Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Road Kill
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I do find it very ironical that people are being pushed into private pensions when theyve been paying their NHS stamp all their liVes... Am I going daft but I thought that subscrpition was supposed to provide you with a reasonable pension for when you retire... :? At the end of the day it was a part pension fund so if it aint gonna be able to cope with the amount of claimants surely we should have some comeback against the governments for the miss handling of it! :?:

Why should you have to subscribe to more than one pension anyway? I've got two froZen civil service pensions, Gawd knows what they will make when Im sixty odd.. But I probably won't care anyway, Im selling up and fuckin off somewhere hot ! :P

And by the by most private pensions aint worth a bean unless you can afford to pay out huge amounts in subscriptions every month.. :innocent:

Buy property, invest in some healthy stocks and shares and sit on em for forty years and youll be laughing... Plus you can draw on the cash when you need it not when some clause in a pension fund allows you to! :evil:
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James Blast
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two words:

endowment, mortgage
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James Blast wrote:two words:

endowment, mortgage
I have been told that the 'offical' defence on this one is that at the time low-cost endowments were being pushed, interest rates were high and thus forecasts were reasonable. When interest rates dropped, the savings on mortgage interest payments should have been used to invest more in the endowment policy. Apparently, this should have been obvious to anyone with a smattering of financial acumen. :roll:

Another case of the financial sector's abdication of their responsibilities to their customers.
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I'd love to be able to afford to buy somewhere of my own, but no chance round here because my town is full of second homes for rich londoners who push up the prices for people like me :evil:
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James Blast wrote:two words:

endowment, mortgage
Oh blimmin heck - I STILL haven't written to Standard Life, about mine.... :(
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Road Kill
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James Blast wrote:two words:

endowment, mortgage
two more

Repayment Mortgage... :P
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TwinKle wrote:
James Blast wrote:two words:

endowment, mortgage
two more

Repayment Mortgage... :P
How about making someone else rich whilst wasting money on paying rent when you know your landlord bought the house you live in outright!
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how about getting housing benefit as a tenant in your own house so that the council pay your mortgage for you? :innocent:
(not that anyone on here has ever done that :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :wink: )
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