its more a dig at american politics than religion
nick the stripper wrote: it’s a small world and it smells bad
I’d buy another if I had
back what I paid
for another motherfucker in a motorcade
Here Von is speaking of the greatest con in the book: religion. As Nietzsche said, religion is nihilism; denying meaning in this life, through a focus on the afterlife and its supposed rewards. For those the world has treated with cruelty, religion holds great promises. The ‘motherfucker in a motorcade’ is referring to, I believe, the pope; who makes his money off people’s hungering for something more.
i disagree.
in its bluntest terms, he's suggesting that he sanctioned and paid for the john f. kennedy assassination (allusions to the main character in the rolling stones' "sympathy for the devil" here?), presumably in the hope of being able to "buy" a better world (better only for him, one assumes. not better for everyone else!)
and it sounds like he is unhappy with the resulting "world", ie: "its a small world and it smells bad".
he's saying if he got back he paid for the kennedy assassination job, he would this time use the money to buy another world.
nick the stripper wrote: what do we need to make our world come alive?
what does it take to make us sing?
while we’re waiting for the next one to arrive?
one million points of light
one billion dollar vision thing
This stanza comes off as mocking the ‘one billion dollar vision thing’ known as organised religion.
nope. politics again. see george bush snr's "vision thing" ... sionthing/
nick the stripper wrote:‘What do we need to make our world come alive/what does it take to make us sing?’ (by ‘sing’ I assume he means ‘to celebrate life’) is the cries of nihilists, those who have given up on this life, searching and hungering for something more.
yep. he's asking what it takes to get people of their arses and out of the selfishness and apathy they have descended into
nick the stripper wrote:And ‘one million points of light/one billion dollar vision thing’ is that something more they have been searching for, offered up on a plate by the con for merely a dollar ninety-five.
i disagree again. i read it as von suggesting that such is the general selfishness and apathy of americans (or von's view of them anyway), their only get excited by OTT american defence projects
well, thats my take on it anyway