Last summer I visited 3 gigs (Tilburg, Lokeren and M'era Luna) and took my digital camera (Canon Powershot A70) with me and made some videoclips. After the gigs I was planning to remix these clips with some good audio but never got the time to do it (being a teacher is a very busy job).
Some info about the videoclips:
- I can only record max 3:00 min so I couldn't record much full songs
- When making a videoclip, I can't zoom in
- The build in microphone of the Canon couldn't handle the Sisters bass
- All videoclips are width 320 pixels, height 240 pixels, 15 frames/second.
- All videoclips are AVI format
Here are the videoclips I have:
2005-08-06 Tilburg
Pretty good images, close to the stage
1) Ribbons (last 1:27 of the song) 12,2 Mb
2) I was wrong (complete 2:54 great!!) 20,1 Mb
3) Come Togehter (end) - Dr Jeep (intro) (3:00) 22,5 Mb
4) Flood I (3:00) 16,3 Mb
5) Giving Ground (3:00) 22,4 Mb
2005-08-08 Lokeren
1) Alice (last 2:18 ) 19,2 Mb
2) Giving Ground (last 1:56) 20,9 Mb
3) First & Last & Always (last 2:41, terrible sound, stage seems to be on fire) 27,4 Mb
4) Flood II (1:47) 22,9 Mb
5) Emma/Uptown (first 1:13 stops when Von starts singing) 14,3 Mb
2005-08-14 Hildesheim M'era Luna
1) First & Last & Always (1:03) 11,2 Mb
2) Lucretia (2:02) 21,4 Mb
3) Top Nite Out (00:42) 7,60 Mb
4) Vision Thing Part 1 (3:00) 25,8 Mb
5) Visoin Thing Part 2 (0:59) 9,87 Mb
6) Summer (3:00) 33,7 Mb
7) Big Bow at the end of the festival (0:22) 2,54 Mb
So here is the deal. I want to share all of these clips but because of the terrible sound, it would be nice if someone with more knowledge of video editing and more time could remix these clips with a good audio recording.
It would also be nice if we can collect other clips and so putting together a complete collection of the 2005 Tour. I saw at every gig dozens of people with digital cameras so without any doubt there must be other videoclips. So please if you have any other clips (or know of people who have) share them so we can put them all togehter. I know of the Vision Thing and Top nite out clips of Lokeren. And maybe... we can make our own little DVD

What do you think? Who can/wants to help?
What would be the best program to mix video and audio?
Who knows of other video footage?
How to share/collect all these clips at one place?
PS: I don't have webspace to upload these clips and can't e-mail big files
so no need to ask.