks on the ipod that don't appear when I look on the PC to remove any tracks I don't want on the ipod and I can't get them to go :(

Also, some albums have appeared on the ipod 3 times even though they are only in my library on my PC once, also some artists have 3 "folders" on the ipod and some of the same albums appear more than once there as well - again they are only in my library once.

Can anyone offer me any help? I am obviously having a bit of difficulty :lol:

English version also available on request :wink:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 02:14
by eastmidswhizzkid
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:English version also available on request :wink:
:lol: :lol: you lost me at iPOD...

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:30
by Obviousman
Err.. I don't know what iPod you have, but my advice would be simply to format it (or reset, have to look into my iPod to know what it says exactly), and then all the double ones should be gone after you've synchronised it again... But when you've got a 60G one filled to the top, that would take rather long I guess :urff:

Or something else: It might be you have some slight differences in how you've written the album titles (extra space, capitals, ...) Best way to solve that is to get a tag editor (like mp3tag) and get them all right... Terrible job, takes an awful lot of time (depending on how much mp3s you have, obviously), but it's worth it, methinks...

Owh, and don't forget to give the apple site a look if there aren't any updates for your iPod software (or is that firmware :?: ), if so, you just have to plug it in and open the iPod updater program to update it then (after downloading the new version)...

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 20:49
by Brideoffrankenstein
Right you are Obviousman! :notworthy:

I didn't really spend loads of money on something I cannot operate! :lol: :wink:

Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 06:13
by Obviousman
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I didn't really spend loads of money on something I cannot operate! :lol: :wink:
So I notice :innocent:

Glad to be of help ;D :lol: :wink:

Posted: 09 Aug 2005, 21:53
by lazarus corporation

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 20:03
by Brideoffrankenstein
lazarus corporation wrote:Troubleshooting your iPod: ... dir=1&rl=1
But what about when your computer knows the damn thing is plugged in but the bloody music transferring programme doesn't?!

or when windows doesn't recognise your USB device?

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 20:15
by Obviousman
Do you use iTunes or something geeky, then :?:

If you went geeky: You have to set your iPod to not auto disconnect (or whatever it's called) so your computer recognises it as a usb memory thingy instead of an iPod

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 20:43
by Brideoffrankenstein
Obviousman wrote:Do you use iTunes or something geeky, then :?:
No, Musicmatch - I have no idea what it is, it was the software cd that came with the wonderful thing
Obviousman wrote:If you went geeky: You have to set your iPod to not auto disconnect (or whatever it's called) so your computer recognises it as a usb memory thingy instead of an iPod
That's what I did so I didn't get Musicmatch starting up all the time :?

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 20:47
by Obviousman
I'd suggest to try use iTunes and see if that solves the problem, which is highly probable (though I don't like the program that much either)...

Posted: 10 Aug 2005, 22:22
by Brideoffrankenstein
Okay, I just tried to download iTunes twice and both times I got a message saying that I didn't have access to a "key" and I got fatal errors too :cry:

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 11:44
by Obviousman

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 19:28
by Brideoffrankenstein
Obviousman wrote:clicky
That's what I did before and it still won't work now :(


Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 19:36
by Obviousman
Hmmm... Strange... You used to have this quick download link too, IIRC, but they seem to have taken that away... I'd send it to you, but I just busted my upload with the Tilburg torrent :( ... Anyone else?