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Dark Ambient CD finally out!

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 19:12
by Izzy HaveMercy
I know it's a cruel trick to play (sorry James et al ;D), but since For Greater Good is not really finished with all the fine-print for the new album, I will plug one of a colleague of mine.

"HROPTR", or Kristof Minnaert in real life, is a colleague of mine, dabbling more into the martial/industrial side of the Dark Ambient soundscape genre, and he has just released his second cd 'Silent Depravation'.

The site contains a full song for your listening pleasure. I already ordered his CD and I think he is fantastic! ;D

Somewhere in the future, a co-op with Kristof will be inevitable ;) I'd be very honoured indeed...



Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 19:18
by James Blast
Bastard! I'll d/l the track on your recommendation anyway Boss :D

BTW nice avatar IZ :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 19:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:BTW nice avatar IZ :innocent:

It kinda grows on me, and that after only... what? Half a day? ;)

Works really well as a 'small' logo/avatar, although I really liked my own 'long' version with the glowing 'For Greater Good'.

But I think this one has a good chance to become the official one (you know that's not only my decision to make of course ;) )


Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 20:15
by Obviousman
The avatar is nice indeed :notworthy:

Though I was hoping it was about your stuff being released as well :lol:

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 20:36
by James Blast
Give, give, give me more, more, more...

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 21:22
by Dark
For a minute there I thought someone had released an ambient remix CD of my tracks. :eek:

Though that's not a bad idea.. hey, if it worked for The Art Of Noise.. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 21:51
by Izzy HaveMercy
Dark wrote:For a minute there I thought someone had released an ambient remix CD of my tracks. :eek:

Though that's not a bad idea.. hey, if it worked for The Art Of Noise.. :innocent:
We could remix each others' albums of course, every self-respecting music business whore does that these days.

If only someone up there (due North that is) gave me a GO instead of ruminating his Christmas dinner :| Kinda frustrating to stand at the starting line when the alarm gun dude seems stuck somewhere in traffic...


Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 21:52
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:Give, give, give me more, more, more...
I read the original post here James, I'm awaiting some new logos :D


Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 22:05
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
James Blast wrote:Give, give, give me more, more, more...
I read the original post here James, I'm awaiting some new logos :D

Shit! caught...

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 22:36
by Dark
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:We could remix each others' albums of course, every self-respecting music business whore does that these days.
Not a bad idea at all, Iz. Or alternatively we could just pick 4 or 5 of each other's tracks (in the future, when Tierkreis HAS more than 4 or 5 tracks), and put the remixed versions onto a CD.
Twice the dark soundscape for HL to deal with. :lol:

Posted: 01 Jan 2006, 22:37
by emilystrange
careful. we can't take too much, you know.