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Fireworks/Christmas/New Year

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 22:02
by James Blast
the fireworks have already started (8 days ago)

tonight, telly adverts featured two 'Best ofs' per break

wee dram, shortie, black bun... anyone?

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 22:09
by Obviousman
Isn't it illegal to do fireworks this early back there?

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 22:15
by emilystrange
i don't want to think about it.

we're at the inlaws' this year..

Posted: 21 Oct 2005, 22:16
by timsinister
They always start early. I'm going back to the DVDs and the 'net until February. Bloody toy adverts.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 01:07
by DerekR
Morrissons had selection boxes on their shelves 4 weeks ago :(

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 01:13
by scotty
Christmas lights went up in Grantown-on-Spey today, they've no' even hud there "bony" yet :roll: , what the fcuk :urff: ?.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 02:04
by boudicca
scotty wrote:Christmas lights went up in Grantown-on-Spey today
Now if my memory serves me well, did we not see Chrimbo lights up in Leeds when we were making our way from Pizza Hut to t'Bassment?

So early, I wonder have they just not taken 'em down from last year?

My considered opinion is, the Christmas stuff is great, can't start early enough - the anticipation the festive season is invariably better than the reality of sitting with a dodgy paper crown on talking to a cousin you only see once every couple of years... :roll: :lol:

Fireworks, on the other hand, are great for about 5 minutes at "The Bells", but any other time of year just annoy the living s**t out of me and make me worry about everything that lives in my back garden... :cry:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 02:16
by nick the stripper
I celebrate it for the presents.

Besides that, I can't be bothered with the whole christmas thing.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 10:22
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:Fireworks, on the other hand, are great for about 5 minutes at "The Bells", but any other time of year just annoy the living s**t out of me and make me worry about everything that lives in my back garden... :cry:
You've got an entire zoo in there then? :lol:

Last year my dog went very well through the fireworks, it was her first time. She even did not look up :lol:

Hope she'll react the same this year

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 13:29
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:
boudicca wrote:Fireworks, on the other hand, are great for about 5 minutes at "The Bells", but any other time of year just annoy the living s**t out of me and make me worry about everything that lives in my back garden... :cry:
You've got an entire zoo in there then? :lol:

Last year my dog went very well through the fireworks, it was her first time. She even did not look up :lol:

Hope she'll react the same this year
Well, you've got a very brave (or possibly deaf) wee dug.
It really does terrify a lot of them.

In my back garden, there are foxes, squirrels, hedgehogs, innumerable woodpigeons and other birds... and no doubt (I hope) many more small scurrying things ;D . And I do worry for them. The foxes especially - being canines - must not like it at all. :|

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 14:09
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:Well, you've got a very brave (or possibly deaf) wee dug.
It really does terrify a lot of them.

In my back garden, there are foxes, squirrels, hedgehogs, innumerable woodpigeons and other birds... and no doubt (I hope) many more small scurrying things ;D . And I do worry for them. The foxes especially - being canines - must not like it at all. :|
No, she's an English Setter, so I guess she has bullet and shot proof stuff in her genes :lol:

Anyway, just went to the shop and I saw it was already stuffed with all this crap for 'Sinterklaas' (without even all that newbie-Halloween nonsense being out already). Don't know if that exists in the UK, it's on September 6th, thought Santa Claus was inspired on him. It's the biggest children-fest in the entire year, on the name day of the patron saint of the prostitutes :lol: :notworthy:

But a bit early, right :roll:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 18:45
by Andrew S
Obviousman wrote:Isn't it illegal to do fireworks this early back there?
There's no time restriction on sales as far as I know but there is an age restriction that shopkeepers seem to ignore more often than not. I'm surprised my street has been firework free so far this year. It's not unheard of here to see little brats throwing them at each other (I kid you not) upto 6 weeks before 5 November. The intensity seems to vary from year to year - last year was like a war zone so hopefully this one'll be a bit quieter.

I take that back - I've just heard some going off in the park!

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:48
by hallucienate
You're meant to have an explosives licence to let off fireworks in this country, but the reality is slightly different :?

The weird thing is that people celebrate Guy Fawkes here, when it's got nothing to do with South African history.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:52
by Obviousman
hallucienate wrote:You're meant to have an explosives licence to let off fireworks in this country, but the reality is slightly different :?
Aren't (or were) they quite liberal on all those kind of things in SA? I seem to rememb reading in a car magazine once about a car equipped with fire spitters or something underneath it :eek: Was something against car jacking IIRC :urff:

Re: Fireworks/Christmas/New Year

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 19:54
by Zuma
James Blast wrote:the fireworks have already started (8 days ago)

tonight, telly adverts featured two 'Best ofs' per break

wee dram, shortie, black bun... anyone?

Next, it will be advertising next Christmas before the current one.... :urff:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 20:00
by hallucienate
Obviousman wrote:
hallucienate wrote:You're meant to have an explosives licence to let off fireworks in this country, but the reality is slightly different :?
Aren't (or were) they quite liberal on all those kind of things in SA? I seem to rememb reading in a car magazine once about a car equipped with fire spitters or something underneath it :eek: Was something against car jacking IIRC :urff:
I think that was true, something they did in Jo'burg, but not here.

South Africa has a lot of laws, some of them are even good, but the fact of the matter is that there just aren't enough cops around to enforce them. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 20:02
by RobF
I feel quite evil now. I'm temping for a well-known (and sometimes slightly mardy) chain of bookshops :roll: We changed all our stock over for the Crimble campaign last week. I shall be working in a psuedo-grotto for months :evil:

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 20:25
by James Blast
I feel your pain Rob

Posted: 22 Oct 2005, 22:28
by Dark
There was a barge in Brayford Pool this afternoon letting off a load of fireworks. The smoke covered most of the surrounding streets.

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 01:01
by boudicca

Anyone? :innocent:

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 01:33
by Andrew S
It's the Christmas music I can't stand. Enough to make one slice one's wrists - or somebody else's. :evil:

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 14:36
by boudicca
Andrew S wrote:It's the Christmas music I can't stand. Enough to make one slice one's wrists - or somebody else's. :evil:
So, no to those lovely Brummie boyz then? :cry: :innocent:

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 15:09
by Dark
I've seen tons of "Christmas compilation CDs". They all seem to have the same songs on them.

But they omit "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)". Fools.

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 17:03
by aims
What about "Christmas for my Penis"? ;D

Posted: 23 Oct 2005, 17:05
by boudicca
Motz wrote:What about "Christmas for my Penis"? ;D
What about it? :innocent:

They also omit "Stuff The Turkey" by Alien Sex Fiend... one of their best songs IMHO...